Open your eyes expat

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Apr 3, 2009
This is a minor detail, but just to correct a couple of the previous posts in this thread the DR is NOT a country of "black people". About 70% of the population is Mulatto, with only around 12-13% black (about the same as the US). In addition many black people that may typically be seen in the DR are not Dominican, but Haitian...
Again a minor point but I felt it those previous posts should be corrected.
Get real... "Mulatto" = "Black" in the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Germany... and in most developed countries.

-BB :bunny:

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Get real... "Mulatto" = "Black" in the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Germany... and in most developed countries.

-BB :bunny:

Get real - Canada is filled with many people of non-white background that are not black, like south east Asians, Arabs, ...etc. There are plenty of African decended people also as well as many multi-racial mixed race people and they mainly consider themselves just that - multi-racial or mixed. My wife, who is Dominican often gets mistaken for philipina, even by orientals. My step-son would never be mistaken for Black IN ANY COUNTRY.


Aug 22, 2008
Nice try. Unfortunately the only slavery left on this island is on your side. :)

While no doubt there maybe some people with racist tendencies that come or possibly stay to/in the DR they have to be a minority. Trust me I know racists. They will more than likely spend their money and vacations in Europe, etc. so they can glow in the glory of "their" race.

I have said it before and I'll say it again, racism and intermarriage are belligerant to one another.

I expect someone now to post to give me an example of a mixed marriage that one of the spouses is racist so that we can say this 1% or whatever is representaive of mixed marriages. That's like saying Americans are murderers because one percent of the popultation are.

Too funny Chip!

My side?
Why do you try to personalise things all the time? Well, OK, lets Tango...

It seems you have been at the communion wine again judging by the spelling!;)

Next you will be saying misogynists do not get married?
And there are no teachers that do not hate kids?
Policemen do not break the law?

I am genuinely curious about your seemingly monochromatic world.
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Aug 22, 2008
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset;"> Originally Posted by pedrochemical
Apart from areas under Sharia law - where is there no gambling, prostitution and drugs?

There has been a Casino in Sosua for more than a generation.
Drugs have always been freely available in Sosua since I first arrived, years ago.
Prostitution is nothing new. Since the '80s Sosua has been a sex-tourism destination.

So my questions are -

  • When are you saying Sosua was opened up to these elements?
  • What does this have to do with the people that this thread is about?

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
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Gabriela, this post and the questions are specifically aimed at you.

Your comment about 'opening up' Sosua to gambling, prostitution and drugs is ridiculous.

Still waiting - did you not once describe yourself as a journalist?
Nice headline - waiting for some kind of support for your outrageous claim.


Jul 25, 2007

Too funny Chip!

My side?
Why do you try to personalise things all the time? Well, OK, lets Tango...

That's the pot calling the kettle black for sure.


Next you will be saying misogynists do not get married?
And there are no teachers that do not hate kids?
Policemen do not break the law?

I am genuinely curious about your seemingly monochromatic world.

I'm not going to compare apples to oranges with you.

As far as intermarriage goes, I stand by my hypothesis. While racism certainly can and does exist in some marriages as these I propose that it is an insignificant amount.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Gabriela did respond with her comment about the Russian Mafia taking over Sosua. Allegedly when Thomas Philipp (whoever he was) was assassinated in May 16, 1989. Did anyone else besides Gabriela realize this? Who was Thomas Philipp?

I had no idea the Russian Mafia took over Sosua on that date. There is certainly a large Russian presence here now, but they certainly had no hand in starting prostitution, drugs and crime in Sosua nor anywhere else in the DR.
Yeah, well, that doesn't make a good conspiracy theory...:bunny:


Oct 26, 2004

Never been there. Not on my bucket list. And I see virtually nothing in common between SA and the DR.

Well your loss....but that aside, there are some commonalities...and I say that, as a South African, because the DR gives me a "feel" of back home. Having said that, those feelings generally arise from how the people are (versus where I currently reside)...I have always maintained..warm climate, warm for the converse, no need to state the obvious;).

