READ THIS if married or marrying a Dominicano national


New member
Feb 7, 2010
you see this is what happens when gringos come down here and marry the first dominicana that gives you a piece of ass lol!!! oye mi hermano stay out of the barrios and quit wifeing up these trifling ass hoodrats!! because then when u get taken advantage of u want to label the whole country as thieves and con artists!! look man alot of u guys need to take classes on how to judge a persons character because i aint never heard so many sad stories in my life lol!!!!

Ok, for his rants against the entire dominican race, he deserves all the tongue lashing you guys are giving him. But he did say he had been married for 10 years, and we really don't know how long he knew her, before they got married. And did you guys hear all the b/s he went through? So while I hear your frustration, you still can't label an entire race as bad like that. Like so many have said, this situation happens everyday, in every state and country.

I hear a common theme that comes forth from foreigners and dominicans alike, and it is that class is somehow determined by where you live or how much money or education you have. When I hear men bragging about their "good woman" they usually say something like, she comes from an educated or rich family. Or, "she is not from the barrio". I understand the concept that being poor can make one more desperate, therfore more likely to do anything to rid themself of that situation, but does having money or education automatically make you morally right. Can someone shed some light on this type of thinking for me, because I read it quite frequently, and I would just like to understand it better.


Jan 3, 2007
Paul, I'm sorry for what you're going through.

That being said, I have to tell you that this could happen anywhere to anyone. I knew a well-to-do couple in the US who were married about 20 yrs when their marriage fell apart. He was British, she was American, both had movie-star looks. Same thing happened to the husband. She emptied the house and then began stealing items from his business [expensive antiques] - when he took her to court the judge said since the divorce wasn't final she still legally owned half the business and he couldn't stop her. He tried to do everything right, but she was a barracuda. When the business burglar alarm went off one Sunday he went to the business and confronted her with a gun - killed her and then killed himself.

I don't tell you this as a solution [God forbid!], but to show that this happens all over the world and you can't paint all Dominicans with the same brush. There are many good people in DR. Sh*t happens everywhere - don't blame the country.


The more I read it, the more I really like this story.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
My 2 cents: I was married to a Dominicano (Military, too), and we had a little girl. Although the marriage wasn't a particularly happy one, since we divorced we've become great friends. I'm moving back this week and he will see his daughter when/if he wants to (I have sole custody), and you know what? I'm happy to see him again.

I urge you please not to put Dominicans under the same little dim light; I have plenty of wonderful, sweet, extremely intelligent and trustworthy Dominican friends, both male and female...

I'm sorry you/people you know have had negative experiences, but it's like saying all Canadians are lumberjacks. I'm not! :D


Jun 3, 2006
I think some people get so mean and greedy, they just can't help it. Materialistic values in the society do it. If people valued family, books, arts, education and health more than money - such cases would not be happening so often. There would have been much less of vicious gossip and envy going on too. I think Dominicans do have family values, and there are a lot of educated people in the RD as well, less than some other countries, but still ... Bob's wife is hardworking and educated. She does not need anything from him.
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Nov 22, 2009
Ok, for his rants against the entire dominican race, he deserves all the tongue lashing you guys are giving him. But he did say he had been married for 10 years, and we really don't know how long he knew her, before they got married. And did you guys hear all the b/s he went through? So while I hear your frustration, you still can't label an entire race as bad like that. Like so many have said, this situation happens everyday, in every state and country.

I hear a common theme that comes forth from foreigners and dominicans alike, and it is that class is somehow determined by where you live or how much money or education you have. When I hear men bragging about their "good woman" they usually say something like, she comes from an educated or rich family. Or, "she is not from the barrio". I understand the concept that being poor can make one more desperate, therfore more likely to do anything to rid themself of that situation, but does having money or education automatically make you morally right. Can someone shed some light on this type of thinking for me, because I read it quite frequently, and I would just like to understand it better.

Nope, phony is as phony does. In this country EVERYTHING is cyclical. The poor people screw you just like the wealthier ones will. Only thing here is just like in the US, they can do it with style, in better clothes, with more sincere duplicity in their face as they do it to you. Wealthy people use legal chicanery poor people use guilt.

I wouldnt worry much because in the near future everyone will be from the barrio.

