Haiti is not DR's Responsibility


Mar 18, 2002
Quisqueya said:
Think b4 making idiot remarks...
I agree. You should apply the rule to your postings.

You sound an awful lot like Nal0whs. Although he is talking about Haitians and you are talking about Dominicans, the racist tone is the same.


Nov 10, 2003
Dominican Tony said:
It's been a while since i've posted anything in these forums, didn't post much to begin with. I rather sit back and read all this "you attack me, i attack you" non-sense; moreover one can only laugh at the exaggeration used at times just to get a point across or simply because that individual doesn't want to be proven wrong :tired: It's quite amusing at times especially when one looks at the previous posts some of these members have posted throughout the forum, same stuff as a reply just re-frased around if i may (how many times one has to repeat he/she is 100% anything, i'm more then sure most members know such thing already).

Pero ya que estamos en un website dedicado a nuestra bella Republica Dominicana, saludos a mis hermanos Dominicanos del pueblo de mis padres San Jose de Las Matas y todo el pais, arriba de todo somos Dominicanos sin importar en cual rincon del mundo estemos y cada dia somos mas reconocidos en nuevos medios. ;)


I agree with you 100% these topics are nonsense but when will dominicans realize that haitians did not conquer DR and when will dominicans who are looked down upon themselves will stop using the defenseless poor haitians as scapegoats.

I will repeat that I'm 100% Haitian porque yo tengo orgullo de mi pais y mi gente como Usted. Saludos a todo mis paisanos en R.D.(gazcue, naco, and bella vista) and all of the ones in Santiago..Sake pase..
Come to think about why i'm speaking spanish you guys need to learn creole and start putting signs up in creole in public services..


Apr 4, 2002
Quisqueya said:
This is what happens when people do not comprehend what they read. Where are you getting this info that haitians conquered the DR.
History books. Internet. Where else?
Heck I wasn't there.
But you missed the bigger picture.
Dominicans don't like Haitians because they once invaded this side of the island and treated the Dominicans, or whatever they were called at that time, like shyte.
So............ Haiti should look elsewhere for sympathy and help.


New member
Aug 24, 2004
Rocky said:
History books. Internet. Where else?
Heck I wasn't there.
But you missed the bigger picture.
Dominicans don't like Haitians because they once invaded this side of the island and treated the Dominicans, or whatever they were called at that time, like shyte.
So............ Haiti should look elsewhere for sympathy and help.

If I understand correctly, according to your own sources:
Haiti actually liberated the DR. from there Spanish slave masters in 1822 and then later the dominicans freed themself from the haitians and called back the masters, begue them for forgiveness and agreed to serve them in exchange of there protection ?
If I remember correctly, was it not a Haitian General who once said:
'I would rather die like a man, then live like a dog!"... I guess not all people share that same feeling....
Hum...If this is what they teach Dominicans in there history class, I would have tought that they could of came up with something a little more honorable....


New member
Feb 12, 2005
Rocky said:
History books. Internet. Where else?
Heck I wasn't there.
But you missed the bigger picture.
Dominicans don't like Haitians because they once invaded this side of the island and treated the Dominicans, or whatever they were called at that time, like shyte.
So............ Haiti should look elsewhere for sympathy and help.
Look how off the history of DR is who do you think wrote it? Its like saying when the pilgrims came to America they had a dinner with the Native Americans and called it Thanks Giving you beleive that, I guess you also believe in Santa Claus to :cross-eye .


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
Anti-Flame suit is on...fire away!

All this historical bickering is truly entertaining but why don't we cut to the chase? ANY, I do mean any, illegal anything should be dealt with! If Dominicans are in the USA or any other country illegally, they should be deported. The same applies to US citizens that are currently over staying their tourist visas in DR or anywhere else; they are illegal! They too should be deported! The same applies to the Haitians! Why should international criminals be rewarded? I don't think breaking the law again solves anything (ignoring them is actually breaking the law) other than to demonstrate that we (the world) should be a lawless society (many would enjoy this!). Is that what we (the world) want? Isn't the world a place of rule and laws? Why is it that some people get their undees in a bunch when rules and laws 'start' to be implemented? Again, all illegal foreign nationals not legally authorized to be in the country they are currently in, SHOULD be deported, no exceptions. That is the law. Isn't it? Let's be law abiding.