The only difference between SA and the other countries where racism is concerned, is the was basically on the Statute Books in SA...while widly practiced in other countries, it wasnt law.

In the global picture, SA is worlds ahead of DR, IMO.


Mar 4, 2004
Who was Thomas Philipp?

Gabriela's uncle.

Well your loss....but that aside, there are some commonalities...and I say that, as a South African, because the DR gives me a "feel" of back home.

Interesting. My childhood woman friend (we've known each other nearly 60 years) is a 30 year expat in S.Africa & when she visits & stays with us in the DR, she is one of the faster adjusters to this country. The only thing she doesn't adjust to is the smaller amount of crime here - can't get her to do things on her own here because she's concerned for her security.

Which kinda brings us back to where this thread started. :cheeky:


Jul 25, 2007
In the global picture, SA is worlds ahead of DR, IMO.

Maybe in infrastructure. As far as what the future holds if Julius Malema has anything to say about it they will be going backwards in no time flat a la the Mugabe solution.


Oct 26, 2004
Maybe in infrastructure. As far as what the future holds if Julius Malema has anything to say about it they will be going backwards in no time flat a la the Mugabe solution.

Only one "being" knows the future!;)


Nov 22, 2009
Call me what you will, and I know I'll get a lot of heat, but I'm going to throw this out here for discussion.

I really like the Dominican people, and they are people of color. Many tourists(I'm not saying ALL), who are black, come to the DR with the hip-hop mentality that all women are hoes and treat all the local women as such.

The general consensus I get from the Dominicans is that they don't like many American blacks because they treat them badly and with little respect.

True story
: My friend, who is white, is marrying a black Dominican. She's a really nice girl who used to work at a bar in downtown Sosua. I never really saw her angry before, but one night last summer she was livid about the fact that some American blacks said to her while she was bartending, "Hey monkey, come over here to get us some drinks, now!!!" She complained to us that "I'm no monkey, and who are they to call me that name when they are black themselves???"

I take people for what they are and how they treat me, and if people of color bothered me I wouldn't go to the DR and I damn sure wouldn't make friends or have sex with them either!!!

What does bother me is the aggresiveness and attitude some American blacks display towards other people.

A jerk is a jerk in my book no matter if you are white, black, purple, green, and covered with polk-dots.

That's my two pesos, and if you want to call me a racist, go ahead, but what I really am is not a racist but a REALIST...

I thought this thread was about telling expats to stay safe in the NOrth COast because of a rash of homicides. SOmehow it got twisted into people asserting they are not racists because they are "just speaking the truth". I wish all of you would STFU!

a. aggressiveness and attitude of American blacks? What is it to you? Should they kowtow to you just because.............?

b. Many of black tourists come here with the hip hop mentality and treat the women like hoes?
1. Do you know "many" much less "any" to make that statement?
2. What do the European tourists do when they come here?

c. your General consensus is bogus because if cannot be supported by any information apart from that which is anecdotal. You made it up.

d. Your friend who is marrying a white guy, another bogus anecdotal tale. Tell me about the time you, the Easter bunny and Strawberry Shortcake did a 3 some.

e. There are no purple, green nor polka dotted people so stop trying to deemphasize the color a person has on the ability in your mind to respect them

