I don't pay attention to shock and awe news content. If I were concerned after all these years it wouldn't be via the barrio chisme chain, it would be based on rates. That said, there are certain towns and cities prone to higher homicide rates. Also, i lived in a series of small towns where the bad news seems disproportionately greater. Yesterday, a brother of my neighbor decided to end it and drank some barrical. They couldn't even close the casket. Dramatic right? The day before a young girl was stabbed in the park. Small Town stuff seems like bad place, but is it? If you heard all the crap that happens in Cabarete, you would never move there. My concho's neighbor was on a cocaine all nighter came home at dawn and demolished his very young wife's skull, left her face down on the floor dead, went back out and kept partying. These stories can keep folks away, but once again, what are the per capita instances?