Prostitution in DR

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Jan 1, 2002
Just goes to show you that 1 picture isn't always worth 10,000 words. I have to say, salito, that if I met you on the street in the DR I would be sure you were a sanki on his day off from the animation department of some resort.


New member
Mar 10, 2003
Ken said:
Just goes to show you that 1 picture isn't always worth 10,000 words. I have to say, salito, that if I met you on the street in the DR I would be sure you were a sanki on his day off from the animation department of some resort.

I'm not exactly sure how to take that, but hey your entitled to your thoughts
Mar 21, 2002
Judging by Lalla and Salito's comments I thought their pictures would be of two prim and proper puritans. Instead when I saw your pictures many people could judge you two in the wrong light. Many could say you are two thug lookin hoodlums from Washington Heights. Would that be fair? No so don't judge others in thier choice of their profession. I am 100% cibaeno and what Rob says holds the light of day. If they aren't harming anyone then live and let live man.

Honestly we all make mistakes. I thought from your appearance you would be defending these people. Now the proper thing to do is to look at your pictures and say how nice and healthy these two young people look. They dress and look modern ala JOE.

Oye JOE, no woman wants to be a prostitute. They know they are dejected by dominican society and their lives are pretty much washed up. So why are you heaping all this guilt trip on them?

Don't you think they wish they could be high ranking members of DR society? Many of these gilrs that I have spoken too do these things in other parts of the country. They don't want no one to know who they are or what they do. It's a rough-n-tough life man so ease up and have some compassion for their miserable lot in life.

Talk about being unlucky think about that sometime.
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New member
Mar 10, 2003
Onions&carrots said:
Judging by Lalla and Salito's comments I thought their pictures would be of two prim and proper puritans. Instead when I saw your pictures many people could judge you two in the wrong light. Many could say you are two thug lookin hoodlums from Washington Heights. Would that be fair? No so don't judge others in thier choice of their profession. I am 100% cibaeno and what Rob says holds the light of day. If they aren't harming anyone then live and let live man.

Your thoughts of me, or anyones thoughts of me for that matter bother me none, If you choose to think that, at the end of the day I am still me and none the worst or better because if anyones thoughts..

Hoodlum? In that pic i am on vacation and relaxed.

I specifically chose pictures of us on a cusaul mode for this vgery reason...........


Mar 10, 2003

i never judged anyone...i am not here to judge, i was voicing my OPINION....but then again, u are entitled to yours as well....u know what they say "opinions are like assholes, everyones got one"

hollywood north

New member
Dec 11, 2002
I am really enjoying reading all this anti and pro prostitution banter. However have any of you (besides I think it was Jan J) sat and really talked to someone that's doing it before you form your opinion of why these women are engaged in these activities, or asked how it makes them feel? Would they do something else if there was the opportunity to earn enough to suoport themselves and their families....

You all seem to know so much about it but none of you are on the sellers side!

I agree that DR politics are a major contributing factor to this as a career choice, but maybe there's some out there that find not all of it is 'ick'. Just as all men cannot all be 'ick'!

And I can only imagine what would happen if prostitution no longer existed (as a FREE choice for those engage in it). There would be a lot of unhappy, stressed men (especailly the married ones whose wives no longer put out or never knew how to in the first place) and a lot of shaking hands with the unemployed!!!!
Mar 21, 2002
I re-edited my post so please re read. It's not meant to be offensive but I want you to open your eyes. I'm Dominican like you and I wouldn't want to pass judgement on you or anyone.


New member
Mar 10, 2003
Onions&carrots said:
Judging by Lalla and Salito's comments I thought their pictures would be of two prim and proper puritans. Instead when I saw your pictures many people could judge you two in the wrong light. Many could say you are two thug lookin hoodlums from Washington Heights. Would that be fair? No so don't judge others in thier choice of their profession. I am 100% cibaeno and what Rob says holds the light of day. If they aren't harming anyone then live and let live man.

Honestly we all make mistakes. I thought from your appearance you would be defending these people. Now the proper thing to do is to look at your pictures and say how nice and healthy these two young people look. They dress and look modern ala JOE.

Oye JOE, no woman wants to be a prostitute. They know they are dejected by dominican society and their lives are pretty much washed up. So why are you heaping all this guilt trip on them?

Don't you think they wish they could be high ranking members of DR society? Many of these gilrs that I have spoken too do these things in other parts of the country. They don't want no one to know who they are or what they do. It's a rough-n-tough life man so ease up and have some compassion for their miserable lot in life.

