The Dominican Republic Has 100,000 Prostitutes!

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New member
Apr 12, 2002

You might want to do some research on the tranmission vectors for HIV / AIDs in sub-saharan Africa and India. Totally different beast than the US. One of the underlying issues in your post is the fact that HIV is pretty hard to catch, and that being the case, you can get beat the distribution curve for quite a while. The bad news is that you only have to be unlucky once and its over.



Jan 2, 2002
Criss Dear, I know your two children are small yet but you do have an older son. What have you taught him about HIV/aids and other social diseases? Or have you left that up to him Mom?

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I raised my son as a single parent starting when he was six.

As the "old Saying" goes,"those who can't do,teach! He knew about condoms and their purpose from a very young age.As a toddler,he went to the Harvard Law School Child Care Center,in Cambridge Ma.Very Liberal to say the least! They had "anatomically correct" dolls !I asked him early and often if he knew how to use a condom,and told him often that it needed to be worn all the time during sex!He will be 23 in August .He had the same girlfriend for 4 years,and the ones before that for 2,and 3 years consecutively.One of my friends once asked him if he was going to go to Santo Domingo with me,"No",he said,"I don,t have to leave the country to get laid!"I wonder where he got that "Smart Ass "mouth? CRISCO

Jim Hinsch

Jan 1, 2002
MikeKO said:

You might want to do some research on the tranmission vectors for HIV / AIDs in sub-saharan Africa and India. Totally different beast than the US. One of the underlying issues in your post is the fact that HIV is pretty hard to catch, and that being the case, you can get beat the distribution curve for quite a while. The bad news is that you only have to be unlucky once and its over.


What they call AIDS in those countries used to be called something else. Those countries have always been plauged by a myriad of strange diseases that end in death. Now they lump half those deaths in the AIDS category. Research it and you'll find that every country has their own criteria for what is or isn't AIDS, even different criteria for what constitutes HIV+, which by the way is a symptom that is present in nearly 100% of the cases but also present in many non-AIDS related cases. It is simply saying your body is fighting hard against disease and the immune system is barely coping not winning. It is the immune system on overdrive. Or something to that effect.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I will venture that most of the men,and women.......

....who post,or "Lurk" on DR1 are of above average intelligence!(Altho some of us can't spell to save our ass!)We are very aware of the causes and effects of HIV/AIDS.We evaluate the risks,and proceed accordingly.Each of us within our own comfort zone.We don't need to be reminded of the "DANGERS OF AIDS"!!!!! like we are school children.Most of the "Skirmishes" on this board take place because someone begins to critisize the lifestyle decisions of another."I love "Bachata",and "Presidente con Clamato"! ......."You are a "Chopo",only low life "Chopos" like "Bachata"!........"I buy my clothes at "J.C.Penny's"!....."You "Hick",Only "farmers" shop there.My clothes cost lots of money,I am "Cooler" than you"!............."I have an active sex life with lots of different partners"........."You are the kind of person responsible for the "AIDS" epidemic.(read,"I ain't sexually active,so no one else should be either") ....Every time anyone makes even a vague reference to an active sexual lifestyle,or "God Forbid" UNPROTECTED SEX! The self proclaimed "LIFESTYLE POLICE" come out in force.Face it Ladies and Gentlemen,activities that some of you may consider immoral or unsafe some consider normal behavior."Live and Let Live",or as you may prefer,"Die and Let Die"!CRISCO


Mar 22, 2002
Re: Dear No-Mo

Hillbilly said:
Z Not in English. But you can trust CC on this, I saw the edition...
The sad truth is that about 50% of them are HIV positive....

Not a pretty picture...


Now that is much better!

Where did you hear that 50 percent of them are HIV positive?I think thats a little exaggerated.If 50 percent of 100,000 girls in such a small country were HIV positive...the hospitals would become COMPLETELY FLOODED with HIV and AIDS cases.I know there is a problem in the country but I do not think its that severe..

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Willie",I love the way you sing!

