Dominican Republic Citizens to Get Visa-Free Entry to Schengen Area Countries of Euro


Jul 10, 2004
Chile also requires a visa now, EU visa free not going to happen

And after Argentina started requiring Visas, Uruguay which is just across the River from Buenos Aires did the same. It all resulted from the Dominican Putas that came over and never left.

Was that the same reason Chile went from visa free to requiring visas from Dominicans several years ago?

Where does someone get the idea that just because someone asks for something, that it will happen as mentioned in the OP as if it were a fact that Dominicans would get visa free travel to the EU?
That is not going to happen. Things are not really improving for Dominicans and travel.


Feb 7, 2013
I am amazed that Colombia got it. I was told by people tha it was because so many spaniards went there during the civil war. Just regular people, not officials.
Feb 7, 2007
The government needs to clean its house and make life better for Dominicans in the DR, so they do not need to leave (or leave in much lower numbers) and stay in other countries (99% illegally). Then they can start talking about visa free travel. Those that wanted to emigrate and had education and capacity to become productive abroad, could do it and can do it by legal path, which is not closed.

But what's really needed most is the opportunities for the population in general, and young people in particular.

- Improvement in education (on all levels)
- Job creation incentives (in my country, in spite of quite low unemployment, the government still offers subsidies to companies in the amounts of up to 10,000 euros for each new job created, the amount varies by region and the number of jobs created - e.g. it is not the same to create jobs in the capital city than to create jobs with a lareg factory in a rural region where job opportunities are scarce)
- Incubators to support growth of entrepreneurship, creation of something like small business administration, with cheap loans and grants
- Tax incentives to foreign investors in manufacturing industries to set up shop in the DR (not just zonas francas, and not just for direct export)
- Making more loans available for small and medium businesses, at low interest rates, and with less strict requirements
- Microloans up to 500,000 pesos to start micro businesses
etc. etc.

It all nails down to one word: opportunities.
Create opportunities for population, so they do not leave (or leave in much lower numbers), and visa free travel will come along ...

But while the only opportunities for Dominican population which exist are to watch politicos getting their bolsillos llenos cada d?a m?s y al gente com?n llev?ndosela el diablo, well the Dominicans will keep leaving and doing impossible things to leave ...
Feb 7, 2007
I am amazed that Colombia got it. I was told by people tha it was because so many spaniards went there during the civil war. Just regular people, not officials.

There was no civil war in Colombia unless you are talking of independence a long time ago.

That some communist brain damaged people created guerillas and some other hotheads went on to fight them in "self-defense" (autodefensa) is not grounds to call country in civil war.


Feb 7, 2013
oops. I meant the civil war in Spain. I heard this from regular middle class Colombians, not officials.
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One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
The DR has been "preliminarily" approved to get Visa-Free Entry to Schengen Area Countries of the EU, pending a formalization between the EU block and the DR to carry out pre-boarding security checks against their database.

That means that until the DR doesn't start to pre-screen travelers from the DR (citizens) on a real time basis with the EU system, this visa-free will be on hold.

The DR is in the midst of installing the electronic gates and real time security scanning at departure/entry gates.

It's estimated that by the last quarter of 2016 DR citizens will be flying to and via the Schengen Area Countries of the EU visa free.

Now pending is the clearance of the U.S. as it speeds the process of issuing their 10 years visas on renewals for DR citizens.

I don't think Visa free to the USA is here yet for the DR. Until they don't have a fuller control of who's wanting to go visit and who wants to go and stay there.

Let's see how fast the gov moves on the security screenings at the airports and such to see this in action!


Jun 30, 2011
Dominicans abroad need to pressure the Dominican Government to do more for its people. They, the foreign Dominican, can apply pressure without fear of personal retribution. In my estimation they seem to be part of the problem. Once out of the country, they seem to flaunt their new found status opposed to making a real difference in the lives of the people in their country of birth.

Instead of having marches and demonstration, trying to force the hand of politicians in America to find a way to accommodate illegal entry, they should be demonstrating for the American Gov't to put pressure on the politicians in their home countries for better living conditions.
Jan 9, 2004
The DR has been "preliminarily" approved to get Visa-Free Entry to Schengen Area Countries of the EU, pending a formalization between the EU block and the DR to carry out pre-boarding security checks against their database.

That means that until the DR doesn't start to pre-screen travelers from the DR (citizens) on a real time basis with the EU system, this visa-free will be on hold.

The DR is in the midst of installing the electronic gates and real time security scanning at departure/entry gates.

It's estimated that by the last quarter of 2016 DR citizens will be flying to and via the Schengen Area Countries of the EU visa free.

Now pending is the clearance of the U.S. as it speeds the process of issuing their 10 years visas on renewals for DR citizens.

I don't think Visa free to the USA is here yet for the DR. Until they don't have a fuller control of who's wanting to go visit and who wants to go and stay there.

Let's see how fast the gov moves on the security screenings at the airports and such to see this in action!


You have made so many of these predictions; 28:1, pesos oro, smart guns, laptops in every classroom, internet in every school...and on and on and.......

But Visa free travel to the Schengen countries? Seriously? By the close of 2016?

I think they are kind of pre-occupied with a migrant crisis at the moment. They certainly do not need a million? more Dominicans trying to enter as well.

I would, as the poster above alludes to, chalk it up to an April Fools joke......but you have made so many posts like this.......and not all were on April Fools Day either.



Feb 3, 2009
They will never get into the UK and so I'm not bothered. But given the decisions Europe has made recently
on immigration it would not shock me if this were true. I know it's not, but it wouldn't surprise me. I mean think about it. We are
under threat from Muslim terror, a big threat, and so the way one of the European leaders saw fit to battle this was to open up all
borders to undocumented Muslims from the countries where the biggest threat comes from. I mean, it may seem like the most
ridiculous possible time to apply, but in my eyes obviously some leaders are earning from the downfall of Europe, and so is the best

In reality will never ever happen, they'd rather have terrorists than Dominicans, they can sell weapons to terrorists.

Transparent April fool.


Apr 11, 2004
Myself being in the Gambling Business I have a large amount of cash in any currency that is desired to wager that this does
not happen by the end of 2016. PM me if you so desire to donate.


Jul 10, 2004
DR to USA not ready yet for visa free travel? For sure. And probably not during PICHARDO's lifetime.

Where is the verifiable news source on the EU visa free status developments of PICHARDO's April Fool's post?

It is quite the money making scheme/scam the DR passport office is running.


Jul 10, 2004
Where is that visa free travel? Coming along with the cashless society and smart guns?
Feb 7, 2007
En tanto, el embajador franc?s Jos? G?mez se mostr? de acuerdo con que Francia elimine el visado Schengen con el fin de que los dominicanos puedan viajar con facilidad a su pa?s.

Sin embargo, el diplom?tico dijo que ese proceso se llevar? varios a?os y puso como ejemplo los casos de Per? y Colombia, cuyos procesos tardaron m?s de tres a?os.


Jul 10, 2004
En tanto, el embajador franc?s Jos? G?mez se mostr? de acuerdo con que Francia elimine el visado Schengen con el fin de que los dominicanos puedan viajar con facilidad a su pa?s.

Sin embargo, el diplom?tico dijo que ese proceso se llevar? varios a?os y puso como ejemplo los casos de Per? y Colombia, cuyos procesos tardaron m?s de tres a?os.

So once a decision it made, it takes three years, give or take for things to change. I guess that makes sense in some way to someone.