2023 Hurricane Season

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The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Yep, there are always crazy people who need to do a extra party/Teteo during harsh times, but i give a fu.ck on such stupids.
The harsh part of rain portions is over us tonight and tomorrow all will calm down.
Who thinks he needs to drive his car to somewhere under such aforehand predicted conditions in such area, well, you fu.cked yourself and i wish you that your car insurer does not pay a dime for it.
We finished our BD BBQ 30 minutes ago and timing been perfect, as since 10 minutes we have a constant soft rain on here.
Tonight will be rainy over most of DR territory, again, when living in the well known vulnerable areas, stay the heck at home, have fun with your wife or watch a movie and enjoy a good bottle of rum or two.
Who is out there and loosing anything while driving his chatarra through flooded streets, well, i will not move my dry home to go out and help you with anything.
Watching all those videos show me nothing else than very stupid people trying to be the big heroes driving through those conditions.
The reality, I see each of those only as a stupid mofo who does not deserve any better.
We had today, as awaited and forecasted, a day of strong rains flooding the well known flood prone areas.
This will stay on during tonight and the calm down tomorrow. By tomorrow afternoon most will be gone.
Screenshot 2023-11-18 215753.png


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
just a addy, my soft rain is now coming down very hard with thunder and lightning, a good reason to watch netflix movies tonight indoors instead of outside on the veranda, enjoy some drinks and family fun, and not be part of the ones who try to do anything out there for what so ever reasons.
Now even my starlink connection gets shaky, lol.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
Yep, there are always crazy people who need to do a extra party/Teteo during harsh times, but i give a fu.ck on such stupids.
The harsh part of rain portions is over us tonight and tomorrow all will calm down.
Who thinks he needs to drive his car to somewhere under such aforehand predicted conditions in such area, well, you fu.cked yourself and i wish you that your car insurer does not pay a dime for it.
We finished our BD BBQ 30 minutes ago and timing been perfect, as since 10 minutes we have a constant soft rain on here.
Tonight will be rainy over most of DR territory, again, when living in the well known vulnerable areas, stay the heck at home, have fun with your wife or watch a movie and enjoy a good bottle of rum or two.
Who is out there and loosing anything while driving his chatarra through flooded streets, well, i will not move my dry home to go out and help you with anything.
Watching all those videos show me nothing else than very stupid people trying to be the big heroes driving through those conditions.
The reality, I see each of those only as a stupid mofo who does not deserve any better.
We had today, as awaited and forecasted, a day of strong rains flooding the well known flood prone areas.
This will stay on during tonight and the calm down tomorrow. By tomorrow afternoon most will be gone.
View attachment 8494
The early maps showed the storm going to the west side of the island. This radar shows a direct hit. The road from Samana to Las Galeras and Playa Grande has finally been paved and is in perfect condition. I hope it is the same tomorrow morning.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
The early maps showed the storm going to the west side of the island. This radar shows a direct hit. The road from Samana to Las Galeras and Playa Grande has finally been paved and is in perfect condition. I hope it is the same tomorrow morning.
The Center of the "storm" which never became one, dissipated over SE Cuba a long time ago.
As I wrote earlier on, it's rain portions been very far East of the center of this disorganized disturbance,
and as the rain parts never disappear just because a forming storm disappeared, they keep of course moving and rain down, even not steered by a former low pressure center anymore.
Here in DR we have been very well aware of hard rainfalls coming in specially to our SW and then all the way up towards the N-Central.
It was not clear how much would be left to push over to the East, but here on the East it still is completely fine, we are further way from all.
There is really no surprise at all about those floodings in exactly those areas who show now viral "bad weather" videos on the net.
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The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
since my post 1hr ago, when the rain started here Hard,
it is still the same hard down pour.
Sadly it will make for unhappy customers down on the beaches,
but there's always a positive side to everything, I am super happy about this down pour up here on the Ranch, lol.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
5 dead in one car from that wall falling down on the 27th February in Santo Domingo, and 3 more dead in the other vehicles. Just a few weeks before Christmas. My family were on their way to spend a rainy afternoon in a shopping mall when they passed it in a taxi, had only just happened. I cannot imagine what might have happened if they had been 20 mins earlier. Thoughts for the families who lost someone.

I know Mike says that people were stupid to go out, but Santo Domingo is a huge city, it does rain a lot, when it rains people do get in their cars and go to the malls or the supermarket, you don't expect a wall to fall down on you on a major highway.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Same here, Mike. light drizzle all morning.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
FWIW, there was flooding in almost every sector of Santo Domingo.

There are hundreds of posts this morning showing flooded streets and intersections. I've never seen flooding so bad.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Disturbance #1, located in the S-Central Caribbean Sea wandering Westward, will not add/influence on our weather.
Its chances to develop are anyways low-nothing and it is moving away from DR, along the Southamerican North Shores towards the Central American East Shores.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
wow, now that's what real flooding is about.
Even the Asphalt lifted up in the air.
I wonder how often that same section been flooded by high volume water loads during the last years/since that asphalt been done,
because everything has it's limits to hold and when an area gets such flooding after every hefty rainfall, which of course happens every once in a while,
then the City is totally leaking of real ingenieurs taking infrastructural precautions to deroute water before such happens at the same location again and again and again.
And the road constructions continue throughout the country everywhere, but without any preparations for the usual strong rainfalls happening several times per year. The Obras Publicas Department is clearly a big 100% failure of an institution, their leaders and decisions makers are all military members who get those jobs as a Thank You Bonus after their years of service in the different military and police institutions, none has a simple clue about the needs of additional stuff aside of sand and asphalt when "constructing" roads.
Our wet time of the year just started and will last at least until end February/mid March, as every year, so such videos and pictures we can expect to see often/regularly from now on, as those flooded areas/roads/bridge and tunnel structures will on their own sure not get any better just because they may dry up for a while.


Jun 16, 2014
Today is here just cloudy with a light breeze ,maybe it will drizzle later on, but nothing bigger of rain awaited at my area, for here it is done.
With that big, red blob right on top of PC in your post #545, it's hard to believe you didn't get much rain(?).


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
With that big, red blob right on top of PC in your post #545, it's hard to believe you didn't get much rain(?).
That's how our tropical weather goes, sometimes very isolated areas involved.
My Entrance to the Finca is a 2 kilometers dirt track.
Sometimes I leave the Finca to get something right there at the main road i the lil Village, leave the Finca with the solar Pump running, all nice sunny and completely dry, but hitting the Mainroad it is full wet and rain coming down there or vice versa.


Jun 16, 2014
That's how our tropical weather goes, sometimes very isolated areas involved.
My Entrance to the Finca is a 2 kilometers dirt track.
Sometimes I leave the Finca to get something right there at the main road i the lil Village, leave the Finca with the solar Pump running, all nice sunny and completely dry, but hitting the Mainroad it is full wet and rain coming down there or vice versa.
That happens a lot here in Cabarete. Just the other day it was raining fairly hard in town but just a mile and a half down the road it was bone dry. I didn't mean exactly where you are, but no hard rains reported anywhere in the PC/Bavaro area?
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