Check around,they are already there!If you look at the DR1 news archives from resterday,there is an article stating that there are 100,000 Dominican prostitutes working in other countries.The RD is 4th in numbers behind Thailand,the Philipines,and Brazil!Since those countries have populations much larger than the DR,it is safe to say that the DR leads the world in PROSTITUTION!And that "PUSSY" is our most important "Product!"CRISCO

william nelson

New member
Jul 10, 2002
DR has 100,000 prostitutes

I was just kidding about sending them to Florida,and I know its a real problem.I've seen this problem when I was in the military in Korea it comes from lack of jobs education also customs. W.O

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Problem?,What Problem?

Why do you think most of the foreign men in this country are here, for the "Cafe'?No its because of the availability of young women! CRISCO

william nelson

New member
Jul 10, 2002

I like whores as much as anyone but its a sad life for them.On payday night I would have one on each arm I was a sex addict.I'm 49 now and if aids was around then I wouldn't be here now. W.O

Jim Hinsch

Jan 1, 2002
The truth about HIV and AIDS

<B><FONT SIZE=4><P ALIGN="CENTER">The Truth about HIV and AIDS</P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2><P ALIGN="CENTER">Jim Hinsch - July 2002</P>
<P>Its about Money.</P>
</B><P>In a prior commentary, I pointed out how the government always throws the public a bone (a lie) to hide the fact that the MAIN reason for various law and actions are about MONEY. From the war on drugs to the war on terrorism. Read on.</P>
<B><P>Defining AIDS.</P>
</B><P>In the USA, AIDS is defined as having any one of a variety of diseases (25-30) that are typically associated with a compromised immune system. One cannot "catch" AIDS, as AIDS is merely a description of a condition, not a "thing" that can be passed from person to person. </P>
<P>Some places define AIDS as having given CD4+ T cell count lower than some number. Other places (Africa) define AIDS as every disease known to screw up the immune system, with some exceptions such as cancer and malnutrition.</P>
<P>So get that out of your heads right now. One does not "catch" AIDS. It is any one of a bunch of diseases that rarely cause harm in healthy individuals, but because the immune system is in bad shape, does cause harm. For example, when a person catches pneumonia and can't fight it off because of weakened immune system, we call this "AIDS".</P>
<B><P>The Cause of AIDS.</P>
</B><P>So what causes AIDS? That is where the controversy comes in. Some define a thing called "immune system infection", AKA, HIV. Others say no such thing has ever been isolated. Whatever, the onset of AIDS is quite well correlated with a weakened immune system. Notice I said "correlated". Some think that is the cause, others think that is just a symptom.</P>
<P>Regardless, the number of people in the USA with compromised immune systems, or call it HIV if you like, has remained constant at about 1 million since 1985 ( All kinds of diseases have been able to propagate with that many people with compromised immune systems. Hence, the condition called "AIDS". So, while AIDS shot up exponentially, we're really saying people are dying from things they should not die from and it's due to all these people with weakened immune systems.</P>
<P>Having this "compromised immune system" described as immune system infection, AKA, HIV, does not mean you will get sick and die from something that a healthy person would not die from. It's just that by definition, when you do die from one of these things, it typically is because your immune system is screwed up. Suffice to say, if your immune system is whacked, you likely will not be able to fight off any one of a whole bunch of diseases. They call this AIDS.</P>
<P>Some say HIV is a specific retrovirus that whacks the immune system, which in turn makes people get sick and die from things a healthy person would not get or die from. Others say no way, no such thing as "HIV" virus has ever been isolated, that it doesn't exist. Yes, there are people with compromised immune systems. But it is controversial whether or not this is caused by a virus.</P>
<B><P>Weakened Immune Systems.</P>
</B><P>Here's the bottom line. People are dying from things they didn't used to die from. By definition, all those that die this way have screwed up weak immune systems.</P>
<P>So what causes a screwed up immune system? In the USA, primarily the toxic affect of certain drugs. That's not the ONLY cause but the most predominate cause. That includes drugs that are legal, illegal, injected, not injected, but especially powerfully toxic drugs such as AZT. That's right, it is WELL KNOWN that AZT, meant to fight HIV which it does a good job of, has VERY toxic side affects including a weakening of the IMMUNE SYSTEM. </P>
