Help me, please!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Mar 14, 2002
MOMMC, i am from yorkshire and from working in spain i have a general understanding of spanish although it is mainland spanish not lain american which i have been told is different. i have also tried language tapes but these too are not latin american and i am at the moment looking into colleges.

and BUSHBABY, thank you for your reply. i look forward to reading your e mail. In response to your question about the deposit to an apartment. the reason that i am not moving now is so that he can save enough money to start renting an apartment and afford to keep things going for us both until i get a job.

It may just be me being naive but he has never asked me for or hinted that he wants money from me, we talk for hours on the phone and never run out of things to say to each other so i imagine that it wont be any different after sex. yes he does have a bank account and at the moment probably has more money than me as i am paying off a big visa bill!!!


New member
Mar 16, 2002
Watch it !!!

Like i can see in the other responses you had, watch out. ok, it al sounds great, live is nice here, but you have to fight your way in, and even if you fight very hard it's not sure you will reach your goal. I've lived in Santo domingo 7 months, I know 5 languages and still it's not easy. Your loverboy, don't believe him for half he says...really sounds hard. If you come, make sure you have some savings so you can survive a while, (but don't tell him you have it). i wish you all the luck.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
You are getting some of the best free advice available, most backed by years of experience. This is the stuff money cant' buy.

I know some of it sounds tough, it's called reality!


New member
Jan 1, 2002
lenghty but worth the read (I think)

Well I have some experience from all this that I can share. I'm been watching this board since 1999, my first vacation back from the DR and yes stayed on a resort. Yes my friends and I got friendly with the animation staff and made good friends with them. It's now 2002 and my friend and I have been back every year sometimes twice a year and sometimes we saw a few of them on our next vacation and sometimes we just met other friends.
My point is at first you could say I fell for someone but after reading all these posts and learning what a sanki panki was I put up my guard and was you could say a B*tch sometimes and had no sympathy when he started whining about money. I went back to this resort 2x and the second time he had all this money and we were always going out, he was buying drinks, had a cell phone and thought he was so cool. Well some of the other girls on the resort had mentioned that he had some 50year old German lady supporting him. Well that turned up into one ugly agruement and that was the end of it for awhile. My friend and I went back in 2001 2x and I never contacted him. We didn't stay at a resort this time which was the first time we were on our own and were travelling from SD and BC but we did hook up with some other friends we had met at the resort the year before. No one worked at this resort anymore (which was in Bavaro) and were all in the capital. I found out my friend moved to South America where he was working. The summer of last year I got a phone call from him and he was back in SD and just wanted to say hi but was going back to SA in a month or so. That was the last I heard from him.
This year my friend I usually travel with went down there for 6 months to do volunteer work so I joined her for 2 weeks and that was quite the expereince. She lives on the outskirts of SD, no resort area here, it took 2hr to get to BC, outside her complex was all this polution since she lived near a port but I loved it. I loved being with all the locals, our friends came by and took us out and trust me it is not as easy to meet someone outside of a resort. Sure the locals will dance with you but that's it, after the night is done you go home and they go home. It felt like going out at any other time back home, and these people were genuinely nice people.
Now the main point, I ended up calling my friend to see if he was home or still alive and he answered the phone we were both very surprised to hear from eachother and found out things didn't work out in SA and he's been back since December. We ended up meeting and he seemed like a different person, sure I haven't seen him since his resort days. He was living with his sister and brother-in-law he still hadn't found a job but said was looking and could easily go back to a resort job but that is the last thing he wanted. He said it wasn't healthy working there, he admitted everything, regarding the 50yr old when at the time he was 25 y.o, he admitted everyone was sanki's, even the resort girls and they were the worse. He admitted that he only saw tourists and these rich women who had lots of money. And he admitted using them and having many women and he didn't care for them at all. He even admitted that about the first time he met me. But that was everyone, not only him. But he admitted he changed and likes his lifestyle now alot better, more healthier. He's lived in NY before where he went to school so we can have meaningful conversations and his english is excellent. He admitted that he had missed me not alot but did miss me and that's why he called last summer.
I told him I was thinking of coming down for a few months to stay with my friend who is working there and he said to me if I come down to come for myself b/c I want to and not for anyone else. He mentioned that what I was seeing on my last trip wasn't really a paradise vacation so I would have a better sense of what the DR is all about. We spent the second week together, he borrowed his friends car and spent a few days in Samana where we stayed at his friends place. I had an awesome time and I still don't trust him 100% and I told him that but slowly I can tell he has changed and if I see him again, I see him, but after a year and half of not getting in contact with him, if it was meant to be then it will happen.
And just to let you know, he wouldn't want to go out of his house without any money, he knew I wasn't going to give it to him so he would ask his siblings and then he came out, and it wasn't really going out, it was more getting money for transportation to get to my friends place. I spent some afternoons sitting in front of his house with his aunt and grandmother who used to make coffee for me and the aunt feed me oranges and in my mind I just smiled thinking wow this is what it feels like being in their shoes on a lazy afternoon day.
If anyone wants further details let me know I will email you.



