2019 Hurricane Season


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Dorian is one of the most interesting to observe and unexpected/unforeseen changing systems i ever saw.
The hinter planes are in the storm permanently and found and entered the Center.
Keep.in mind, a Center is the centrum of a storm, aroind qhich the while system moves.
It is not a storms eye. Only a Hurricane has a eye, qhich is the hurricanes center defined by its eyewall. Thay eyewall is a circle of heaviest thunderstorms of a hurricane, shutting it off the rest of the world, keeping everything out, hence within the eyewalls/eye of a hurricane, all is completely calm.
The hunter show now the center of Dorian really, it is not qhere it been assumed before.
The storm changed completely after it had passed the area of St Lucia.
Hence the huge difference from forecasts from yesterday morning compared to the Now forecasts.
Dorian is on the E of PR, the area of Culebra island will get the winds and rains and the oceans water powers all together.
Dorian is not just by windspeed on the edge to be a hurricane poqer at any moment from now, it is also in the process to show an Eye, teying to form thunderstorm walls aroind its center.
For PR i hope Dorian will not manage such before it left the vicinity of PR, but it will sure manage to do so once it left too close proximity to PR.
From there on we will see in no time a compact storm with a small but strong shut off eyewall, a very fast intensifying real tropical cyclone.
This one has still a long life span ahead and will bring a lot more headaches to forecasters than it anyways already did.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Dropping pressure and rising powers,
The eye of Hurricane Dorian is now placed right off the NE corner of PR, heading NW.
While interacting with the PR terrain the W and SW are underdeveloped, but full integrated in the Storms structure.
Dorian is a full functioning tropical cyclone
And it is on a strong intensifying phase despite the full contact with PR on the W and the Virgin Islands on the E.
Considering the favorable conditons with high heat content on the NWern path towards the US SouthEast, we will see a fast strengthening Hurricane growing up to Mayor Hurricane Categories the next days.
This one should stay alive for an other week, unless it would run dead over a wide landmass before.
Tomorrow Noon it should be way out north of Samana on a WNWern path, so long we keep an eye on the updates, just in case it would change any directions.
I see no indicators/conditions which would result in such change, so we should all stay safe and can discard Dorian from the maps tomorrow.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
To watch the weather channel is the same as watching CNN or FOX weather news, lol.
Rely in case of storms and weather hazards solely on the forecasts of the NHC and once such phenomenon is near your soil the to listen to source is the local emergency institution, which gives then the advise about preparations, evacuations, names shelters etc etc.


Apr 29, 2014
No need to get your hackles up Mike. Just offering people a means to view live video coverage of the storm from USVI and PR as Dorian passes through.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
To watch the weather channel is the same as watching CNN or FOX weather news, lol.
Rely in case of storms and weather hazards solely on the forecasts of the NHC and once such phenomenon is near your soil the to listen to source is the local emergency institution, which gives then the advise about preparations, evacuations, names shelters etc etc.

Yes but you were missing the helpful hurricane tips like you should put tape on the joints on your plywood on your roof so that if the hurricane pushes water in it’ll protect your plywood and prevent water from coming in. !!!! What the f. . . . ???


Sep 27, 2017
Yes but you were missing the helpful hurricane tips like you should put tape on the joints on your plywood on your roof so that if the hurricane pushes water in it’ll protect your plywood and prevent water from coming in. !!!! What the f. . . . ???

It actually has more to do with sealing the joints so as air does not enter. Air enters and increases pressure. Inward pressure is the problem. This is basic science. As well, I can do without The Weather Channel, but they do offer some interesting remedies utilizing physical and scientific exercises.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
It actually has more to do with sealing the joints so as air does not enter. Air enters and increases pressure. Inward pressure is the problem. This is basic science. As well, I can do without The Weather Channel, but they do offer some interesting remedies utilizing physical and scientific exercises.

Understood but what they were trying to say is that the black paper is not strong enough so once the shingles are off and the black paper is off then the tape is important so that the water does not go into the cracks. I would contend that if the wind blows off the shingles and black paper from the top or if the pressure blows off the black paper and shingles from the bottom then I don’t care what is on the joints of the plywood you are basically screwed.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Not a drop of rain overnight, bright sunny morning in Punta Cana. Didn't even close the hurricane shutters.


Apr 29, 2014
A good turn of events for the DR. I really don't look forward to enduring the predictable aftermath of a TS or hurricane. The inconvenient infrastructure failures and extra work around the house doesn't offset the temporary entertainment factor of a significant wind/rain event.

There will be another opportunity to get all goosebumpy in the not too distant future I'm sure.


New member
Mar 4, 2018
Getting to the dr during Dorian

I am glad Dorian missed the DR. I wonder if flights will be able to land in the DR from the states, specifically out of Miami. I am scheduled to depart Saturday morning from Miami to puerto plata and so far American Airlines is not cancelling any Saturday flights nor offering schedule changes.