<P>We are not even sure we should be fighting HIV at all because we are not sure it even exists, let alone causes AIDS. It could be a harmless and common condition or may not even exist. Remember, HIV is not actually detected, we assume it's presence because of the presence of antibodies and we fight it because we assume AIDS will develop if we don't.</P>
<P>Too much heroin or cocaine or nitrate sniffing, there goes the immune system. There is a huge correlation between heavy users of both legal and illegal drugs and immune system infections (called HIV), that in addition take AZT, and then get AIDS. Throw a immune system killing toxic drug like AZT in someone with an immune system infection due to excessive toxic drug use, and you will get AIDS. Other causes include chronic disease (including sexually transmitted diseases, malnutrition., </P>
<B><P>We have been Lied to.</P>
</B><P>We've been thrown a truck load of lies, half-truths, omissions, and improper statistical data. We are lied to by our governments day in and day out, from the reason we go to war, the reason for certain laws, the reason for the war on drugs, the motive behind various USA political and military activities ... and yes, the governments have lied to us about AIDS and HIV as well.</P>
<P> </P>
</FONT><P><A HREF=""><B><FONT SIZE=2>Dr. Charles Thomas</B></FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>, Molecular Biologist and former Harvard and Johns Hopkins Professor: </P>
</FONT><I><BLOCKQUOTE>"The HIV-causes-AIDS dogma represents the grandest and perhaps the most morally destructive fraud that has ever been perpetrated on young men and women of the Western world,"</I> <FONT SIZE=1>(Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)</FONT> </BLOCKQUOTE>
<I><BLOCKQUOTE>"AIDS has been a disease of definition. If we said that it didn't exist and didn't pay for it with taxpayers' money, it would disappear in the background of normal mortality."</I> <FONT SIZE=1>(Penthouse April 1994)</FONT> </BLOCKQUOTE>
<I><BLOCKQUOTE>"I feel that for scientists to remain silent in the face of all this doubt is tantamount to criminal negligence."</I> <FONT SIZE=1>(Spin June 1992)</FONT> </BLOCKQUOTE>
<P><A HREF=""><B><FONT SIZE=2>Dr. Peter Duesberg</B></FONT></A><B><FONT SIZE=2>,</B> Professor of Molecular Biology University of Berkely: </P>
</FONT><I><BLOCKQUOTE>"There are no slow retroviruses, only slow retrovirologists."</I> <FONT SIZE=1>(Spin June 1992)</FONT> </BLOCKQUOTE>
<I><BLOCKQUOTE>"They have hyped up HIV into this super-rapist but in reality the damn thing can hardly get an erection."</I> <FONT SIZE=1>(Times of London 11 May 1992)</FONT> </BLOCKQUOTE>
<I><BLOCKQUOTE>"Epidemiology is like a bikini: what is revealed is interesting; what is concealed is crucial."</I> <FONT SIZE=1>(PNAS Feb. 1991)</FONT> </BLOCKQUOTE>
<I><BLOCKQUOTE>"When AIDS patients' bodies finally break down from the effects of these anti-viral drugs, they say, 'Now the virus has become resistant, and the drugs have lost their effectiveness.' What really is happening is the toxicity of the drugs builds up to a point where the patient cannot stand it anymore. And, of course, they say it was the virus -- rather than the entirely inevitable and predictable toxicity of these damned drugs."</I> </BLOCKQUOTE>
<FONT SIZE=2><P>Dr. Bernard Forscher, former editor of the U.S. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences: </P>
<P>"The HIV hypothesis ranks with the 'bad air' theory for malaria and the 'bacterial infection' theory of beriberi and pellagra [caused by nutritional deficiencies]. It is a hoax that became a scam." (Sunday Times (London) 3 April 1994)</P>
<P> </P>
<B><P>Dr. Ralph Moss:</B> Author of <I>The Cancer Industry:</P>
</FONT><BLOCKQUOTE>"The paradigm that was laid down for how to milk the cancer problem is basically the same paradigm which is being followed in milking the AIDS problem."</I> <FONT SIZE=1>(Penthouse Dec. 1995)</FONT> </BLOCKQUOTE>
<P><A HREF=""><B><FONT SIZE=2>Dr. Roberto Giraldo</B></FONT></A><FONT SIZE=2>, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Infectious and Tropical Diseases, New York</P>
</FONT><I><BLOCKQUOTE>"HIV tests are meaningless. A person can react positive even though he or she is not infected with HIV. The tests are interpreted differently in different countries, which means that a person who is positive in Africa (or Thailand) can be negative when tested in Australia. There is no justification for the fact that most people have not been informed about the serious inaccuracy of the tests. The error has catastrophic repercussions on thousands of people. Since people are reacting positive on tests that are not specific for HIV, let?s please stop labeling them as ?HIV positive?"</I> </BLOCKQUOTE>
<B><FONT SIZE=2><P>Do Your Own Research.</P>
</B><P>Search the web. Read both sides of the arguments, studies, statistics, and reports. I think you'll overwhelmingly come to the same conclusions. However, you still have to wear a condom. There are still dozens of unpleasant sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and it can't be good for the immune system to be mixing up body fluids with a lot of different people. </P></FONT>

