Great sample!
Happens, but this is one of the few exemptions. $500K cleared a month for a couple is not that great amount of money, but it does prove the point (which I'm in agreement and condone, that hard work mixed with frugality and financial savvy decisions pays off). Most Md's in the general term of the population do not make that amount of money. Assuming they clear that amount and taking in consideration the family expenses, that alone isn't basis to own a Toyota Land Cruiser costing $140K, nor to be able to get an apartment worth $250K, it just doesn't add up.
In the same note I can show you thousands with no jobs or averaging 30K Pesos a month.
And how many attorneys have the privilege to make that amount?
Again, this is not a reflect of the earning powers of the general public. Does it happens, of course it does and I take your word for it as I too know many very well off acquaintances of mine, exactly on the same boat as your friend. With your example I can turn around and give thousands of people struggling baddly just to afford the day in and out expenses, and that is my point.
I'm not advocating the rich vs. poor theme here, what I'm saying is that there are many with tremendous amount of monies, usually derived by means of generational richness, some by connections and ties with government, others criminally acquired in some instances, and some which have placed themselves in a position to be in the path of wealth by doing hard work and savvy financial decisions, what can't be denied though is the existence of a vast majority which struggle mightily to make it, day in and day out.
Those are the ones forced to Platos del Dia, Emapanadas and Spaguettis, forced either by their stupid decisions, bad luck, lack of job, relations, etc, etc, etci