Talk about being unlucky think about that sometime.

what have i been saying all along?
lets put it like this

if one of my friends went with a hooker, I would make fun of them, they would still be my friends at teh end of teh day, but there would definately be some ridicule involved there. I hav enever needed teh services of prostitutes, i feel i can get that for free, no need to pay. Now i will re iterate, i donot not care or teh reasons why a women becomes a prostitute, to me she just is, and the bottomline is because of the most basic bussiness law, supply and demand, the men local and foreing demand it and the local hoe's supply it plain and simple, Just because i frown upon this practice does not mean that i cant feel that there is/should be a better way, there always is, now can i feel sorry for these women? yes. should I? maybe, depending. should we blame the government? most definately. can i do anything about it? hells no, not even a chance, would i like to? yes, but i would know where to begin, and lets say by the slim chance that i am able to do something. i don't think that i would win many friends, so bottomline is i can't do shit about it, but i can rant about how i feel


Mar 10, 2003
Onions&carrots said:
I re-edited my post so please re read. It's not meant to be offensive but I want you to open your eyes. I'm Dominican like you and I wouldn't want to pass judgement on you or anyone.

ok i can see what u are saying, and the truth is that most of us here ARE INDEED very fortunate to have been delt a better hand in life, but i truly do beleive that u can do anything you set ur heart and mind too. I KNOW that it is hard coming from a country where not too many opportunities are handed out like in the US, but the truth is that u STRIVE and you fight to better yourself....and as little opportunities as there are in DR in comparison to other countries, there still ARE SOME....i have POOR cousins that find their way around and feed and clothes themselves without having to prostitute themselves...

all i am saying is....that although i am tryin not to judge becuase ur right, I DO NOT know evey single ones issues, is that there ARE other ways, and if these women took the time to find it, they would...

as for the men, well someone said it best, some need to go outside to look for pleasure, true enough, i dont debate that, what i do look down on is men PROMOTING DR as a place where u can go get ass for cheap...u understand? i feel that the country has a lot more to offer then cheap ass.....


New member
Mar 10, 2003
lalla said:

as for the men, well someone said it best, some need to go outside to look for pleasure, true enough, i dont debate that, what i do look down on is men PROMOTING DR as a place where u can go get ass for cheap...u understand? i feel that the country has a lot more to offer then cheap ass.....

I think that i had made this quite clear, but people started shooting to the left, I guess it takes my wife to put it to words the way i feel, this has been my point all along,

not the morality of prostitution or why they do it, i can care less why, A hoe is a hoe and theres no way that anyone is gonna convince me that its cool

plain and simple everyone has said their peace, but no one answered teh question, WOULD YOU LIKE FOR YOUR DAUGHTER TO BE A HOE?

not one person answered this, sure one person answered it like a politician and sneaked around the question.

the bottomline line no one wants a family member being a prostitute, no one, its always ok for some one else to do it.... am i right?


Jan 2, 2002
Yes lalla and most of us don't go there for just a cheap piece of.....
Most of us do love the country and the people. Just because some of the guys want to talk about it doesn't mean that everyone is like that. Am I nieve? Maybe

Salito. I have adult children so I'm thinking of your question as I sit here in a warm room with unlimited internet connection and my tummy is more than full and I'm thinking I should eat less.
First thing that come to mind is NO. But I have never been in a position as some of these people. I don't know what hunger is. I don't know what it means that stress is, how do I feed my kids today? I don't know if I would or could do it because thank the Lord I have never been put in that position to choose. So can I answer your question ? NO I really can't.
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hollywood north

New member
Dec 11, 2002
And you are so right. There is much much more to the country.

I have been travelling to the DR since the early 80's and have seen the increase in sex tourism, particularly in Sosua and Jaun Dolio. After watching too many fat German tourists groping beautiful young girls a third or half their age, I was grossed out. Not by the girls.......

The Dominican Republic has so much more to offer, however that particular group that travels to wherever to get their rocks off could care less about those things IMHO. And add on a language barrier - why bother. Hell-even a majority of AI travellers could care less-they could be on any beach anywhere.

What they miss out on is appreciated by others such as myself and many other visitors to this board as well - who have a true appreciation of the country and it's people and who spend time promoting the good points to anyone considering a vacation there.

Sex sells everywhere.


Mar 10, 2003

and thank goodness for people like u that go there for the pleasures and beauty of it...its just that someone that knows nothing of DR might come into one of the forums and read someone asking about where they can go for "that" and they will have a bad impression....

its crazy, its sad, its disturbing, but so are so many things in this world, all we can do is not be willing participants in the things we frown upon....thats life


Jan 2, 2002
What would you do if... were part of a system whereby you were saddled with children by a man who has no intention of supporting them? Many of the women who sell themselves are doing so to feed and cloth their children who the dominican males haven't the guts to support themsleves. But she was unlucky to get involved with this "macho-man".

Would you scratch and claw just to put a few platanos on the table? You need to get down there and see what an impoverished life is. There are no social programs. They would probably die. The kids would become shoeshine boys on the malecon. Maybe if she makes some fast money as a prostitute she can feed and cloth her kids, send them to school and maybe they would have a future. Its the ultimate sacrifice, but the system is to blame.

As far as Johns go, there are many men who seek out prostitutes because they either cant get it or want something more. Maybe someones wife doest like anal sex. Doe this man have to live the rest of his life without because of this? Jeez its only sex, its happening everywhere, perhaps even in your own bedroom. Is there anything your wife/husband wont do that maybe you would like to experience?

I had a friend in a wheelchair who patronized prostitutes and he regained some of the self esteem that was lost in his accident. Still many other freaks seek out their services, these same ones I wouldnt want walking around the city ready to blow off on some innocent girl. Maybe here we can see some redeeming value in it.

