Annie, is the link you provided for the whole book?Ok - I have finished Part1 - first 8 chapters .
I perhaps made a mistake in buying the Kindle edition but I simply can not afford a house big enough for the library I would have were I to buy all the books I buy.. my kindle has about 400 titles on it... ANYWAY - for others who are going to start the book - A
ND WHY DON:T WE ALL START THE TRILOGY? We, here, on the Haiti forum? Would be a great book club!
But - here is the thing - it has taken me through the first 8 chapters to understand that there MUST be a glossary? Which, of course, there is - called something like the "Devil's Other Dictionary" - at the end (which would have been an easy find in an actual book).
Plus - I do wonder how a TOTAL Haitian newbie will fare with this? With no understanding of voodoo? The book won lots of awards as a novel - yet for those who are really seeking an understanding it all? Might be a bit rough going. I already had a lot of the vocabulary - yada/petro/peristyle/hougan/mambo - lots of the loa - as well as the basic concepts and how the religion "works" - but for those with none?
Well, I will never have an answer unless the DR1 Haiti Forum Book Club takes up the challenge - Starting with "All Soul's Rising" -
To End my First Thought - if you get this book - READ THE GLOSSARY FIRST!
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