The only thing allowing you to continue denying this is that no one you know has ever been mugged like this. If this happens one day and which your denial will immediately stop, just think that it was happening during the entire time you were denying it. This is a case of seei-to-believe, except thatthe existence of anything isn't dependent on anyone believing it (except in quatum mechanics).Sir NALS, I did not understand your post about heroin and fentanyl use in the USA. I do not deny that there is a significant crime problem in the D.R and the potential to have an unattended drink spiked rendering one unconscious. What I do deny is that there is some special dust that can be blown in the face of an unsuspecting person and render that person a zombie. willing to empty out accounts.
Like anthrax?More comical is the transdermal absorption from touching a business card. Either way tourists are immune to this science fiction unless of course the "devil's breath" also renders them bilingual and able to understand Dominican street Spanish.