What’s next for a crackdown on Haitian migrants as the Dominican Republic leader enters a new term?


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
You know I never noticed that in 20 years of living here.
Notice I present how legally things should be done. Not make excuses like stating there is an informal economy.
yet more contradictions. One thread you are asking about skirting tax payments on a tip jar and room rentals.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
Yeh... But no... Before I wrote it I actually went and checked the definition...

Here you go...

"...prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

Since windeguy is constantly on about illegal Haitian immigrants... Folks I am very sure do not include light-skinned Haitians of the well-to-do Haitian class... I'm pretty sure that there was a specific "...racial/ethic group..." of Haitians that windeguy was referring to.

If I say Afriacans are black... Have I said that there are no white Africans?

Understanding context is always important to understanding what a person might be saying... Especially in the context of "...breed like Catholics...".

Is breeding not a matter of a kind of "...racial or ethnic group..."?

1 of 2
rac·ist ˈrā-sist
also -shist
Synonyms of racist
: of, relating to, or characterized by racism: such as
: having, reflecting, or fostering the belief that race (see race entry 1 sense 1a) is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
racist speech
racist views
a racist person
Over the last three years, there have been episodes of racist graffiti, jokes, anonymous hate notes or brawls at 175 campuses …—
Joseph Berger
The viciousness her liaison with Lennon inspired was virulently sexist, openly racist, and as ugly as ugly gets.—

Racist violence against Romani in eastern Europe is reminiscent of pogroms against the Jews in the Tsarist Empire.—
- Donald Kenrick
: of, relating to, or characterized by the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another
racist laws/policies
a racist society
In contrast, people of color in a racist system always face headwinds.—
Claire Gillespie

I think the issue is more than semantics. The word racism has been overused so that now it has no real meaning.

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Yeh... But no... Before I wrote it I actually went and checked the definition...

Here you go...

"...prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

Since windeguy is constantly on about illegal Haitian immigrants... Folks I am very sure do not include light-skinned Haitians of the well-to-do Haitian class... I'm pretty sure that there was a specific "...racial/ethic group..." of Haitians that windeguy was referring to.

If I say Afriacans are black... Have I said that there are no white Africans?

Understanding context is always important to understanding what a person might be saying... Especially in the context of "...breed like Catholics...".

Is breeding not a matter of a kind of "...racial or ethnic group..."?
There’s that Your man in Vegas je ne sais quoi again, just missing the emojis
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Jun 10, 2008
yet more contradictions. One thread you are asking about skirting tax payments on a tip jar and room rentals.
I was about to comment on this. Yes he talks about taxes differently. But it goes hand in hand. If the government enforces the existing employment laws and tax laws then it would be difficult to hire illegals.

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
I was about to comment on this. Yes he talks about taxes differently. But it goes hand in hand. If the government enforces the existing employment laws and tax laws then it would be difficult to hire illegals.
You need to post this great content on that blog under your profile name!


Jul 10, 2004
yet more contradictions. One thread you are asking about skirting tax payments on a tip jar and room rentals.
Nope. I don't rent rooms nor have I ever had a tip jar. Talk to my wife about rooms.


Jul 10, 2004
Let's see...

Definitely racist.

Definitely religious.

Definitely derogatory.

This windeguy person sure knows how to stay within forum rules.
I said Haitians breed like Catholics. My bad, they breed like rabbits. Nothing racist nor religious , but factual.
If facts are derogatory, and so it goes.


Jul 10, 2004
I was about to comment on this. Yes he talks about taxes differently. But it goes hand in hand. If the government enforces the existing employment laws and tax laws then it would be difficult to hire illegals.
Apples and oranges , but people like to conflate unrelated things.


Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
I said Haitians breed like Catholics. My bad, they breed like rabbits. Nothing racist nor religious , but factual.
If facts are derogatory, and so it goes.
Still derogatory... Now you're comparing them to animals.

Why can you just say that Haitians have large families?

You can't because saying it in that way wouldn't meet your desperate need to denigrate another human being.

It's often not that you don't have a point, windeguy... It's just the way you choose to present it that exposes a distasteful character trait... Which itself exposes a corrupted inward being.