New member
Mar 16, 2002
Does it ever work out? I have learned alot by reading everyones advice and stories BUT can it work?

I am struggling with myself lately trying to decide to follow my heart or my head. Does the heart ever win?

I am so trying to figure out if I can trust my dominican guy or if he just knows what to say and when to say it.


New member
Mar 14, 2002
NICOLE, i wish i knew!!!!!!!!!!!
i have tried to follow my head and i being hurt and i have tried to follow my heart and being hurt????????????
i wish that there was someone to tell me what to do, but i know that there is only me that can make the decision. i think that i dont really hawve much to keep me in the UK at the moment, yes i have good friends and a loving family but i hope that they will be there when i return. i want to experience everything that life has to offer and like trina said what can be so bad about going to live in the DR. the people seem very friendly and from what i have heard from people that have been and it works it sounds fantastic.

i dont know if the heart can win but i will let you know


New member
Jan 1, 2002
Oh My Good Lord

You two ladies are in for the ride of your lives. Come here for any reason, there are a ton of good stories about people that made the move and love it.

Just PLEASE don't come for the "guys" that you met. There should be a FAQ about this. This is like those telemarketers that phone you up and say you won a million dollars, and all you need to do is send $10,000 to help with the transfer of the money to your account. People still fall for it. And you're falling for the Dominican version....if you in fact move here because of el tiguere (sp).

Many of the Dominican men that are married with children have girlfriends on the side. How's that sound? Sound like something you want? Is your man better than that? How do you know?

Good luck, but head the advice from the board. The board doesn't lie!


bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Good Luck, Cheryl

Before the first time i went to visit my future wife, Yris, I had lisitened to and read all the negative and positive stories from the mostly well intentioned people on this board. Listen to Bushbaby, a genuinely helpfull person.
When i arrived i thought about all the horror stories I had heard. I sat back and observed how Yris interacted with her family and friends. When I saw the amount of respect that the people who knew her treated her with, I knew she was real. We have been married for three years now, and she has been in Canada for two years and there have been some culturally generated problems, but in general i would have to say we are doing quite well, with our relation growing better and better everyday. Of course she did have a good income and profession in the Dominican and will soon be able to practice her profession here. She has never asked me for money, in fact, she trys very hard to make sure I don't spend any money on all the silly things i used to.
If you can keep the stars out of your eyes and be realistic and practical things can work out.


New member
Mar 14, 2002
thankyou bob, thats really nice to hear. i will keep my wits about me, and if things go wrong then i go home or go to friends that i am hoping to make there too


Jan 1, 2002
?ou gotta know when to hold,
You gotta know when to fold"

Old C&W song...

Point being, follow the directives. Be very careful...

See Bob's post? The lady had a profession. She is studying in Canada and will be practicing her profession....
Wanna bet not all her family will be in Canada??

I'll almost bet she met the HB's Three Rules of Engagement.



"Going for Gold"
Jan 1, 2002
I really hope you ladies keep posting after you have moved. I will be interested to hear how your situations work out.


New member
Mar 16, 2002
Being neive and all, what is the worst that can happen. As long as one realizes that things can (and probably will) go not according to plan, I think everything will be fine.

What a great story to tell your Grandkids years down the road. If it works out how romantic - if it doesn't how adventurous.


New member
Mar 5, 2002
Well Cheryl,
I bet you didn't expect to recieve such an overwhelming response! I sure have learned a lot from your post. I got your email and will write you soon. All I can really say on the matter right now is that the beach, sun, and life are waiting for you. Watch for the signs and your path will become clear. Be happy and don't comprise yourself, because at the end of the day you are who you are going to have to rely on. Take care, be well, and good luck,

Jim Hinsch

Jan 1, 2002
BushBaby said:
To Jim Hinsch.
Hey Jim, not everyone comes for SEX, Sea & Sun!!!

No. Read again. It's sex, romance, marriage, love, the potential thereof, or the ease thereof (even if only in secret - lots of couples love the DR too and the ease of getting some of the above on the side is a draw). And no, not all, but for MOST on this board, it is or was a major factor. MOST.

So you can be the first to deny fitting into this category. By denying this, who are you trying to convince? Me? The readers? Someone you know that reads this? Do they need convincing in your case? Just joking. No need to answer :)


New member
Jan 5, 2002
To Cheryl

You say you talk on the phone for hours......who is paying the phone bill?


New member
Mar 14, 2002
Thanks everyone

i will keep posting until and hopefully after i move to let you know how i am going on, in fact when i go i would love to meet up with anyone who wants to and have a bit of english support because i do realise it will be difficult.

would anybody fancy it, whit wave when are you planning to move?