You cannot catch AIDS or HIV from sex.

Seman up the rear end is not good for the immune system because it naturally fights to stay alive, fighting your immune system.

The same diseases are found in similar frequencies in HIV positive and HIV negative intravenous drug users, and the overall mortality in the two groups is the same. See

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Jan 2, 2002
Thanks Jim for setting the record straight on this issue. I have been saying the same thing for sometime and people thought I was out of my mind. Aids is a big industry so think of it as that.
There was a case when a guy in USA was tested positive for HIV. He was so depressed that one day he got drunk and drove his truck into a wall to end it all, but he survived and taken into the emergency room for care. Upon doing the blood testing he was later informed that he was (indeed) HIV negative.
HIV always existed in the frozen blood samples from the 1950's and so on but we didn't see an appearance of AIDS then. If you closely look at the group of diseases (25 plus) that are covered under AIDS you will notice that they are nothing new to us and always had existed but now we have given them a name, AIDS.
Originally the 10% of the gay population who were infected with AIDS (no mention of HIV here) were also using the gay drug called poppers (amyl nitrate) to heighten their orgasms. This drug also had a side affect, destruction of the immune system if used for a long period of time. These gays also used a petroleum-based gel for anal penetration including object insertion, penis insertion and even fisting. This highly lubricant Gel was sold through gay magazines only but was not approved by the FDA for internal use. The bottle clearly said, "not to be used for internal use" but the gays used it to enhance their sexual activities. This gel had a very toxic side affect, Destruction of the immune system. Does this all sound familiar to you?
I know, you will say, what about the regular family guy who is straight and gotten the virus from a prostitute? My answer to you gullible folks is this: many people live a double lifestyle. Many are gays and indulge in various types of adverse sexual behaviors and many other people are regular drug users. Yes, it could be your neighbor who goes to work in business attire and come back to his wife and kids. You just don't know what other lifestyle he practices when not at home and away from neighbors' vision.

I had a friend who had a limo business in NYC. He told me stories that many of you folks would never believe. Business executives, after works, would get into limos and tell the driver to wait outside of their apartment. Then the same guy would come out dressed up like a drag queen and spend the night away dancing and doing drugs in gay bars. Bars like badlands and others alike in NYC were shut down many times by police for practicing various types of health hazardous gay activities, ex: gang rape, fisting and Gerrible insertions. If you only knew what these people were doing you would be shocked and disgusted too.
The fact still remains that the majority of people who are down with the AIDS syndrome are gay males.
Jim Hinsch has a point, use condoms and protect yourself from other known sexually contracted diseases that can be fatal to your health.

Jim Hinsch

Jan 1, 2002
You mention married men with secret gay lives. Other people mention prostitutes. People do die from AIDS. But they didn't "catch" it. Most evidence points to it being the result of a toxic substance, most likely the antiviral drug AZT.

It isn't contagious. It is a breakdown of the immune system caused by toxic affects of drugs (legal and illegal), malnutrition, foreign body fluids, ...

You cannot "catch" aids. You don't catch "breakdown of the immune system". AIDS is not caused by HIV, although an immune system infection is almost always present.

There is no such thing as HIV. No such thing has ever been isolated or detected. The best they can do is detect antibodies, and assume that means some viral agent is present and they named this new viral agent that has never been isolated "HIV".

One cannot "catch" AIDS.

One cannot "catch" HIV.

Once can catch an infection. You will not die if you are healthy.

The mortality rates in

For a good reading, see

Take at look at an earlier post:
I point out that if you believe the lies, than look at their numbers, which of coarse are more lies.

