D'Arcy Wright - Phone Records & Interviews

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Oct 7, 2003
First of all, I would like to say that I have nothing to comment on this whole situation as it like blowing in the wind, nothing of any importance will come of it.

What I would like to address is the complaints of the "heavy moderation" of the D'Arcy related threads. If you all could just sit back and think about what you are typing out on the screen before you actually do, then most of deleted posts would still be on the thread for all to see. The utter shame is that I am sure you are all educated and possess some level of common sense, but it doesn't seem that your postings display these traits. Think about it, some of you are accusing others of being in one's camp, but clearly you are in the other camp, so who is calling the kettle black, you are just admitting that you are doing the same thing as the other person.

BOTTOM LINE - the childlike bickering, name calling, unfounded accusations is what closes down a thread or gets a post deleted. The moderator only follows through on the action, the persons involved are what leads to it.

Some of you have not been members for that long, if you had been here "back in the day", believe me you would be welcoming the "heightened level" of moderation, things could get downright nasty! Nothing good comes from berating others, just makes you look like an a** and with that comes a loss of credibility.

I have not been on DR1 for almost a year for many reasons, one that I simply had nothing more to offer. I had not lived in the DR for many years and I was not up to date with many issues. A new community of ex-pats and wannabes were members and because they knew it all after a few visits or a month of living there, I sank into the shadows. Until today, where I felt I must contribute my feelings on how unfair the accusations are to Robert and his loyal, hardworking moderators.

In closing, I must tip my hat to the one person who has sat by the sidelines and not commented on this situation, but is truly the man with the most knowledge of everything Dominican and who imparts wisdom and truth in every post - I commend you Hillbilly for being the class act that you are.
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Apr 11, 2004
Badpiece, I appreciate what you are saying, and if it comes to light that I have been taken for a ride, then I will readily admit it, and I will try to help to make matters right.

At this point, it really doesn't matter much, one way or the other, about my reservations. I can not help the people who lost their jobs, or anyone else who might have been hurt by all of this. Obviously, I wish none of this had happened, but I still have to reserve judgment.

If it were you or anyone else on this board, I think you would expect the same consideration from a friend. If I just folded under the pressure, rolled over and joined the chorus that he is guilty without sufficient evidence, I wouldn't be much of a friend.

So I have to do what I think is the right thing, which to continue to wait for more facts to become available before making a determination.

Why don't you go to Boca Chica and question these people in the hotel yourself if you doubt their story? That is what I would be doing if I felt the way you do.


Jan 1, 2002
Catcher you are a good man I have no doubt about that, I also know Mark is a good man and tried to help the best he could,as well as many others up there on the north coast, but to continue to hold out for Darcy is getting almost desperate. Darcy abused his friendship with all of you and is nothing but a 2 bit con artist, He will never show his face in Sosua for the forseeable future because his con has been exposed. He was in over his head with the business and propbably made a bad deal buying this business and this was his way out. I also believe his family knew this was all BS. If someone in my family was missing or possibly kidnapped everyone would have been on a plane to wherever we had to go. I wouldnt send one brother on a 2-3 week free vacation to relax in Sosua and play all of us as suckers,myself included. I have a personal issue with this Darcy crap because I used a favor from a General in the PN to investigate this and now I look like an a$$ because it was all a hoax. this is a personal message to Mr Darcy Wright if you ever care to tell your bullshyte story let me know because I will be able to debuke your Bullshyte with official police reports and info. Darcy Wright you should never show your sorry face in the DR again, you ruined alot of frienships and caused untold upheaval in innocent peoples lives.

If Mr. Rocky wasn't involved with this sharade from the start, I think he should make a post and explain himself.


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Nov 17, 2004
Well, Mike, you might be right. I just haven't seen the conclusive evidence I need to see before pronouncing a friend guilty.

Let the chips fall where they may. I am just looking for the truth, and I don't think I have seen the entire truth as yet

Catcher, I say this with all due respect. Your loyalty to this guy borders on the absurd.

It is even more disconcerting coming from an educated gentleman who has clearly seen and done more in his lifetime than I in mine.

It's one thing to say, "Hey, D'Arcy messed up but I'm still his friend". But the fact that you need further proof before making up your mind...I don't know what to say.

This also needs to be said, and I want everyone to hear it. Some of you need to stop putting halos on the heads of some of these expats or other members of DR1.

Some of you are quick to lose your objectivity when confronting the dark side of someone whom you consider a friend. Just like some of you are quick to condemn a person due to petty differences of opinion that frequently occur here on DR1. Even children don't behave in such a fashion.

A person is neither all good nor all bad. Everyone has their dark side, some worse than others. This needs to be acknowledged. It makes it easier to forgive one another in times when we all mess up.

As it is there will be no collective forgiveness for D'Arcy, only condemnation.

And he deserves it.

What he did was despicable, as were the actions of some of his his inner circle members who seemed more interested in erasing stuff from his laptop and procuring an assured "get out of jail free" card than in dealing with the ugly truth.
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Big Dan

New member
Feb 14, 2009
By saying you don't know any of these people, does that mean you don't know anyone at ground zero? Looks like your reputation points have been added to today. Someone is looking after you.


