the FB link shows a bunch of stu's getting scared about clouds 3-4000 miles away from their us-based home?, lol.
the wunderground link shows what i wrote about today, nothing new.
the waves will keep popping off the african coast, as they always do this time of the year.
some of them will become storms, some the usual bigger storms.
and also as usual, til they are grown up bad boys/gals, we will not know what direction/final destin they may aim to.
Fiona could grow bigger and move all the time far away from any land.
and she could(what i expect) not strengthen much and keep her actual Track NW'wards, dead long before near any Island, and anyways staying too far out to have any influence.
the wave at the Cape Verde's they show as told as a system that wanders westward towards the Tropical Pastures of ours.
what ever it will be, it's too early to guess.
it could be anything from a non existing cloudy windfree thingy up to a Mayor Hurricane, lol.
and the wave expected to hit Atlantic Waters on saturday, well, we at least hhave to wait til it hit water and is developing something the first couple days over water, or not, whatsoever.
til now, nothing bad out there.
but again, that time of the year just started, we have a couple months ahead of us now to watch out for all those cloudies.
I was unaware you spoke earlier about this new low. My mistake. However, I'm stuck in a lousy place to be for a blow with a stuck exhaust valve and popping out the intake manifold, so I'm a tad jumpy. Also, this one came off low at latitude 10. I get worried when they come off low like this, and having an engine issue just makes things worse. Thankfully I still have sails to make for a hurricane hole with if needed. Thanks Mike.