The boarders of all countries must be respected and they are protected by law. Do the Haitians have a monopoly on boarders or are they somehow exempt from the law?



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Mr_DR said:
So, cleansing, racism and discrimination is what you call it when a country is deporting it's illegal immigrants that comes from the pleas of poor dominicans to the authorities that they cant stand these haitians anymore stealing their livestocks, crops, murdering shopkeepers and their families, stealing motoconchos and boats?

Just because a country is finally doing something about illegal aliens does not mean that they are racists.......Por mi que deporten a todos que no sean legales just the same way that each country in the world should deport every dominican that is illegal.
At least we don't slam the door to the Dominicans being deported.

Haiti just recently slammed the border shut against all Haitians being deported to their own country.

I mean, what is the purpose of the Haitian government if all they want is to spread their people everywhere!!

It's not just here in the DR, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Turks and Caicos, Martinique, Guadaloupe, you name it has this Haitian problem. Of course, Dominicans get the brunt because to the world Dominicans are the evil ones, but everybody is fed up with these people.

Look what the USA did in January 2004 when Haiti flaired up, the US coast guards sent their boats with migration police all the way to Haitian waters (some were reportedly seen from Haitian shore) to pick up any boat people before they even left Haitian waters for Miami.

And what about that first boat full of Haitians that reached proximity to Miami? The coast guard maintained that ship at sea and prevented the Haitians from touching land.

And what about that group of Haitians who made it to shore and were all runing all over Miami as if they were still in Haiti, jumping into pickup trucks with their owners pushing them out. The migration authority captured most and deported them back to Port-au-Prince.

What about in the 1980s, the US was very clearly reporting that Haitians were a cursed group for "creating the Aids epidemic". In fact, Americans believed extremely well that Homosexuals and Haitians were chosen by God to perpetual hell on Earth and Aids was their demise!

This coming from the good ole USA...

And what about what happened in Miami about a year ago with the African-American community there! They wanted economic help from the State of Florida for the blacks and when the help flowed, the Afro-Americans were protesting that the aid was going to the Haitians (since Haitians outnumber native blacks in south Florida) and the blacks demanded an end to the aid being given to the Haitians.

And this is the so called black unification deal people love to talk about? Please, Haitians are seen as a disgrace everywhere on earth, but the model for that disgrace comes from their very own government which has let their country become the scum of the earth since January 1, 1804.

This is crap, deport all illegals, period.

Forget what the world has to say, the world is simply filled with hypocrites from end to end anyway!
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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
ronaldobklyn said:
Let me guess the Haitians enslaved the Dominicans and raped and killed the women in children to hum.... there goes the Trujillo and Balaguer propaganda it will never go away think about it why would a group of people who just fought for their independance enslave another person of color such as there self and treat them harsh. You guys need open your eyes and see how distorted Dominican history is just as American history about these myths and tales that colored people where savages and evil as matter of the most forgiving people are people of color with what has been done to them throught out history. This so called Christopher Columbus is a hero here in the US and Balaguer even built a light house for him in DR yeah he is a great person a rapist muderer and kidnapper and theif you dont hear that side of him.
When the Haitians invaded the Dominican Republic, they invaded a predominantly white country. Hello!!!

In fact, this country was not even called Dominican Republic, it was Spanish Haiti, until the Black Haiti decided to take the island for themselves.

These accounts have been written about by Dominicans way before Trujillo came to power.

Of course, you want to "Twist" history, so I guess this will mean nothing to you.

Like an American friend of mine once said, the problem with sheep is that they get slaughter!
May 12, 2005
ronaldobklyn said:
Let me guess the Haitians enslaved the Dominicans and raped and killed the women in children to hum.... there goes the Trujillo and Balaguer propaganda it will never go away think about it why would a group of people who just fought for their independance enslave another person of color such as there self and treat them harsh. You guys need open your eyes and see how distorted Dominican history is just as American history about these myths and tales that colored people where savages and evil as matter of the most forgiving people are people of color with what has been done to them throught out history. This so called Christopher Columbus is a hero here in the US and Balaguer even built a light house for him in DR yeah he is a great person a rapist muderer and kidnapper and theif you dont hear that side of him.

