READ THIS if married or marrying a Dominicano national


Feb 10, 2010
So you come to Dominican Republic mixing with low social level, and you want a medal, Paul?
Please try to immigrate to US and try to marry a crackhead from New Jersey, Paul.

Would you stop insulting other persons with Nonsense, Paul.
If you think that is funny to public a post of dirty laundry from your low life, that's up to you, Paul.
There are many persons living happily with their husbands and wives, here, in Dominican Republic.

Have you tried wearing glasses before choosing a wife? (minus 7 for example?)
There should be a IQ test on the airport for foreigners anyway.

Love it ;o) IQ tests should be mandatory... or at least prenuptual agreements.


Jan 3, 2007
I say again, do NOT marry a Dominicano and if you already have, seek a lawyer TODAY!!! (And dare I say it, do NOT trust your lawyer - triple check EVERYTHING with at least one other lawyer and independent intelligent friends).



You and "Trainman33" should get together for a conversation and a couple of Presidentes.
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New member
Nov 2, 2010
I read of a case here in California where a man married 15 years to a Filipina went traveling back to her country she had asked him to go ahead of her as she had some business to finish He got murdered in Manilla by thugs hired by the wife Police was able to track them to that lady US embassy had an unsolved murder 18 years ago connected to sam ewoman she had 2 husbands killed in 20 years consider yourself lucky to be alive


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Should Be Smart...

Your buddy should have slapped ther sh*t out of her right when all this started. Today he would have the respect of her family and would still have a loving wife.
...and why go to the extent of slapping her silly? What, for respect? If words are not enough...well, he has a problem, and his game is weak! If a relationship gets to the point where bodily harm is necessary, it is time to walk away.


New member
Nov 29, 2007
You know, Dominicans are all different. I trust my Dominican wife. She was raised correctly by her mother who is one of the most honest people I've ever met, in any country. My wife's best friend is a nun, and all her friends have been her friends since a young age. She never spends my money, and I have absolutely no concern about being taken for a ride by her. Take every person as an individual and do not malign a complete country. There are always 3 sides to a story, hers, his, and the truth.

I am in the process of getting a divorce from a dominicanol... he knows all my assets here and foreign... left with only his belongings and wants nothing more.... they are not all theives... sometimes things don't work out but its not because he was a bad person or a thief... don't paint one culture because of one expereince with one trashy family
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Jan 3, 2007
...and why go to the extent of slapping her silly? What, for respect? If words are not enough...well, he has a problem, and his game is weak! If a relationship gets to the point where bodily harm is necessary, it is time to walk away.

True. If I have to demean myself by resorting to violence it's not worth it. Walk away and let her disrespect the next one. Maybe he'll be low enough to take the bait.


Jan 3, 2007
Use your common sense and your brain and not your willy

That's not very practical. If he doesn't use his willy once in awhile it'll shrivel up and fall off (as in atrophy).

Probably needs to work out a time sharing arangement between the two heads though.


Jan 1, 2002
...and why go to the extent of slapping her silly? What, for respect? If words are not enough...well, he has a problem, and his game is weak! If a relationship gets to the point where bodily harm is necessary, it is time to walk away.
I guess no one read the second sentence.


Jul 27, 2009
I'm going to just hope that the people reading this have more sense than to take Eddy's advice and think you can somehow instill a sense of respect and love in someone via physical abuse.


Jun 3, 2006
I'm going to just hope that the people reading this have more sense than to take Eddy's advice and think you can somehow instill a sense of respect and love in someone via physical abuse.

I agree - trust ıs the most ımportant. When people dont trust each other all kınds of problems ıncludıng abuse and vıolence arıse. Trust takes a whıle to develop, otherwıse ıt makes not sense to even be together.


Active member
Jun 1, 2002
Paul- Sounds like a real mess and I wish you the best in resolving the situation. I seem to be out of the loop here- all the posters seem to already know the details regarding your dominicana- that she is poor, uneducated, previously a puta, never was a good person, and only was with you, a much older sex starved gringo with little knowledge of dominican culture, for the material goodies you could provide. In hindsight, is that how it all went down?


