Police Killed and stations over run


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
For those who might want to learn more -

Michael Deibert has written two books on Haiti - both of which are excellent. He was an AP reporter on the ground for two years -

His two books - "Notes from the Last Testament" - which takes us to --I think - the end of Aristide

And his newest -"Haiti will not Perish" - from then until the election of Moise

the one amazing thing about #Moise is that he has managed to turn almost everyone against him- which is something that not even Baby Doc managed to do.

Interesting perspective…
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Dec 11, 2003
Interesting perspective…
Michael has read and researched more than any English speaking author I know -the book is meticulously sourced with 100 pages of footnotes. I am certain that he "knows" the country better than most Haitians in that he has traveled the length and breadth of it and is comfortable with all classes. I did love his line -"To be clear = politics in Haiti IS organized crime"
--which reminds me of a comment that a Haitian journalist made to me - "Compared to Duvalier, Trujillo was a saint"
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Dec 11, 2003
For those who are bird enthusiasts -have perhaps gone with Toddy Tours? Seen the pine forests of Pedernales? Know that Hispaniola has about 24 species of endemic (found nowhere else) birds? --

Here is a story -- yes - in French -of the black winged petrel ( pétrel diablotin)-which is endangered - and whose "home" nesting place has been found to be the pine forest of Haiti -
but there is video of the pine forest reserve - one of only two (Balaguer certainly did right by the DR - by introducing & donating the propane stoves and dedicated giant swathes of the land as national parks - he left office with the DR with MORE Forest than when he came in) https://ayibopost.com/un-oiseau-quo...uve-refuge-en-haiti-il-est-aujourdhui-menace/
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Dec 11, 2003
I had to check with one my good friends to see if this story was accurate. I thought for sure that there must. have been a misquote - that Pierre Esperance did not really say that 60% of the "COUNTRY" was under gang control? That it must have been 60% of the "CITY" meaning PauP. But - no - my friend said the story is accurate. It is 60% of the country. Including - I asked?- Cap Haitian, the Artibonite (St Marc etc) Belledaire, Jacmel--

The gangs - Barbaque - who used to be policeman - and his rivals - some who came with Sweet Mickey (Who had Guy Phillippe in the Cabinet, I believe - Phillippe was wanted by the DEA) -others added by Moise - ARMED by them, paid by them.. (this is an old technique -- Aristide used it to help him - and well, TonTonMacoute) But
Now - the gangs have taken to fighting against one another .. and the government has lost any control that it might have had over them.

The Associated Press is one of the two US "wire" services - like Reuters,. This story has already gone out to Winnipeg, Taiwan - and across the US



Dec 11, 2003
I had to check with one my good friends to see if this story was accurate. I thought for sure that there must. have been a misquote - that Pierre Esperance did not really say that 60% of the "COUNTRY" was under gang control? That it must have been 60% of the "CITY" meaning PauP. But - no - my friend said the story is accurate. It is 60% of the country. Including - I asked?- Cap Haitian, the Artibonite (St Marc etc) Belledaire, Jacmel--

The gangs - Barbaque - who used to be policeman - and his rivals - some who came with Sweet Mickey (Who had Guy Phillippe in the Cabinet, I believe - Phillippe was wanted by the DEA) -others added by Moise - ARMED by them, paid by them.. (this is an old technique -- Aristide used it to help him - and well, TonTonMacoute) But
Now - the gangs have taken to fighting against one another .. and the government has lost any control that it might have had over them.

The Associated Press is one of the two US "wire" services - like Reuters,. This story has already gone out to Winnipeg, Taiwan - and across the US

Please note that the binational markets - which take place twice a week - are open to crossings into the DR at -- Dajabon -Ouanaminthe/ Elias Pina/Belladaire/ and Pedernales/Anse A Pitre. The market in both the north and middle are key export points for the DR for eggs - live chickens/ pasta/ paper and packaging/ pasta- and in the central - BEANS...

There was (and I suppose still is) a special ZONA effort on the part of the DR to induce manufacturers to put plants on the border.

I gave up on the UN when I interviewed someone from their "Agricultural" division - based, I believe in Mexico at the time - who told me that they were "researching" WHAT beans would grow properly in Haiti?" This was about the very same time that the bean farmers in the valley around San Juan de Maguana had staged a protest by bringing truck loads of beans down to the Capital and dumping them on the steps of Parliament.

