So, after using the new tablet for a while, I noticed my cameras don't stream quite as well as I would like. My setup is a Vysync repeater that gets wi-fi from my fiber optic router which is in a weird spot. I had it in my middle bathroom and it was doing much better than I expected.
So I looked into a Wyze mesh router. I saw an ad where they were on sale for something like 85 bucks for two, so I decided what the heck and bought a pair. (A mesh router greatly expands your Fiber Optic wi-fi signal area, while a repeater is a "bridge" your wi-fi signal has to cross going back and forth between model and equipment, much slower)
I got them a couple of days ago and set them up. I think there's a way I could install them and the cameras would connect automatically, but I finally gave up on that happening and decided to reinstall each of the cameras.
Before, I had to wait for the cameras to connect and give me a life feed. Now, I click on a camera and it's instantaneous.
4 live cameras at once? Piece of cake. Instantaneous. Stupid fast.
Even better, my smart TV with it's Firestick informed me there was a new wi-fi source that was faster. Say what??
I connected them to the Wyze router, and now the speed on my TV through the Wyze router is close to 300 Mbps. Unreal.
Years ago I used to tell Greg my channels seem to take a few seconds. Not now. Now I click on a channel, and BAM, it there.
I even get 230 Mbps going through my free VPN (PROTON)
Well worth it to get yourself a mesh router if you want faster speeds.