D.R. bashing

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New member
Sep 22, 2013
Well for me moving here has definitely been trading up, but since it's still Latin America I know there's a lot of crap to be dealt with and even though my life is better than it's been in quite some time there are still many many many negative points about a country like this.

Bash all you want as long as it makes sense.


Oct 17, 2006
My situation is a little different because I visit the DR four to five times a year conducting business since 2008. My first trip was in 2006. Each visit is basically two, sometimes three weeks, then I return home. My last trip was the longest - three months. This was obviously the longest of my visits and the only things that perturbed me were the barking dogs and the incessant noise of motoconchos.

It's not like the dogs weren't barking all along or the motoconchos weren't plying their trade : maybe I was too busy to notice them on my short trips. However, I was cognizant of these inconveniences on the three month stint.

My personality is that of an individual who tries to think positive and often dons a smile. I told myself that the dogs were like a symphonic orchestra of hounds bellowing an incoherent cadenza from nightfall till dawn. The only time the orchestra was interrupted was due to rain. Of course before I went to bed I prayed for rain; a lot of rain!:).

The conchos and the men scouring for junk items - sorry I forgot to mention about these men previously. They both were bothersome : I just learned and adapted to this noise intrusion. What I did was to inject a jazz or blues cd into the player and turned it up loud. This did the trick and I was oblivious to all the happenings in the street.

Everyone has their idea of what comfort is. What is comfortable to some, is a challenge, or even burdensome, for others. We make sacrifices for family, friends, relationships, job, vacation, school, church, etc.
To vent, I guess, is normal and healthy. To praise, is also healthy. If one could find that equilibrium, I believe life could be a little more improved.

I happen to like the DR despite obvious shortcomings. I've surrounded myself with a few friends who have enriched my knowledge of the country and it's lifestyle. My view isn't that of a tourist because I believe that I have surpassed that threshold some years ago. I, sometimes, read the constant complains and wonder if I'm living on the same island.

Everyone's experience is different, and individually, we bring certain determinant factors into the equation which could influence either positively, or negatively a perceived or real situation.

Don't worry, be happy! :)


Sep 27, 2006
i am all for DR bashing as such but like nekkid snake i am puzzled by the fact that there are members here who visited once or twice, those who left years ago and never came back or who have not been to DR for years. what the hell? why even join this forum at all? what's the interest?

i am polish yet i am not a member of any polish forum. few years ago i posted several times as a guest but realized emptiness and stupidity of this. i have not lived in poland for 11 years or so. i only visit occasionally. while i could certainly provide some entertainment in a form of describing polish reality from immigrant point of view i have absolutely zero information. i do not even know the price of the loaf of bread. and new generation is so different to mine already that i could not deliver solid up to date fact sheet about my own land.


Aug 20, 2007
The biggest problem here in the RD is all the moaning minnies amongst the ex-pats. of course there are problems here - tell me a country where there aren't any. Rubbish, potholes, corruption, mad drivers if you won't or can't do anything about them just shut up and live round them.
Today I got up at 6 am as is my wont, made a big mug of english tea, watched the madrugada,smoked a cigarette, checked my email. At 8am I took our daughter to school, at half past took my wife to catch the guagua to the Capital, poor thing. Then onto the beach with my wife's cousin and her son, my godchild. He played in the sand then he and his Mum had a jugo and me a really too early cuba libre. Home again, spending a bit of time on this machine. Pick up daughter at 1pm, home for lunch, cold chicken and salad with glass of wine, digestive of a glass of rum and a piece of chocolate. Then I plan a siesta then a piece of cake and then depending on my mood I might go down to "Big Dan's" for a beer and a natter. Home again for a cup-a-soup then bed with a nice whisky and water nightcap. have and know I will not see any guns, drugs, bent coppers, mugging etc. i shall drive round the piles of rubbish, potholes, people yelling and rowing. So far I'm having a nice day which I fully expect to contiue so


Master of my own fate.
Oct 10, 2002
Planet Earth
Two common misconceptions are.. if you don't post a lot on DR1 you don't live here, if you post a lot you know a lot.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
The biggest problem here in the RD is all the moaning minnies amongst the ex-pats. of course there are problems here - tell me a country where there aren't any. Rubbish, potholes, corruption, mad drivers if you won't or can't do anything about them just shut up and live round them.
Today I got up at 6 am as is my wont, made a big mug of english tea, watched the madrugada,smoked a cigarette, checked my email. At 8am I took our daughter to school, at half past took my wife to catch the guagua to the Capital, poor thing. Then onto the beach with my wife's cousin and her son, my godchild. He played in the sand then he and his Mum had a jugo and me a really too early cuba libre. Home again, spending a bit of time on this machine. Pick up daughter at 1pm, home for lunch, cold chicken and salad with glass of wine, digestive of a glass of rum and a piece of chocolate. Then I plan a siesta then a piece of cake and then depending on my mood I might go down to "Big Dan's" for a beer and a natter. Home again for a cup-a-soup then bed with a nice whisky and water nightcap. have and know I will not see any guns, drugs, bent coppers, mugging etc. i shall drive round the piles of rubbish, potholes, people yelling and rowing. So far I'm having a nice day which I fully expect to contiue so



