Shooting in Zona Colonial

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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
To get back ON TOPIC PLEASE, Mr AE just read that the guy had stolen a camera from a woman, and was chased down the street by politur.

So there goes all the 'bleeding heart's' theory who thought he grabbed a piece of bread because he was hungry.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"AE" I don't even know what the "TOPIC" is anymore!
I stopped reading this garbage after 5 pages!!!!
To those of you who's only contribution to this thread is to call anyone who criticizes Dominicans, and/or their culture, a "Racist Bigot",then to tell us that, "If you don't like Dominicans, or the DR, Then GET OUT"!
Especially those who have 11 posts, or don't even live in the country you seem to think you know so much about,I say the following.
"F#@K You", AND the "High Horse" you rode in on!!!
Shows you really have little or nothing to say!
Dominicans themselves applaud the police when they beat the $HIT out of these thieves, or kill them!
It saves them the trouble!!!!!
If you could, or would just read the daily newspapers here in the DR,
"Vigilante Justice" is commonplace, and they guys they punish, wish the police had shot them in the head!
Less painful than being clubbed, kicked, and chopped up with a "Machete"!
Well, at LEAST there are about 500,000 teenage "Chicas" here to make the DR worth a stay!
To all those who are Sooooooooooooooooo proud that they "Speak Spanish, live in a Dominican "Barrio", drink in the Colmado with their "Dominican Friends", :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
Lets see how long it takes for that to become a "Hell On Earth" for you??????
Especially if you are a "PC" Liberal Progressive, who left your country because you didn't "Like It" to move here because you, "Do, Like it"!!!!!!!
On second thought, I won't, "F#@K" the Horse!


Sep 27, 2006
just to add, diario libre run this story too, and here are the comments:

Asi mismo, uno menos, pa' lante, sigan dandole pa' bajo, algun dia acabaremos con ellos, ya ese no roba mas.

Si esto fue por una c?mara que se rob?, qu? le va a hacer la Polic?a a los Funcionarios que le roban millones al pueblo dominicano???

que investigacion ni investigacion. dejen eso asi. hay que salir de todas las alima?as que estan afectando esta nacion, sin importar el bando al que pertenezcan. ya no aguantamos tandos ladrones por tadas parte. tengan por seguro que apartir de ahora ese delincuente no robara ni un vaso de agua en su blanco mundo

Polic?a ultima a hombre que supuestamente rob? c?mara en la Zona Colonial -


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
This is what happens in countries where the military (police) has too much power.

People begin to applaud until it happens to one of their loved ones.Then all hell breaks loose.


Mar 2, 2004
My friend saw it happen. It was a guy who was about 20 years old, who was robbing from a bakery. The police hit him on the head with a gun which went off, bullet right through the head. Lots of blood all over the street. Happened on Duarte just up from the Palacio Hotel near the intersection with Las Mercedes. The police bundled the body into the back of a truck but there is evidently still a lot of blood on the street.

he was apprehended in front of the bakery ,but he had robbed a tourist on el Conde of her camera first ,and with all the police and tourist police in the area for this weekend festivities in Zona colonial, he did not have much of a chance .His family was doing there funeral today next to china town, where he evidently lived .It is sad actually, but these kids know the outcome if they are caught.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Probably needed his "FIX" and didn't have his own money to pay for it!
OR, maybe he was a photographer who just wanted a better camera???


New member
Oct 15, 2012
Ladies and gentleman everything is ok. Coach's is still open around the corner from the incident, And they have the bread that is so good people are willing to die for it. That woman really does make killer bread. Spending a few pesos to eat drink and be merry is much better than getting your head blown off.


Nov 4, 2011
That cop was a B*TCH for killing this man a REAL B*TCH!!! The police have every right to take his freedom for stealing a camera, but to take his life.

It does not take a rocket scientist to realize the man stealing the camera was WEAK!!! you know what kind of man kills a weak man??? A WEAKER man.

The DR police can go on a killing spree and kill all the petty thieves and the Dominican Republic will still be F*CKED UP, because while the police are busy killing thieves on the street, the REAL THIEVES that are stealing something much greater like FUTURE and HOPE from Dominicans are allowed to conduct business as usual.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
JMB, if you read the article you'll see that it was not an intentional killing, he was hit in the head with the pistol and it went off accidentally.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
AE, the police in the DR when they do something wrong always say it was an "accident" or unintentional to avoid being prosecuted. And they get away with it.


Nov 4, 2011
JMB, if you read the article you'll see that it was not an intentional killing, he was hit in the head with the pistol and it went off accidentally.

AE he is a TRAINED officer not some 13 yr old kid who does not know how to handle a gun. Once the man is in custody and he is no longer a threat a cop firearm is supposed to be holstered. The LAST resort is using the gun, but people in DR really enjoy firing guns any chance they get.

I have witnessed people beating thieves in the street after he was caught, and somebody always have to bring a gun when the men clearly are not fighting back.

In Los Mina I once saw a cop firer his gun in the air to get the crowd to calm down after a man broke into someone's home. Do you know what would happen if a USA cop shot his gun in the air???

The PN are VERY bad people corrupt is not a word that fits the police force in DR SAD!!! is a better word.

My sister in law got into so much trouble because she was ridding on the back of a stolen scooter. They release her and then the next day came back and picked her up and told her she needed to pay 500USD or she would go to jail.

Like I said the police in the DR are VERY bad people.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
AE he is a TRAINED officer not some 13 yr old kid who does not know how to handle a gun. Once the man is in custody and he is no longer a threat a cop firearm is supposed to be holstered. The LAST resort is using the gun, but people in DR really enjoy firing guns any chance they get.

