german man missing on the NC?

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Dec 25, 2003
The murder of expats or foreigners in the pop/SOS/cab area seems to come on a relay. It is almost as if someone or some people keep leaving, then appearing, kill a few expats then vanish again for a few months. Sounds odd and maybe it is just me, but the regularity seems to have an irregular pattern to them. It's picking up again, or is that just me?[/QU

This is nonsense. We have a few murders a year that usually have a story behind them, or, unfortunately, a home robbery goes bad. Expats are not randomly being killed on the North Coast.


Jul 10, 2004
The murder of expats or foreigners in the pop/SOS/cab area seems to come on a relay. It is almost as if someone or some people keep leaving, then appearing, kill a few expats then vanish again for a few months. Sounds odd and maybe it is just me, but the regularity seems to have an irregular pattern to them. It's picking up again, or is that just me?

I think it is just you. Most likely there is a reason for this murder. We might never know about it, but I very much doubt it was random and see no random murder trends in the over 10 years I have lived here.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
I think it is just you. Most likely there is a reason for this murder. We might never know about it, but I very much doubt it was random and see no random murder trends in the over 10 years I have lived here.

i guess that what HUG is saying is that there seems to be something of a pattern behind these murders, and that they are not simply random happenstance. please correct me if i am wrong, HUG.


Feb 3, 2009
I did not say expats were 'randomly' being murdered. I said it is almost as if a particular person or people who is prepared to kill people passes through or goes on a spree of money making and finds expats easy targets. I also said maybe it was just me.

But in my understanding bad areas are bad areas, they have a constant average. The NC doesn't have a monthly average because you might go a couple of months without an expat being murdered, then find 5 get bumped off in a month.

Yes I know it is silly of me, but I find it strange there is not a more consistent murder rate, on a more regular basis.

I can guarantee you a few people are murdered every night in Santo Domingo, it has a consistent turnover of murders.

Ok, on rereading what I wrote it is a little silly, but relevant when contemplating the pattern of murders.


Feb 3, 2009
i guess that what HUG is saying is that there seems to be something of a pattern behind these murders, and that they are not simply random happenstance. please correct me if i am wrong, HUG.

No you are correct, it is a difficult concept to get our heads around, but hopefully others can understand what you have grasped from my conclusions on NC murders, no matter how silly.


Feb 3, 2009
Let me tell you about a guy I once knew in Sosua. Many moons ago, he was an expat, he had been living with a girl, an ex or not so ex working girl as I believe (what others are there available in Sosua right). He left her, she vowed to kill him if she saw him with another girl. Obviously he met another girl. Several months down the line this guy was dragged into a van at the top end of Pedro Clisante, and they sped down the Main Street, to make get away. During the space of a minute or so he was told that they were going to kill him because he had offended the girl, his ex. He managed to somehow jump out of the van at about 20 miles per hour as they headed in the direction of Cab, he made his get away, found sanctuary for the night and had a friend take him to the airport the next day where he waited on standby to get out of there. He had no reservations that these guys were going to kill him.
And so not everyone is a murderer and finds murder easy, this girl waited a few months until this particular guy was in town to do what she had promised. Hope that makes more sense now.


Oct 29, 2010
Let me tell you about a guy I once knew in Sosua. Many moons ago, he was an expat, he had been living with a girl, an ex or not so ex working girl as I believe (what others are there available in Sosua right). He left her, she vowed to kill him if she saw him with another girl. Obviously he met another girl. Several months down the line this guy was dragged into a van at the top end of Pedro Clisante, and they sped down the Main Street, to make get away. During the space of a minute or so he was told that they were going to kill him because he had offended the girl, his ex. He managed to somehow jump out of the van at about 20 miles per hour as they headed in the direction of Cab, he made his get away, found sanctuary for the night and had a friend take him to the airport the next day where he waited on standby to get out of there. He had no reservations that these guys were going to kill him.
And so not everyone is a murderer and finds murder easy, this girl waited a few months until this particular guy was in town to do what she had promised. Hope that makes more sense now.

You have made it clear what you mean but I doubt that it has much relevance to this case.


Sep 27, 2006
i guess that what HUG is saying is that there seems to be something of a pattern behind these murders, and that they are not simply random happenstance. please correct me if i am wrong, HUG.

the recent murders i recall were two foreign women, one in gaspar hernandez (or cabrera) and the other one in san marcos in POP. in both cases the perpetrators were caught and the cases were not related. there was a man killed in a hotel in POP as well, i cannot remember the outcome of that case.

there is always a reason here to murder someone here, despite all those who say it's "blaming the victim". flashing cash, not following security measures, dealing drugs, affair with insincere partner, all those can cause one to become a victim.


Dec 22, 2010
Of all the predictable thread-types on DR1, the ones were some poor unfortunate gets killed/ goes missing etc always seem to end up in the same very predictable place after a page or so.