Christopher Columbus is a hero. He had the foresight and bravery to explore places people told him didn't exist and that he would fall off the earth. If it weren't for him,none of us would be here today. While we can debate who truly "discovered" America/the New World. The fact is Columbus was the first to bring modern civilization here. Our society and government would be completely different, perhaps on par with some of todays worst third world countries and who wants that?


May 12, 2002
Quisqueya said:
See you've already put a sour taste in my mouth towards your people and I assist many immigrants(volunteer work) getting their papers together and shelter but now every dominican that comes to my office that needs help are so close of me taking my wrath out on them because of some comments on this site but then my good heart reminds me that they are just poor people "buscando un mejor futuro" just like my people.....[/B]

Think b4 making idiot remarks...
Who do you think you are fooling? "helping Dominicans" Don't make me laugh.......Just go help your people out for they need it much more.

If there is the need to go fight your people, believe me that many of us dominicans won't have to be asked twice.....This time we would make sure that the job get done all the way.

The only reason why we are having this problem is because Spain did not have the balls to keep the french from colonizing in the island.

Iluvdr and Ronaldo need to go learn some more Latin America history because they are lacking.

A "united Haiti" Give me a break Ronaldo...If Haiti can't even manage the little bit of territory they have what makes you think they would be able to handle the entire island?

The truth is that the dominican people at first did not care even if Haiti ruled the entire island as long as it was ruled fair which it was something Haiti did not do and resulted in our independence through blood baths after 20 years of Haitians abuse toward the dominican people.

Do you in your right mind think that after all the damages the Haitians have done to their own country that we as dominican sovereigns are gonna just sit back?.......Call it racism, scapegoat, cleansing or whatever you want but we we are ready to die for our country.

Tell a Panamanian that Colombia is going to re annex Panama into Colombia territory to see how the nice smiles of these panamanians turns to bitterness, rage and ready to fight even if it means to die.

And yes Quisqueya we arre willing to do anything "even if it means bloodsheds....Also let your ignorance keep thinking that we are cowards.
It looks like you have never listened to the words of our national anthenm.

Haiti controlled the entire island and was kicked back to where they came from and that was when Haiti was much more powerful and we can do it again if it becomes necessary.

They are not ready to wage a war against the DR because it would be suicide on their part.....We are talking about a country that cant even get along and are fighting among themselves and are killing each other at this day and age for Pete sake.


New member
Feb 26, 2004
Nal0whs is correct.

LAdies and gentlemen...and the biggest hypocrite in the face of the earth is ......ding ding ding


That's what made it a 1st world country and world power. But that's what it takes to protect "Democracy."


May 12, 2002
Nal0whs said:
At least we don't slam the door to the Dominicans being deported.

Haiti just recently slammed the border shut against all Haitians being deported to their own country.

Haiti don't even want them.
did their country became too small for their overflowing pop?
Them as well as the poor dominicans should only be allowed to conceive no more than just two children per family.


New member
Feb 12, 2005
Mr_DR said:
Who do you think you are fooling? "helping Dominicans" Don't make me laugh.......Just go help your people out for they need it much more.

If there is the need to go fight your people, believe me that many of us dominicans won't have to be asked twice.....This time we would make sure that the job get done all the way.

The only reason why we are having this problem is because Spain did not have the balls to keep the french from colonizing in the island.

Iluvdr and Ronaldo need to go learn some more Latin America history because they are lacking.

A "united Haiti" Give me a break Ronaldo...If Haiti can't even manage the little bit of territory they have what makes you think they would be able to handle the entire island?

The truth is that the dominican people at first did not care even if Haiti ruled the entire island as long as it was ruled fair which it was something Haiti did not do and resulted in our independence through blood baths after 20 years of Haitians abuse toward the dominican people.

Do you in your right mind think that after all the damages the Haitians have done to their own country that we as dominican sovereigns are gonna just sit back?.......Call it racism, scapegoat, cleansing or whatever you want but we we are ready to die for our country.

Tell a Panamanian that Colombia is going to re annex Panama into Colombia territory to see how the nice smiles of these panamanians turns to bitterness, rage and ready to fight even if it means to die.