Oct 29, 2010
Sitting at my desk, enjoying the cut and thrust of DR1 while taking in my beautiful garden under the blue sky outside, living in the DR seems pretty good. OK, the dogs bark at night, there are more people who would cheat me if they could, the government and police are corrupt, there are too many guns and there is rubbish in the streets, but I can live with these things, especially when I look back to life in the damp, cold UK rat-race that I came from.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I came for the never ending supply of beautiful, sexy, young, and "Willing" "Dominicanas"!!!!!
You would be surprised how "Willing" they become with a few pesos in their hand!
Hey, that is also a great reason to stay!!!
That, and the fact that, "You Don't Have To Shovel RAIN"!!!!!
To those who never stop saying, in defense of the UN defensible, It's just as bad in "North America", London, Europe, etc., etsc., ETC., Ad Nausium, THIS, is "DR1", we don't give a $HIT about "Someplace Else"!!!!!!!!
Those of us who actually chose to live here 24/7/365 have to deal with "HERE", not "THERE!
Making excuses for bad behavior here in the DR, by making foolish, ignorant, comparisons with other places does no one any good.
Too many are just letting their desire to look "Nice", and ALWAYS be "PC", inter fear with the reality on the ground here in "Paradise"!!!!

"Granca" seems to have found a solution to all "Life's Problems" here in the DR.
He's Drunk all the time!


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2005
NS, my approach is different, because i have the advantage of being able to fit in far easier than most people. i am an island man. that makes it easier. when a foreigner sees a chayote for the first time, he asks what it is. i ask for a recipe. when a gringo sits to play dominoes with a group of Dominicans, it is an uneasy affair, with the locals trying to make him feel at ease, and welcome. when i play with guys here, i cuss them out for making a bad shot, and they return the favor. i am home, and have to make the best of things. guys with several options can pack up and head to Nicaragua.

The thing that I wonder about you Gordon is why do you live in the DR when you have a Jamaican ancestry? What draws you to the DR?


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2005
i am all for DR bashing as such but like nekkid snake i am puzzled by the fact that there are members here who visited once or twice, those who left years ago and never came back or who have not been to DR for years. what the hell? why even join this forum at all? what's the interest?

i am polish yet i am not a member of any polish forum. few years ago i posted several times as a guest but realized emptiness and stupidity of this. i have not lived in poland for 11 years or so. i only visit occasionally. while i could certainly provide some entertainment in a form of describing polish reality from immigrant point of view i have absolutely zero information. i do not even know the price of the loaf of bread. and new generation is so different to mine already that i could not deliver solid up to date fact sheet about my own land.

They have bread in Poland? I thought it was only potatoes and cabbage. LOL.


New member
Feb 15, 2013
I frankly think what you call BASHING, othere people call it HELPING THE COUNTRY BECOMING A BETTER COUNTRY1 I think people are trying to make the country worth living. Period! People have the right to critisize the direction the country is taking, especially with drugs all over the place.
That is not bashing, bro! It is eye opening, helping!

How are they ACTUALLY helping to make it better?....sounds more like venting...IMHO....I always remember a famous quote..."a critic is a person who knows the way to the party, but doesn't know how to drive the car..." :)

All that being said...I enjoy with much amusement the back and forth arguments between the "optimists" and the "bashers"...

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
The thing that I wonder about you Gordon is why do you live in the DR when you have a Jamaican ancestry? What draws you to the DR?

culture shock. Jamaica is nothing like when i was a child growing up. it is not like going home. my friends and relatives have all either passed on, or they emigrated. i have nobody left there, except for my brother. i can get around easier here than i can there. things have changed so drastically since i was a child there, i am more familiar with this country. i would have to go and learn it all over, and i have no time for that. besides, when you run into a girl who sat beside you in class when you were 10, and she is now walking with a cane, and has had three strokes, and has her grandchildren helping her down the stairs, that is too much to bear


Oct 17, 2006
frank, there are some fine women in Jamaica, too.

did you see that contestant last night on The Voice? good stuff, right?

You mean Tesanne Chin right? I heard she was going to be auditioning, but being that The Voice isn't a show that I peruse, I missed it totally.

Gorgon, I didn't know that you were of Jamaican heritage. I'm of Guyanese :)

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
You mean Tesanne Chin right? I heard she was going to be auditioning, but being that The Voice isn't a show that I peruse, I missed it totally.

Gorgon, I didn't know that you were of Jamaican heritage. I'm of Guyanese :)

you a sea wall boy; i going put a lash pon you s****!
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