Haiti is their main point of export as there is no canning factory.

I have been in the crush of the market in all three places -- were I in the DR, I would certainly not expect that a wall would prevent anyone from walking through with AK47s and ammo...


Sep 2, 2008
That ship sank a long time ago…
There’s a dangerous chance that gangs will run Haiti in the near future.

There’s no government there to speak of.
More like who grabs the collections box for the next musical chairs turn.

There’s no Haiti, just Haitians that happen to live on that side of Hispaniola.

There’s nothing to fix there, just to build alone.
Anything that resembles a State, must be built from scratch.

You can toss all of it out the window, including the official language, and start from zero.
Whatever gets built, will be a million times better than anything existing now.
What is certain more and more by the day is that Toussaint had wisdom and lots of prescience in his not wanting to declare independence. This one is meaningless if your country to be isn't capable/competent enough to maintain it.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
I had to check with one my good friends to see if this story was accurate. I thought for sure that there must. have been a misquote - that Pierre Esperance did not really say that 60% of the "COUNTRY" was under gang control? That it must have been 60% of the "CITY" meaning PauP. But - no - my friend said the story is accurate. It is 60% of the country. Including - I asked?- Cap Haitian, the Artibonite (St Marc etc) Belledaire, Jacmel--

The gangs - Barbaque - who used to be policeman - and his rivals - some who came with Sweet Mickey (Who had Guy Phillippe in the Cabinet, I believe - Phillippe was wanted by the DEA) -others added by Moise - ARMED by them, paid by them.. (this is an old technique -- Aristide used it to help him - and well, TonTonMacoute) But
Now - the gangs have taken to fighting against one another .. and the government has lost any control that it might have had over them.

The Associated Press is one of the two US "wire" services - like Reuters,. This story has already gone out to Winnipeg, Taiwan - and across the US

Annie, I'm not sure about okap. I just don't hear stories like that from the people I talk to, which is around 15 different persons. No one has ever mentioned gangs. They talk about shortages, lack of work, lack of opportunity, lack of decent anything. But no gangs.
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Dec 11, 2003
Annie, I'm not sure about okap. I just don't hear stories like that from the people I talk to, which is around 15 different persons. No one has ever mentioned gangs. They talk about shortages, lack of work, lack of opportunity, lack of decent anything. But no gangs.
That is good to hear. Your sources are probably better than mine. I will take that news back... !!!!!!
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Dec 11, 2003
Thanks - Nan and Snake! It is not so easy to get news from the ground. I monitor Haitian twitter - which seems to be evenly divided between folks who want the US (et al - known as the CORE group) to HELP and the other half who BLAME all the troubles on them....There are all these calls for Moise to "be removed" - even a "request" delivered to the OAS by a collective of the opposition that he be removed... (My best source is pretty high up in the opposition - which is quite united now - except for Lavalas) - And - it seems to me that NONE of them appear to understand that what they are calling for is a coup d'etat! No one seems to have a real PLAN - as to WHO would step in to replace Moise.

It reminds me of the folks who march in the US saying "no justice/no peace"

I railed against my friend, saying that I put a lot of the blame on the "opposition" who decided RIGHT after the election of Moise that they were NOT going to work with him (reminds me of Mitch McConnell)

Moise seems still intent on the referendum but there is considerable international pressure that no vote on it will take place -- "the opposition" - now organized as DIRPOP - firmly opposes it https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-...oject-of-the-new-constitution-in-45-days.html


Dec 11, 2003
Here - the first and second drafts of the proposed new constitution - https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-...reliminary-draft-of-the-new-constitution.html

There appears to be agreement that the constitution needs to be amended. I believe that all of Article C is objected to? as well as #145 & 146? I am away from my notes (now scattered very efficiently on small pieces of scrap paper all over my desk and dining table! Today - I buy a new NoteBook!)


Dec 11, 2003
I will simply post the links as I get them - For Those Who Are Interested - https://au.news.yahoo.com/fleeing-gangs-thousands-haitians-unsure-013436497.html
Yes - I do indeed note that they are now living most likely in better conditions than they were - being fed, etc.. (except, of course, for no privacy whatsoever) -
I Would So Appreciate It If Those Who Read This Thread And Feel An Urge To Make Disparaging Comments About Haiti & Haitians
Could Refrain from doing so until the End of The Day
Mesi d'avant
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