People DO get sick and die for no apparent reason. Today we call it AIDS. Thousands of people in the USA die every year from the FLU!
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Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Jim" and "AZB" make many valid points! Don't dismiss what they say!

For more than 30 years I was involved in medical research projects.First with the Federal Government ,and later 25 years at a major Boston Hospital.The thing that stands out most in my mind is the way that "Researchers" must compete for the money to start, and then continue, their projects.One has to "Hype" the "problem",cancer,diabetes,heart disease,then after you are funded you must show results.Progress in you work,"Publish or Perish"!The competition is fierce! The pressure intense.The temptation to "fudge" the data is omnipresent.A few are caught cheating.Some "massage" their data.Most present their data in a manner that will "highlight" their accomplishments."Negative" results are sometimes forgotten.The same pressures are brought to bear on Military Systems Programs."Star Wars" lives,because the funding is too important for the military lose.The tests are designed to highlight successes and overlook failures.So don''t believe all the "Scare Tactics" of the "HIV/AIDS" "Community"! Despite what they said 15-20 years ago,we have not been "Wiped Out" as a species,as they predicted! (A funding "PR" Masterpiece!!) by the way! The money spent on HIV/AIDS research,"Treatment?",and publicity,could save many more lives if spent for prevention and treatment of the "standard" yet less "Freightening"diseases that afflict mankind!As Jim says,don't use the fact that the "Aids Epidemic" never materialized to have unprotected sex with multiple partners,there are still pleanty of "boring" STDS out there that you don't want to "catch"! But those of you,and you should know who you are by now,don't have to "lecture,and spout phoney,un-verifiable statistics everytime someone on DR! mentions having sexual relations!If God made anything better than SEX,he kept it for Himself!!!ENJOY!CRISCO:lick: :lick: :p :p :bunny: :D
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Jan 1, 2002
Chris,Jim, Azb

I whish and hope you guys are right.....
But in the meantime I believe the Surgeon General since your opinions
are anecdotal and not up to date.
No joking this time. X


Jan 1, 2002
For what its worth....

Over 20% of adults in South Africa are reported to be HIV positive. I am not taking sides on this thread, but I have also heard in the news that some of South Africa's gold/diamond producers are having a tough time meeting demand because too many workers are coming down with AIDS.

I hope these numbers are exaggerated, otherwise the whole continent of Africa will need to be re-populated in a couple generations.

I also recall just a year or two back, that some of the leading politicians in Africa were claiming that HIV posed no threat.

Edited to add: I profess a deep and unabating ignorance of the specifics of HIV/AIDS. However, something is happening in Africa that is killing a lot of people.
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Jim Hinsch

Jan 1, 2002
Read Carefully. The lies are mixed with truth.