And yes Quisqueya we arre willing to do anything "even if it means bloodsheds....Also let your ignorance keep thinking that we are cowards.
It looks like you have never listened to the words of our national anthenm.

Haiti controlled the entire island and was kicked back to where they came from and that was when Haiti was much more powerful and we can do it again if it becomes necessary.

They are not ready to wage a war against the DR because it would be suicide on their part.....We are talking about a country that cant even get along and are fighting among themselves and are killing each other at this day and age for Pete sake.
What more can I say to a person that has been brain washed since birth :cross-eye , oh yeah I like your Panama comment did you mention that becuse I am of Panamaian decent Im not even going to waste my breath . In Panama Colombians are not treated bad they are treated as human beings and individuals thats the point Im trying to get across is that we are all Gods people know matter what we look like are where we are from nobody is special at the end of day when the time comes to meet our creator he will judge us and all this s**** thats going on right now wont matter.


Feb 27, 2004
Look guys when people leave there countries in search for a better life, they do it with a heavy heart, nobody ever want's to beg there neighbors for help, cubans escape to Miami, Haitian's escape to D.R. Dominican's escape to puerto rico, mexicans escape to L.A. and beyond, nobody wants to become and illegal, but when politician's keep there country down people have no choice, but to leave, the U.S. has to handle hundred's of foreign immigrants going in and out of the country, if D.R. had to cater to those types of immigration issues the country would fold for sure if they cannot handle there Haitian neighbors an there only one! what does that say about the D.R., I mean does Santo Domingo the countries capital city cater to American's who would want to live there as there permanant resident. the answer to that is NO! - nothing is in english, and nobody cares....Dominican's have to stop being selfish with this gimme gimme gimme attitude, and learn how to have compassion and give back! if you ask and it was given, then when ask, reach out and give back..plain and simple! - Haiti and D.R. are both poor countries, and because of the poverty there is major corruption at the borders! I will let you in if you give me some MONEY...Haitian are not coming in by boat! they are walking in, How can this be you ask.. well merchant's need to save money so they use there desperate neighbors for cheap labor, look around you see them....making concrete blocks, building those homes, in the farms, on the fields and of course the military personal at the borders need there jeepeta's, hell why get rid of these poor Haitians when there making some Dominican businessmen Millionares - you get it now, you are wasting precious energy on trying to get rid of your Haitian neighbor's one day you are going to realize that even in the D.R. as a whole you are in the minority...Hmm!
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May 12, 2002
daddy1 said:
look around you see them....making concrete blocks, building those homes, in the farms, on the fields and of course the military personal at the borders need there jeepeta's, hell why get rid of these poor Haitians when there making some Dominican businessmen Millionares - you get it now, you are wasting precious energy on trying to get rid of your Haitian neighbor's one day you are going to realize that even in the D.R. as a whole you are in the minority...Hmm!
Yes, just look around.

The ones that you see working are not even nearly 10% of the total population that is not working, just walking around without serving a positive prupose.

The Dominican Republic doesn't have enough resources to keep these haitians gainfully employed....We are not the US Pancho.

I am the first one to tell you that I am against the deportation of those haitians that are not wanderers in the streets. Do I enjoy it when these foreigns and dominicans hire them for petty wages? no!!! I don't agree with that.

But the fact is that many of you have a very big misconception and think that you all know the real history when in fact you don't .

Dominican-Haitian hatred has nothing to do with minority, color or religion.
We could care less where they came from, They could've come straight from Afrika or Sweeden and if they would commit the same atrocities that the haitians committed during the time of Dessaline they would still be hated equally.

If you think that dominicans hatred toward haitians is because of the color tell me how come we don't have any hatred toward the COCOLOS and the SAMANENSES( Freed British/ US/ Caribbean slaves, and runnaway slaves) that settled in the Samana Bay and other parts of the island?