I think some of you guys got issues. The more you talk the more is sounds like some Thomas Jefferson/Sally Hemings lust issues you re trying to work out. Not all of you, but some of you are grasping for straws using logic that the "BLACK guys from NY with the low pants and sideways baseball caps" make me scared to go home. I walked through a metal detector before I got on the plane so what gun or knife did I bring with me? They are staying in my condo and its not on the low end. So what? The black people here are only interesting as long as they are NOT economically competitive nor comparable with you? The minute they do you re running in fear for your life?
They came to whore it up....and what does the 55 year old French guy doing with the 19 year old women darker than a California plum? I m a whore monger but HE is a missionary?
You guys got to work it out. Everybody has the right to be hypocritical, but some of you are bordering on outright frauds.
But alas, "Iz so sarrie a mak yu feez so bad wit'cha sef. Iz all NUYORKified wit my Blackness n my 'gressiv-tivity scare the po' white lady oudda her dress. Great jumbalaya! Iz so sarrie white folk!"
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Jun 10, 2008
I was back in Sosua for just two days some time ago. I ran into this group of African Americans. They where in their thirties and forties. I had a few drinks with them. They where just in the DR to have fun. They all had good jobs in the US. They did not wear the type of clothes described in this thread. They where normally dressed. If anything I think it has a positive impact them coming here in larger numbers. I think the locals feel they have more in common with them.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
I was back in Sosua for just two days some time ago. I ran into this group of African Americans. They where in their thirties and forties. I had a few drinks with them. They where just in the DR to have fun. They all had good jobs in the US. They did not wear the type of clothes described in this thread. They where normally dressed. If anything I think it has a positive impact them coming here in larger numbers. I think the locals feel they have more in common with them.
The color that matters... the color of money.

I doubt Dominicans care about anything beyond that...

Jun 10, 2008
The color that matters... the color of money.

I doubt Dominicans care about anything beyond that...

That is true for the Dominicans and Haitians you meet in the tourist discos and bars. But then the conclusion must be that it makes no difference if the visitors to Sosua are black, white or yellow. And that the source of the rise of crime is that green color or lack of it.


New member
Jul 23, 2008
I am a Sosua lover and have been for almost a decade. Hate to date myself.
We are back in Sosua after a 1.5 year hiatus and we are having a great vacation but we see a huge difference from the past.

I cannot put some things into words but I can tell you the locals just have a feel of desperation about them, unlike anything we have experienced in the past. There are virtually zero tourists here and I do understand we are in the beginning of low season.

We are seeing the Hatian kids sleeping in the streets after 9 PM. We have not seen this in previous trips.

The other huge difference I see are the influx of black NY'ers here to R****,Pill*** and Burn the Villa***. These guys are going to ruin Sousa. The town is full of them as is the condo I am staying in.
We are not in a low end condo.

On the bright side the eating establishments in Sosua are better than ever.
We have had fantastic meals on vacation at affordable prices.
We just don't feel safe walking back to the condo after dinner :(

without a doubt the most disgusting show of racism i've seen in a quite a while.

and you contradict yourself...

there are virtually NO tourists.. but yet the town is being overrun by black new yorkers?

get a life. your current one sucks.


Moderator - North Coast Forum
Apr 3, 2009
Santiago DR
I am a Sosua lover and have been for almost a decade. Hate to date myself.
We are back in Sosua after a 1.5 year hiatus and we are having a great vacation but we see a huge difference from the past.

I cannot put some things into words but I can tell you the locals just have a feel of desperation about them, unlike anything we have experienced in the past. There are virtually zero tourists here and I do understand we are in the beginning of low season.

We are seeing the Hatian kids sleeping in the streets after 9 PM. We have not seen this in previous trips.

The other huge difference I see are the influx of black NY'ers here to R****,Pill*** and Burn the Villa***. These guys are going to ruin Sousa. The town is full of them as is the condo I am staying in.
We are not in a low end condo.

On the bright side the eating establishments in Sosua are better than ever.
We have had fantastic meals on vacation at affordable prices.
We just don't feel safe walking back to the condo after dinner :(

I go to Sosua quite regularly since I reside in Santiago. I really don't understand your harshness about the New York black men that go there for their share of R&R. You are right about one thing, there presence there is greater than before. But I have to tell yuh, they have always been perfect gentlemen. I have never heard a black man there raise his voice, seen any of them drunk, or act in anyway other than normal young men on holiday.
Actually, better than most. When in Sosua, they are the least of your worries.
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