Feb 3, 2009
Maybe because people who go missing or get killed have had a very predictable recent history. We rarely get a clear cut conclusion. A story yes, but rarely does it feel credible.


Dec 14, 2008
His Fault?

Maybe because people who go missing or get killed have had a very predictable recent history.

Somehow I get the impression, that 'ostriches' try everything not to see things as they are. :tired:
In this country you can get killed for a few $$$.... :tired:



Sep 27, 2006
DON'T CLICK ON THE LINK, people, detras de rumor has overdone themselves here on the images.

article copied below:

Sosua.- Conmoci?n produjo la ma?ana de hoy el hallazgo macabro del cuerpo de un ciudadano extranjero que se encontraba desaparecido, hallado asesinado debajo de una cama en un edificio de apartamentos ubicado en el sector Playa Laguna Municipio Sosua.
Se trata de quien en vida obedec?a al nombre de Dirc weber, alem?n de 44 a?os de edad, abogado, residente en torre alta, Puerto Plata, quien desde el pasado s?bado se encuentra desaparecido, su cuerpo fue encontrado semidesnudo debajo de una cama del apartamento B, del edificio 24 del residencial playa laguna, el cuerpo presenta trauma contusos en la cabeza, t?rax, as? como en otras partes de su cuerpo, .
Seg?n versiones obtenidas por DETRAS DEL RUMOR :: Noticias con Profesionalidad y Criterio, el hoy occiso se present? al lugar el pasado s?bado a las 12 :00 del medio d?a a cobrar una renta, le dijeron que regresara a la 1:00 Pm de ese mismo d?a cuando regreso personas hasta el momento desconocidos le dieron muerte , tomando el veh?culo de su propiedad y peg?ndole fuego la madrugada del domingo a las 2:30 AM, en la carretera Sosua, cabarete frente al proyecto tur?stico Vista Mar.
El cuerpo fue encontrado la ma?ana de hoy por Luis de Assa Corniel, a eso de las 10 .AM quien se desempe?a en el ?rea de mantenimiento, narro a este medio que cuando se present? al lugar le llamo la atenci?n un enorme hedor que hab?a en el lugar, por lo que se acerc? al apartamento B, donde no vive nadie y all? junto a un extranjero encontr? el cuerpo de la v?ctima en estado de descomposici?n.
Gran Tenci?n se vivi? en el lugar cuando el representante del Ministerio Publico, el Coronel Cabrera inspector de la decimoquinta compa??a Sosua y el coronel de investigaciones impidieron el acceso a la prensa e incluso no permitieron la entrada de un oficial del ej?rcito a pesar de haberse identificado como encargado del DNI en este municipio, la extra?a actuaci?n del ministerio p?blico y la polic?a produjo cuestionamientos y sorpresa ante los presentes.
Por el hecho se encuentran detenidas varias personas entre ellos varios j?venes, que fuera de c?mara negaron ser responsable de los hechos.
El cuerpo fue enviado al Instituto nacional de Ciencias forenses (INACIF) para los fines de lugar.

it seems like he died the day he went missing. multiple injuries to the head, throat and other body parts.


Feb 3, 2009
Somehow I get the impression, that 'ostriches' try everything not to see things as they are. :tired:
In this country you can get killed for a few $$$.... :tired:


But more often than not people are where, doing or trying something they shouldn't be.


Feb 3, 2009
I agree, it is quite a brutal collection of photos is time, maggots n all.
If I get this right, he left the office to collect rent and then ended up dead in a totally unrelated apartment that was without tenant, half naked and under a bed. His car was taken and found on the beach burnt out?

I'd hate to speculate but, an agent half naked in an empty apartment?


Dec 14, 2008
0 present? al lugar el pasado s?bado a las 12 :00 del medio d?a a cobrar una renta, le dijeron que regresara a la 1:00 Pm de ese mismo d?a cuando regreso personas hasta el momento desconocidos le dieron muerte...
= premeditated murder?

... impidieron el acceso a la prensa e incluso no permitieron la entrada de un oficial del ej?rcito a pesar de haberse identificado como encargado del DNI en este municipio...
= lifting the carpet and brushing under



Sep 27, 2006
as i said, there are always a reason why someone gets killed. such as having money some criminal thought should belong to him. but it does not mean it cannot happen to anyone here on this board. people were killed for a debt of 5 pesos here. the factor that will make gringo a victim may look unreasonable to many, the amount of money involved may be small, the "offence" minimal. murder happens to normal people.


Dec 14, 2008
He ventured outside.

But more often than not people are where, doing or trying something they shouldn't be.

Of course, he should have never left his office. :cheeky:
He should have known, collecting rent is a no-no.... :tired:

Conclusion: his own fault.......... :tired:

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