I am a out of touch hippie.
Nov 13, 2006
as with anywhere else in the world, good idea to know the person before you get married

If you are already married to a Dominicano national of either sex, then find the best lawyer that you can NOW
Marriage is sometimes a statement of your love for each other, but it is always a complex legal contract between the two. Except in the case of two young childless kids, with nothing between them, the time to see a lawyer is before the contract.


New member
Aug 31, 2005
Ah but how people criticise me without undestanding.

Clearly EVERY Dominicano is not the same there clearly must be (or are) some very good Dominicanos (like my 9th lawyer - the first to actually defend me)


Just in Constanza, almost all the foreigners who lived her in recent times have suffered the identical issues, with ex-spouses destroying their lives, gaining more than 50% of their lives and, in some cases even gaining 100% (literally) and with the lawyers and Fiscalia doing little or nothing to defend the foreigner?s rights.

Here, my experience of the Fiscalia is that it is never going to assist me but will bend over backwards to assist my ex-wife My lawyer (the 9th one) investigated the Fiscalia?s treatment of my case and agrees with my interpretation. (For example, I received approximately 3 "citas" a week for several months This literally exhaused my first two lawyers who therefore abandoned my case. Each cita proved (to judges) to be based on lies but this didn?t stop the fiscals from sending the damned things, even when some of the charges were very obviously lies!). In Constanza, if you want to send a cita, it usually takes a week or more and several visits to a Fiscal. In my case, my wife managed to send each one in approximately 30 minutes. In Constanza, to send the Police to arrest someone you need to have robbed a bank, killed someone or done something REALLY serious and failed to respond to 3 requests to appear tbefore a Fiscal. In my case, the Police were sent to look for and arrest me twice, despite my having committed no offence (EVER!), in each case the Police being set within seconds of my wife requesting it!!!

I was accused of attempted murder (literally) despite the complete absence of any evidence; on the night that I reputedly intended to murder by wife, she chose to sleep in our house, where I also lived, and failed to tell anyone that she was in fear for her life (e.g. she didn?t phone her lawyer, her family, the Police, the Fiscals) - even the Fiscals had to laugh when they understood this!!!). Once this got to ajudge, the accusation was thrown out based on the complete absence of any evidence.

Various lawyers demanded money to defend me and then did nothing (although paid), thus leading to me eventually having had 9 lawyers to manage just one divorce.

The vast majority of Dominicanos (both sexes) that I have met, and I?ve met many from all parts of the DR, advised me never to marry They say that there is no reason to marry and that, in this country, "money has no friends". These are not my words, they are Dominicano.

Yes, bad marriages for wong reasons can happen anywhere But how many times does it happen here!!! The Dominicanos tell me that here, people will "divorce" if someone new comes along with a little more money Again, these are NOT my words, they are Dominicano!!!

I have officials in Constanza (Government officials) who warn me NOT to trust ANY Dominicano!!! This is not a situation I like nor one I expected nor one that my culture finds acceptable. But it is what REAL Dominicanos REALLY say to me.

And although I haven?t read all the old posts in DR1, I seem to remember that after I arrived here (4 plus years ago, already married), I read lots of DR1 horror stories about marriage here - the people who riculed in these old posts were the people who said that anyone who marries here should have read DR1 first!!!

So my warning stands. It?s meant sincerely based on what really happened and what other foreigners here have told me happend both to them and to more foreigners that they know. (In other countries where I?ve lived, including countries smaller than the DR so where I knew even more of the population, I never encountered even one such story!).

Even my Dominicano bank advises me never to marry a Dominicano!

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
If you were told not to trust Dominicans by other Dominicans maybe they have an ulterior motive for telling you this, after they are Dominican, so you can't trust them. See, sounds pretty stupid doesn't it. They are a number of people posting on here that have been married to Dominicans more than 20 years, several in that 40 plus years of marriage. I've been married for almost 12 years, and my only regret is that I didn't meet her 20 years earlier.
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