I don't know Darcy. I don't know Curt and Sandi. They are the principles. And yes, I have met Marco and I like him. Marco didn't go missing, and he gave all of you people the initial heads up as to Darcy's disappearance, and you all engaged as a community for the right reasons. Are you now going to shoot the messenger? Are you now going to blame the person who showed initial concern for what could turn out to be a big lie? Did you ever think, even for a moment, that he was duped as well? All I saw were his good intentions. This type of allegation is beyond the pale.

The parties at war here are Darcy, Curt and Sandi, which directly gets to HOW and WHY this debacle happened. And Darcy, Curt and Sandi are WRONG to prove any semblance of innocence among the public. This is a very private matter gone public, and nothing good will come out of it other than the further destruction of reputations and division among the expat community. It makes me sad, really.


Jul 3, 2002
I know my 2 cents aint worth crap here, but I'll throw it in the pot anyway:

1) D'Arcy buys a business.

2) D'Arcy is in over his head, cannot deal with the business. Its not what he thought, more work, more problems than he expected.

3) D'Arcy is afraid to deal with the situation and goes to Boca Chica to 'get away from it all' Maybe the plan was just a day or two, to 'come up with a solution.'

4) He cannot come up with a plan how to rectify the situation, so he starts having some drinks and parties a bit.

5) Before he knows it, the situation has snowballed into a murder/kidnapping investigation. (oh chit!)

6) D'Arcy's only solution is to make up a plan to account for the 'kidnapping.'

7) Seems some friends helped him out, to help come back and out of the 'hole' he created for himself.

Anybody who believes anything else, is not looking at the facts. Obviously, (use some commone sense please) Robert and Mr. Lu are not making this stuff up, and neither are the hotel workers.



Jan 1, 2002
I don't know Darcy. I don't know Curt and Sandi. They are the principles. And yes, I have met Marco and I like him. Marco didn't go missing, and he gave all of you people the initial heads up as to Darcy's disappearance, and you all engaged as a community for the right reasons. Are you now going to shoot the messenger? Are you now going to blame the person who showed initial concern for what could turn out to be a big lie? Did you ever think, even for a moment, that he was duped as well? All I saw were his good intentions. This type of allegation is beyond the pale.

The parties at war here are Darcy, Curt and Sandi, which directly gets to HOW and WHY this debacle happened. And Darcy, Curt and Sandi are WRONG to prove any semblance of innocence among the public. This is a very private matter gone public, and nothing good will come out of it other than the further destruction of reputations and division among the expat community. It makes me sad, really.

If Marco wasn't a part of this sharade, he realy should come forward here, and give some explantions. Maybe he just played a part in the final cover up, I don't know for sure, but he realy should come up with some information and explantion on this board, because I think many belives he was a part of it from the very start.


Jan 23, 2002
For those who have accused me of faking my own abduction, may the Good Lord forgive you your sins.
All my love and thanks.

He must be doing a lot of praying for the sinners today. :cheeky:

Seriously though, either way, I really hope he is undergoing a thorough psychological examination.


Jan 2, 2002
For those who have accused me of faking my own abduction, may the Good Lord forgive you your sins.
All my love and thanks.

He must be doing a lot of praying for the sinners today. :cheeky:

Seriously though, either way, I really hope he is undergoing a thorough psychological examination.

That is the point. People need to be MORE concerned for him if there was no kidnapping. If he was in BC for 8 days and didn't contact and friends and family, he is not right mentally and needs help.

Continuing to cover for him is doing him harm.


Jan 2, 2002
For those who have accused me of faking my own abduction, may the Good Lord forgive you your sins.
All my love and thanks.

He must be doing a lot of praying for the sinners today. :cheeky:

Seriously though, either way, I really hope he is undergoing a thorough psychological examination.

That is the point. People need to be MORE concerned for him if there was no kidnapping. If he was in BC for 8 days and didn't contact and friends and family, he is not right mentally and needs help.

Continuing to cover for him is doing him harm. Or is he covering for someone else?


Dec 14, 2008
Not A Mad Dog

If Marco wasn't a part of this sharade, he realy should come forward here, and give some explantions.

He is trusted fully:
"There are few, VERY few expats here, whom I would trust enough to have behind me when the chips really go down. Rocky is one of the very few."

Can we doubt such words? :cheeky:


Big Dan

New member
Feb 14, 2009
If Marco wasn't a part of this sharade, he realy should come forward here, and give some explantions. Maybe he just played a part in the final cover up, I don't know for sure, but he realy should come up with some information and explantion on this board, because I think many belives he was a part of it from the very start.

I think that Marco can speak for himself if he chooses to. I don't know him that well, and he probably doesn't even remember who I am, but my general assessment is that he is a person who I can trust, and when, if, I make my move, he could be a good friend of mine if he chooses that. He's one of the good guys.

Perhaps there are some on this board who know that personal integrity is important. And perhaps those who betrayed others on this forum through certain posts can feel an ounce or two of shame in what they have done.

On my next visit, which is coming soon, I'll make a promise to you all. If I speak to you, an expat, and if this subject comes up, I will tell you who I am. If we walk away from each other based upon that, I don't want to know you anyway.
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