Heidi C Perez

New member
Jul 2, 2011
I would say take as much time as possible to get to know anyone from any other foreign land, before marrying them. Don't rush feeling head over heels in love cuz you may be the only one who feels that way.:(
Aug 4, 2011
I think married rate for Europe is low, so why everyone want to marry when they get to Dominican Republic. I think if someone wants to marry me too quick I become suspishon but of course I have had many ask


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Nope, phony is as phony does. In this country EVERYTHING is cyclical. The poor people screw you just like the wealthier ones will. Only thing here is just like in the US, they can do it with style, in better clothes, with more sincere duplicity in their face as they do it to you. Wealthy people use legal chicanery poor people use guilt.

I wouldnt worry much because in the near future everyone will be from the barrio.

yea but wealthy ones in usa wont use u for a visa like DR ooooooo DISSSSSSS


New member
Jan 26, 2011
I think the OP has provided all of us with some good information that is helpful and may save someone major headaches (and money) in the future.

His labelling of all Dominicans being the same is wrong. Many posters assuming he married a barrio puta is just as wrong.

The information to take from this thread, is that if you ever end up in the unfortunate situation of a divorce, the legal system will not be on your side as corruption (for money) and "taking the dominican womens side" is very real and possible. His advice to protect yourself when getting married (especially in a corrupt 3rd world country) is great and should not be dismissed because he foolishly painted all Dominican with the same brush.

Notice all the stories posted about "clean" divorce, with the Dominican leaving and asking for nothing, are Dominican men leaving Gringo women? I think there are two reasons for that. 1) In a macho male dominated society like the DR, almost no man would ever admit he needed a woman to take care of him. He would lose his respect and masculinity in the community which is VERY important to him. 2) The laws and corruption that takes place is to protect women from men, not men from women. The police / courts are not going to wrongfully arrest or extort a female.

Food for thought, and my opinions (not facts) only.

La Mariposa

Jun 4, 2004
I think the OP has provided all of us with some good information that is helpful and may save someone major headaches (and money) in the future.

His labelling of all Dominicans being the same is wrong. Many posters assuming he married a barrio puta is just as wrong.

The information to take from this thread, is that if you ever end up in the unfortunate situation of a divorce, the legal system will not be on your side as corruption (for money) and "taking the dominican womens side" is very real and possible. His advice to protect yourself when getting married (especially in a corrupt 3rd world country) is great and should not be dismissed because he foolishly painted all Dominican with the same brush.

Notice all the stories posted about "clean" divorce, with the Dominican leaving and asking for nothing, are Dominican men leaving Gringo women? I think there are two reasons for that. 1) In a macho male dominated society like the DR, almost no man would ever admit he needed a woman to take care of him. He would lose his respect and masculinity in the community which is VERY important to him. 2) The laws and corruption that takes place is to protect women from men, not men from women. The police / courts are not going to wrongfully arrest or extort a female.

Food for thought, and my opinions (not facts) only.

Have you ever heard the word sanky??????? He leaves without asking nothing because there is nothing left, he already has cleaned her and most important has emigrated to another country thanks to her and her money.
May 29, 2006
Is there anything like a pre-nup in the DR? Does a divorce divvy stuff up based on what they had coming in, or is it a 50/50 deal regardless?

One in my friends in high school wrote a popular computer game(still available in all Office Maxes and Staples) and ended up making a million bucks. He lost half when his wife divorced him a couple years back. Now he's married again and he earned the money back he lost when the real estate business was booming. The divorce got him into buying property...

Another one of my friends owns a bar, and when he got divorced, his wife had the choice of getting half the business or a cash pay out. She got the cash payout, but once my friend wasn't miserable anymore in a bad marriage, his business finally took off.

Sometimes these losses can be a blessing in disguise.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
Have you ever heard the word sanky??????? He leaves without asking nothing because there is nothing left, he already has cleaned her and most important has emigrated to another country thanks to her and her money.

So you are saying that all the women that posted in here about divorce were married to Sankies. Give your head a shake.


Nov 17, 2011
If you were told not to trust Dominicans by other Dominicans maybe they have an ulterior motive for telling you this, after they are Dominican, so you can't trust them. See, sounds pretty stupid doesn't it. They are a number of people posting on here that have been married to Dominicans more than 20 years, several in that 40 plus years of marriage. I've been married for almost 12 years, and my only regret is that I didn't meet her 20 years earlier.

She would have been ten years old if you did. Lol
Mar 1, 2009
Sorry about your friend, I really am. Yet as a Dominicano I find your labeling of ALL Dominicans as extremely malicious and a gross exaggeration. I dated an amazing young lady from eastern Europe and I can't base myself on what happened between us to judge everyone from her country. My sister is married to a white guy from Ohio and if I was to base myself on him, I don't think I would ever like anyone from there. Lol!!!