Here's another annoying Dominican habbit I dislike.
Grown men turning kids into mother's and leaving them by themselves to deal with the pregnancy and child care afterwards. It's far more common than I think most people are aware of.
Very few people here are going to want to hear it but there is a reason for that.
First off, some men are just no good. Immature, selfish, motivated by things other than legacy or duty or "honor". That is a fact.
What is also a fact is that outside of situations that aren't consensual, which statistically are low compared to consensual situations, women here there and everyone choose those exact men to father their children. The guys who already have 5 kids by 6 different women. The guys who have a lot of tigueraje and a cool hair cut but don't have any highschool or college diplomas. The guys who sit in front of the colmado all day drinking or who ride around on motors robbing. Women choose those men. It ain't Steve Urkel out here impregnating all these girls and "leaving them" to their own devices. It's the guys with tattoos on their neck and face.
Gotta call a spade a spade. If that's who you choose, you get what you get.
On the other hand, this is a country that is passing through a cultural change. DR has for a long time been a very traditional country. The men work, the women take care of the house. That's the way it was for forever. Men take care of the kids because when those kids grow up they further that man's lineage and belong to that man. Women have 1-3-5 parters their entire lives and marry when/around when they start having sex/kids. The menfolk then dedicate themselves to that woman/those children. That is no longer the way it is. Many of the policies and customs that cause that situation to work have changed, and the men have changed with it.
I could write a book on this, but I won't, and it would be a pointless endeavor here anyway. That said, it's a very deep subject that warrants proper treatment and understanding. At the end of the day it really deserves amelioration because the kids don't deserve any of it. They are innocent.