<FONT SIZE=2><P>The media and researchers mix in bad conclusions from good data and come up with terms that are whatever they want the term to be, "by definition". Then the media simplifies it, presents it in a way that makes you afraid to have sex with new partners, and ignores the protest of such.</P>
<P> </P>
</FONT><B><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#0000ff"><P>BLUE: Mainstream thinking that is true.<BR>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#ff0000">RED: Lie, incorrect conclusion, mistake, spin, fudge, half-truth, whatever.<BR>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#008000">GREEN: Mainstream facts, but not frequently mentioned by the media.<BR>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2>PLAIN: Untold Truth.</P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#0000ff"><P>A lot of people are dying with AIDS. The lie isn't that people aren't dying. They are. </P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#008000"><P>AIDS has been defined in Africa to be those things they've always died from in Africa. </P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#ff0000"><P>In Africa, people didn't used to die of AIDS. </FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#008000">The term "AIDS" wasn't invented yet. AIDS is the name given to a condition. It is a SYNDROME. Last I heard, 30-60% of the AIDS deaths in Africa were due to turburculosis. If you die from this and most of the other common killers over there, they call it AIDS. </P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#0000ff"><P>Lots of people are being diagnosed as HIV+. </FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#008000">As I said, the definition of HIV+ is having a certain T-cell count or the presence of certain anti-bodies. AIDS is defined to be, in general terms, when your immune system cannot fight off a common disease and you die. It is thought to be due to a weakened immune system. Hence, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.</P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2><P>So far, all I've done is provide info put out by the MAINSTREAM media. Now let me repeat the lies/half-truths.</P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#ff0000"><P>1. We have discovered something called HIV.<BR>
2. HIV causes AIDS.<BR>
3. Unprotected sex with an HIV positive person is a death risk.<BR>
4. A new sexually transmitted virus is going around.<BR>
5. Unprotected sex with an HIV+ (based on T-Cell count and presence of antibodies) person puts one substantially at risk of getting sick and dying as well.</P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#008000"><P>Somebody speculated and invented the term HIV based on the presence of an infected and weakened immune system, the presence of certain antibodies, and a low T-cell count. That is how we are defining HIV and </FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#0000ff">that is how we test for HIV</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#008000">. That's in the USA. In Africa, they can't test everybody, so they just ASSUME HIV if your immune system starts to fail and you get real sick from one of the many things that go around in that part of the world. </P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2><P>Again, this is what the mainstream medical practitioners around the world agree on. What they have found is true. What they concluded is wrong.</P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#0000ff"><P>Most people that get sick and die from any one of 25-30 known diseases that we call AIDS, had the symptoms of what is now being called "HIV+". </P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#008000"><P>Some medical pros decided that since the "HIV+" condition is usually present during the "class" of diseases that we group together and cause call AIDS, the condition of known diseases that don't normally kill healthy people, is killing people.</P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#ff0000"><P>HIV is the CAUSE of the immune system breakdown. <BR>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#008000">HIV has never been isolated or positively identified.</P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#0000ff"><P>"HIV" (defined earlier) is present in overwhelmingly most of the cases of AIDS. People with this condition almost always eventually die due to the immune system being unable cope and fight off various diseases.</P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2><P>This is just a new name for an old and all to common condition, especially in Africa.</P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#0000ff"><P>The evidence supports</FONT><FONT SIZE=2> only</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#0000ff"> that these conditions usually occur in compromised immune systems</B></FONT><FONT SIZE=2> <B>whose days may or may not be numbered. Start taking AZT to fight the symptoms and you WILL die. Over do it with drugs, get malnourished, and mix fluids with people whose immune system are in bad shape, and you might get sick and die as well.</P>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#0000ff"><P>A small grouped speculated something new must exist because the T-cells are low and antibodies are present.</FONT><FONT SIZE=2> The assumption that these conditions define a new virus is at least potentially wrong. No virus has been isolated. Just the symptoms have been consistently found. They neglect to tell you that the symptoms can, in some 99% of the cases, be attributed to the presence of other conditions, KNOWN to cause these same symptoms. But someone decided to say "it must be a new virus. Let's call it HIV, or infection of the immune system". What types of things also cause these symptoms?</P>
</FONT><P>Some causes of immune system breakdown.<BR>
</B><FONT SIZE=2>Heavy drug use (legal and illegal - immune systems don't know about laws), but principally Amyl Nitrate, Heroine, and Cocaine.<BR>
Frequent exposure to a wide variety of strong infectious diseases (Africa).<BR>
Exposure to a variety of foreign substances. Blood or sexual fluids would be included here, as would be sharing needles, with people whose immune systems are already being overpowered by the above. This exposes one to an onslaught of new enemies of the immune system.<BR>
AZT, a drug used to counteract the symptoms that define HIV.<BR>
Anything that puts tremendous stress on your body, including lack of sleep, too much partying, too much exercise, ? (ever start feeling a cold coming on when you stay up too late or party too long?)</P>
<P>Start combining from the above list, and your chances are good that you will die of one of the 25-30 common diseases we now group together and call "AIDS". </P></FONT>
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Jan 2, 2002
Ok have some patience with me here because I'm old and now you have me really confused. I tried to read all those articles written by all those docters and I realized that I'm not a scientist or a docter. I noticed that some of these people have written books which also spells $$$$$.

You are right. You can't catch AIDS. But you can catch a virus, whatever name makes you happier to call, you may or may not be able to fight off and if not this virus will in time breakdown your immune system therefore every little germ that passes your way will stop and visit and because your body can no longer fight it off you will die of pheumonia,ect. The story about the guy that was told he was HIV positive and was so upset he deceided to end it all and then was retested and found negative. Well, humans do those test in labs and humans are known to screw up. BIG TIME. Round and round we go but the message is the same. Wear a condom.
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