New member
Aug 24, 2004
ronaldobklyn said:

GR8 article Ronaldo!!!
Those begats on this post should read this!
Sometimes I wonder how people like Martin Luther King jr. and Gandhi could preach to love the one's who hate you?
When they talk about the haitian frontiere being close by the goverment, do they even understand that more then 80 authentic dominicans have been deported to Haiti, simply because of the color of there skin, among them children and women.... more then 500 Haitians deported where actually legal residents, some have been living in the DR for more then 30 years and hardly speak any creole! What does that tell you about the real nature of the problem?
You see, I could relate to this being of both origin... the discrimination goes beyond dominicans and haitians ; At the root, if the neo nazis dominicans had there way they would deport every negro to Haiti and sceal off the island!
Mr. DR. I have as much as right as you to be in the DR, in my heart I am 10 times the dominican you are, but I am ashamed by the actions of some of my compadres. The thruth is you don't hate haitians, you really hate yourself and every drop of black blood you have in you. But you know what? no matter how much you wash yourself or try to avoid sunlight you can never take it out. Good luck with your hatred propaganda, you can always find fools like Nalowhs to applaud you. But as we have already witness on this board, the overwhelming majority disaproves!


New member
May 18, 2005
Set the record straight.

Just FYI, the undocumented Dominicans would be in addition to the majority of those counted by the census (would you answer Census questions if you didn't have any papers? Please). It?s a shame that a country like DR, that depends so much on migration, would turn around and not understand the plight of poor Haitians. I?m Dominican, by the way, and also a migrant.

DRsScarface said:
There are probably thousands of illegal Dominican in the USA. But please don't exaggerate, there are not 1 million illegal Dominicans in the U.S. There is no way that out of the 1million Dominicans in the US they are msotly illegal. Ever heard of visas. Believe it or not, most of the dominicans here 75%+ are here LEGALLY.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Mr_DR said:
Haiti don't even want them.
did their country became too small for their overflowing pop?
Them as well as the poor dominicans should only be allowed to conceive no more than just two children per family.
Actually, Haiti's closing of its borders has nothing to do with whether or not those people fit in their own lands.

It was simply an act of the Haitian government to keep the rhetoric flowing.

If Haitians are deported from the DR enmasse, that means that there won't be many Haitians left in DR for the Haitian government to scapegoat the DR. Every time there is a political desintegration, crisis, chaos in Haiti the first things that comes out of the mouths of the politicians there is "Dominican Republic had something to do with this".

For them, every problem was created by the "Dominicans". Many will tell you that we "stole" their tourist, their money, their land, everything.

Whenever the Haitian people begin to demand change from the same old bolony in Port-au-Prince, the Haitian government starts its rhetoric once again.

You know, the usual "Dominicans had something to do with this problem" or "Dominicans will invade Haiti if the instability continues", or simply that Dominicans are planning the destruction of Haiti.

You know how long the Haitian government has been with this scapegoating rhetoric?! Hint: A very very long time.

Notice the next time Haiti flares up, one of the first words coming out of Haitian officials will be "Dominicans had something to do with this" or "Dominicans are ready to invade" all to simply divert the Haitians attention from the real problem being a defuncted government that nobody knows how it keeps going day in, day out.

You see, when the Dominican government says that the Haitian presence has increased certain disease like Malaria and Terbuculosis and that economic deprivation soon follows under their heavy presence is based on actual evidence that can be clearly seen with the naked eye.

Even the expats know that where ever you find large numbers of Haitians in the DR you have a better chance of catching Malaria, Terbuculosis, of seeing the worst type of poverty in existence in this country, of further demise of forests, etc.

But, the Haitian government simply use their diaspora for their rhetoric machine. And when there is no major problem brewing in Haiti, all the Haitian government does is complain about the treatment Haitians get in the DR, which by the way, is a lot better than what they were getting in Haiti. Otherwise, why don't they leave????

And, I might add, the Haitian government specifically wants the diaspora in the DR to increase because they are still feeling bad that they lost this territory!

Their dream of ruling the island is still alive. That is cut and clear.

Also, for non-Dominicans claiming that we should just unite, um how would you like it if your country unites with the people that once controlled you.

ie. Panama gives in the Colombia, United States gives in to Britain, Ghana gives in to the French, India gives in to the US, or Japan gives in to Korea to see how you would like it...

People here talking about "being citizens of the world" bolony. Why don't you simply move with the poorest of the poor in India, since you are a "citizen of the world" rather than feeling sympathetic from the comfort of the first world?!

Now that I think of it, maybe we should start lobbying France so they can come and take over Haiti?! Hey, that sounds good!!
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