There are many sides to it, not just the one-sided selfish disgust you both look upon it with.
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Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I have been shaking my head at all these posts!

"Never have so many,known so little,about so much!I know more about Prustitution,and prostitutes than virtually anyone I have ever met! My knowledge is first hand! Knowledge gained world wide from talking to,paying for,and having sex with,thousands and thousands of prostitutes over a 40 year period!

Prostitution is NOT,a White on Black Crime,to suggest so is to show both ignorance of the reality of prostitution,and a racial bias!

"I went to a "Tourist Area",and virtually 100% of the Prostitutes were with foreigners"..."Duh"!!!!
I go to all the "Casas de Cita",Cabaret",and Centros de Masaje",and 100% of the girls are with "Dominicanos"! Make that 99%,some of the girls are with me!!!!

Prostitutes are selling their bodies for sex because they have no self respect,low self esteme,they can make money without doing any work!(LAZY)

Thank God for that,I can have sex with beautiful young girls just because I have 300 pesos,and they want that 300 pesos!!!!!

"Men pay for sex with prostitutes because they have to".That is like saying," Men pay for a meal in a nice restaurant because they have to".What nonsense! Just because you get great "meals" at home,doesn't mean that you shouldn't go top a restaurant for a change"!

"I have said repeatedly that I can't change the way I feel"! What an arrogant,narrow minded,ignorant statement"!(and probably true in this case!) You can change the way you feel! Become educated! Live amoung the people of a different culture for a few years,you might change the way you feel about them!

This whole thread was started with an "agenda" to blame "others" for Prostitution in the Dominican Republic. This is because "many" Dominicans(I mean "all",but when I say that I get "Letters"!) are not able(would you like me to say,"Find it difficult?) to accept personaal responsibility for the problems in their own country! It is always the "fault" of someone,or some entity,other than themselves!

Lastly,and more important,"Robert,who is the girl in the picture"? I have 300 pesos an an hour to spend"!!!!


Jan 14, 2002
Re: lalla & salito123 photo...

Robert said:
I'll let you form your own opinions :)


Great Photo... Hard to believe you are relaxed and on vacation with the "TOUGH" look upon your puss's. You both ought to smile a bit, ya know, like the whores do to attract a guy, instead of the "I am gonna rip your mofo head off" look. You must have run across some fugly hoes my friend. I have seen working gals with a just as attractive facial features and nicer bodies so you must have just run across the triple bag crowd.

You know, the ones that are so ugly they should apologize to you for just being there. Hell I would put up anyone of my Dominican wives in a beauty contest.

Good luck!


Mar 10, 2003
Re: I have been shaking my head at all these posts!

Lastly,and more important,"Robert,who is the girl in the picture"? I have 300 pesos an an hour to spend"!!!!

easy chris, i'm taken, and happy and dont need the pesos!!!;)


New member
Mar 10, 2003
Re: I have been shaking my head at all these posts!

Criss Colon said:
"Never have so many,known so little,about so much!I know more about Prustitution,and prostitutes than virtually anyone I have ever met! My knowledge is first hand! Knowledge gained world wide from talking to,paying for,and having sex with,thousands and thousands of prostitutes over a 40 year period!

Prostitution is NOT,a White on Black Crime,to suggest so is to show both ignorance of the reality of prostitution,and a racial bias!

"I went to a "Tourist Area",and virtually 100% of the Prostitutes were with foreigners"..."Duh"!!!!
I go to all the "Casas de Cita",Cabaret",and Centros de Masaje",and 100% of the girls are with "Dominicanos"! Make that 99%,some of the girls are with me!!!!

Prostitutes are selling their bodies for sex because they have no self respect,low self esteme,they can make money without doing any work!(LAZY)

Thank God for that,I can have sex with beautiful young girls just because I have 300 pesos,and they want that 300 pesos!!!!!

"Men pay for sex with prostitutes because they have to".That is like saying," Men pay for a meal in a nice restaurant because they have to".What nonsense! Just because you get great "meals" at home,doesn't mean that you shouldn't go top a restaurant for a change"!

"I have said repeatedly that I can't change the way I feel"! What an arrogant,narrow minded,ignorant statement"!(and probably true in this case!) You can change the way you feel! Become educated! Live amoung the people of a different culture for a few years,you might change the way you feel about them!

This whole thread was started with an "agenda" to blame "others" for Prostitution in the Dominican Republic. This is because "many" Dominicans(I mean "all",but when I say that I get "Letters"!) are not able(would you like me to say,"Find it difficult?) to accept personaal responsibility for the problems in their own country! It is always the "fault" of someone,or some entity,other than themselves!

Lastly,and more important,"Robert,who is the girl in the picture"? I have 300 pesos an an hour to spend"!!!!

wow your an genius
Mar 21, 2002
Salito or Little bit of salt huh never heard that name before you are right. I never in a million years would want my daughter to be a whore. YES you're right. Still doesn't change the fact that you must feel compassion for those that aren't LUCKY like you.

Oye JOE what would you do if your daughter was a prostitute? Would you hate her? Revile her? Huh
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