I have witnessed people beating thieves in the street after he was caught, and somebody always have to bring a gun when the men clearly are not fighting back.

In Los Mina I once saw a cop firer his gun in the air to get the crowd to calm down after a man broke into someone's home. Do you know what would happen if a USA cop shot his gun in the air???

The PN are VERY bad people corrupt is not a word that fits the police force in DR SAD!!! is a better word.

My sister in law got into so much trouble because she was ridding on the back of a stolen scooter. They release her and then the next day came back and picked her up and told her she needed to pay 500USD or she would go to jail.

Like I said the police in the DR are VERY bad people.

JMB, i once was in a girlie bar and two girls got into a catfight. the head barmaid could not calm them down, so she called the cops. so, what do we get? six cops coming into a bar, filled with people, with their 9 millimeters drawn. for what? to stop 2 girls from pulling each other's hair? when the girls stopped the foolishness, two of the morons went outside, and started busting off rounds in the air. i tried to tell people that had that been the USA, they would have had to write a report explaining the discharge of every bullet.


Jun 16, 2012
AE he is a TRAINED officer not some 13 yr old kid who does not know how to handle a gun. Once the man is in custody and he is no longer a threat a cop firearm is supposed to be holstered. The LAST resort is using the gun, but people in DR really enjoy firing guns any chance they get.

I have witnessed people beating thieves in the street after he was caught, and somebody always have to bring a gun when the men clearly are not fighting back.

In Los Mina I once saw a cop firer his gun in the air to get the crowd to calm down after a man broke into someone's home. Do you know what would happen if a USA cop shot his gun in the air???

The PN are VERY bad people corrupt is not a word that fits the police force in DR SAD!!! is a better word.

My sister in law got into so much trouble because she was ridding on the back of a stolen scooter. They release her and then the next day came back and picked her up and told her she needed to pay 500USD or she would go to jail.

Like I said the police in the DR are VERY bad people.

Whatever gives you the impression PN are 'trained officers'?


Jun 16, 2012
JMB, i once was in a girlie bar and two girls got into a catfight. the head barmaid could not calm them down, so she called the cops. so, what do we get? six cops coming into a bar, filled with people, with their 9 millimeters drawn. for what? to stop 2 girls from pulling each other's hair? when the girls stopped the foolishness, two of the morons went outside, and started busting off rounds in the air. i tried to tell people that had that been the USA, they would have had to write a report explaining the discharge of every bullet.

There are similar issues in the UK, keeping officers at a desk rather than on the streets where they belong.


Nov 4, 2011
JMB, i once was in a girlie bar and two girls got into a catfight. the head barmaid could not calm them down, so she called the cops. so, what do we get? six cops coming into a bar, filled with people, with their 9 millimeters drawn. for what? to stop 2 girls from pulling each other's hair? when the girls stopped the foolishness, two of the morons went outside, and started busting off rounds in the air. i tried to tell people that had that been the USA, they would have had to write a report explaining the discharge of every bullet.

Back in 2006 or 2007 I went to the Botanical Garden in SD with a friend and back then I ALWAYS carried by backpack with me EVERYWHERE!!! and as I was walking in after I paid for the tickets "soldier boy Jose" walked up to me and showed me his gun tucked into his pants. The reason he showed me the gun is because he wanted to check my backpack and the gun was the only thing on his person with any importance. Dominicans LOVE their guns big time.

It has been so many times I wanted to knock out some "Barney Fife" a$$ cop in the DR. The reason why the DR police has so much power is because people in DR allow them to walk all over them all because they drive some beat up ass police car and wear combat boots.

Once another one of friends and I was on the malecon and the police pulled us over checking his papers and it took almost an hour. Trying to pretend like we were in so much trouble because he kept calling the base or pretending like he was talking to someone important.


Jun 16, 2012
Dang you are a living contradiction. You post that people should not get upset because your view or opinion is different from their but you tell me I should silence myself. GTFOH.

Where did you get the notion that I have no issues with this country? There are plenty, but I made the decision to move here. I have stated before if it comes a time that the issues make me regret my move, guess what...I will move.

It seems "something" is keeping you here but if that "something" was removed you would be out of here. I think it's better for you to work on removing that weight instead of bitching and making excuses for the decisions you have made in life.

You are just making things up now. Where have I been bitching (does one comment constitute bitching in your world, lol), where have I made mistakes? Where have I made excuses? I made a statement and have spent the rest of the thread chatting away to folk who are more obsessed with my opinions and those telling me I shouldn't have them, why I humour you I dunno, as if you are some authority, lol, sorry but you guys make me laugh. I have no quarm with your decisions or opinions, and I have stated I am happy for you guys, I would be a wanker :)eek:) to do so right?
You have not been giving an opinion on this thread, more so in attempting to tell me I shouldn't have an opinion unless it is the same as yours. Don't tell people how to live their lives, how they should think, where they should live or anything you feel you have the knowledge and credibility to do so, you have zero IMO and are certainly not qualified to tell me squat about my life here, and certainly not the life around me.
So maybe you get it now, but I doubt it, your blinkers are closed. Tackle the thread topic, that is where your opinion is of slightly more value, although how much I dunno, you sound clueless. This is repetitive and untrue and so very pointless, get the hint?
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Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Today stealing a camera, tomorrow breaking into your home. A thief knows the odds and the consequences. They are very well aware of how the police can react. Are the police brutal here, yes they can be but so are the criminals. Can the police be a bit "trigger happy" here, yes they can be but so can the criminals.
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