Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Diario Libre, 6 March 2003

En 2002 hubo m?s de un suicidio al d?a

Llama la atenci?n que la mayor?a de suicidios, 353, fueron cometidos por hombres

Durante 2002, 394 personas se quitaron la vida en diferentes puntos del pa?s, lo que equivale a poco m?s de un caso diario.

As? consta en las memorias que present? la Polic?a Nacional ante la Asamblea Nacional el 27 de Febrero.

Una abrumadora mayor?a de suicidios, 353, fue cometido por hombres. S?lo 41 mujeres tomaron la decisi?n fatal.

El m?todo m?s empleado fue el ahorcamiento -183 casos-, seguido por los disparos -110-, envenenamiento -78-; lanzamiento desde alturas -13-, y otras formas, 10.

La mayor?a de casos, 95, se produjo en el Distrito Nacional, y entre estos, 83 correspondieron a hombres y 12 a mujeres. El principal m?todo en la capital fue el disparo, en 37 casos, seguido de ahorcamiento, en 36. En la provincia Santo Domingo hubo 20 casos.

El segundo lugar lo ocup? Santiago, con 48 casos, 43 de los cuales los cometieron hombres y cinco, mujeres. El ahorcamiento fue el primer recurso, utilizado por 16 personas.

La Vega ocup? el tercer lugar. Hubo 23 casos, 21 de hombres y dos de mujeres.


The thread finally snapped...
Jun 19, 2002
From Encarta, for Tony C.

. In Other Countries

Canada's suicide rate has historically been similar to or slightly higher than that of the United States. About 3800 suicides are recorded in Canada each year. Countries with the highest suicide rates include Latvia (42.5 suicides per 100,000 people), Lithuania (42.1), Estonia (38.2), Russia (37.8), and Hungary (35.9). Countries with the lowest suicide rates include Guatemala (0.5), the Philippines (0.5), Albania (1.4), the Dominican Republic (2.1), and Armenia (2.3). However, an accurate comparison of suicide rates among countries is difficult because of the unreliability of official suicide statistics and varying methods of certifying how deaths occurred.



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
kjdrga said:
I by far am no professional in this area but one reason could be is women tend to express their emotions openly and in the public arena as opposed to males, whether is be happy or dissatified. Add machismo on top of it, and you end up with alcoholics, drug abusers, and corruption trying to overcome their problems.

That's one aspect, also that men go for more violent methods that are more likely to do the job efficiently, while many women tend to opt for overdoses. Leading some to say that this is not so much a suicide attempt as a 'cry for help'.

Translation of article coming up.


Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I have spent the last 35 minutes trying to "Clean-Up" this thread!

I have only managed to clean up the first 4 pages of Personal attacks,insults,and threats.They have "Zero" to do with what is an interesting and possibly "Helpful" to some,thread! It is a "fools errand"! Even after repeated requests to stay on topic,we go back to the "Picture",abd George Bush! You Two really don't want to help out here do you? Time is running short.

This thread is closed! I invite someone to open a "New Thread" on the topic of "Domestic Violence & Suicide in the DR" I `will "Manicure" any personal attacks & political asides as needed,hopefully I won't be called upon. Any references to this now closed thread will also be deleted. Thank You Moderator


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002

From Diario Libre 3rd March 2003

In 2002 there was more than one suicide each day.
It is worth noting that the majority of suicides, 353, were carried out by men.

In 2002, 394 people killed themselves in various parts of the country, the equivalent of just over one case each day. This according to the records presented by the National Police before the National Assembly on February 27th.

The overwhelming majority of the suicides, 353, were committed by men. Only 41 women took the fatal decision. The most commonly used method was hanging - 183 cases - followed by gunshots -110-, poisoning - 78- jumping from heights - 13- and other methods - 10.

Most cases, 95 were in the Santo Domingo metropolitan area, and of these, 83 were men and 12 women. The main method in the capital was gunshots, in 37 cases, followed by hanging in 36. In the province of Santo Domingo there were 20 cases. Santiago follows with the second greates number of cases, 48. 43 of which were carried out by men and 5 by women. Hanging was the most common method, used by 16 people. La Vega comes third, with 23 cases: 21 men and 2 women.


New member
Mar 25, 2002
It's sort of crazy to think that since 1998 when I first went to the DR to work until now I have come across:

13 year old female- hung herself in the coffee fields
30 something female - jumps into Rio Ozama with infant
-Both in 2002, both shared the same father, different mothers.

28 yr old male- shots himeself, 2003

That is three people in 2 years, I personally don't know anyone in the U.S. that has committed suicide.

I'd say the official gov. stats are fairly miscalculated, as I'm sure their are many families who don't report the death of a loved on as a suicide.

Living in the DR in the campo and attending funerals for the past couple of years has really made me appreciate life more than when I had lived in the U.S. and overseas. Death is such a reality.
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