And it's not factual... I personally know Haitians who, by choice, have small families... But it suits your agenda to speak in wide generalities.

Everyone has, and is welcome to their opinions, windeguy... But this doesn't mean it's productive to express opinions in a manner that is deliberately meant to demean the humanity of others.
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Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
Bob... My wife is Haitian... And we've been married for just over twenty-five years... Along with her knowledge, knowing world history as I do, I'm well aware that Haiti, having been a French colony, has the Roman Catholic religion as a somewhat prevailing religious denomination.

But I also know that there have been American non-denomination missionaries in Haiti since the early twentieth century... And I've personally met Haitian ministers who were trained by some of these missionaries and have deep roots in Haitian society, especially in the more rural areas.

And no... I don't believe that windeguy's comment was related to Haitans being "...bon-catholic..." (good catholic) members... But one of the Catholic religion's promoting of large families as a practice related to their religious beliefs... Yet even this is not the norm among the Catholics I know.

So... In this context, windeguy, in typecasting Catholics, was being derogatory... And more to my point... Bringing religion into the thread... Which, I've been told, is against forum rules... Which was my point.

What else ya got?
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El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
Bob... My wife is Haitian... And we've been married for just over twenty-five years... Along with her knowledge, knowing world history as I do, I'm well aware that Haiti, having been a French colony, has the Roman Catholic religion as a somewhat prevailing religious denomination.

But I also know that there have been American non-denomination missionaries in Haiti since the early twentieth century... And I've personally met Haitian ministers who were trained by some of these missionaries and have deep roots in Haitian society, especially in the more rural areas.

And no... I don't believe that windeguy's comment was related to Haitans being "...bon-catholic..." (good catholic) members... But one of the Catholic religion's promoting of large families as a practice related to their religious beliefs... Yet even this is not the norm among the Catholics I know.

So... In this context, windeguy, in typecasting Catholics, was being derogatory... And more to my point... Bringing religion into the thread... Which, I've been told, is against forum rules... Which was my point.

What else ya got?
You, Builder and NALs are the perfect storm of bad content.
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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Bob... My wife is Haitian... And we've been married for just over twenty-five years... Along with her knowledge, knowing world history as I do, I'm well aware that Haiti, having been a French colony, has the Roman Catholic religion as a somewhat prevailing religious denomination.

But I also know that there have been American non-denomination missionaries in Haiti since the early twentieth century... And I've personally met Haitian ministers who were trained by some of these missionaries and have deep roots in Haitian society, especially in the more rural areas.

And no... I don't believe that windeguy's comment was related to Haitans being "...bon-catholic..." (good catholic) members... But one of the Catholic religion's promoting of large families as a practice related to their religious beliefs... Yet even this is not the norm among the Catholics I know.

So... In this context, windeguy, in typecasting Catholics, was being derogatory... And more to my point... Bringing religion into the thread... Which, I've been told, is against forum rules... Which was my point.

What else ya got?
Well they estimate that the population is still 65 percent Catholic, but yes many of the Haitians where I live go to a Baptist church. Illegal Haitians are a great cost to the Dominican Republic, and yes they outbreed Dominican women. 2.7 lives births to 2.2 . Approximately 30 percent of babies born in Dominican hospitals are born to Haitians 30,322 in 2020. That number fluctuates yearly. In fact the pregnant Haitian women distort Dominican Infant and maternal mortality rates.

During the first nine months of 2021, the Estrella Ureña hospital in Santiago has invested RD $ 14,131,893 to cover cesarean sections and deliveries of Haitian nationals, performing a total of one 1,436 deliveries and 591 cesarean sections.
Each vaginal birth costs RD $ 5,348, and cesarean sections amount to RD $ 10,917. Without adding costs for complications, this could even lead to mobilizations to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
“The severity in Haitian patients is much higher in proportion to Dominican women, due to their lifestyle. They do not resort to vaccination against COVID-19 and other pathologies, they suffer anemias, they do not perform prenatal check-ups in a timely manner, which results in patients having to be admitted to the ICU, consuming more than RD $ 1 million to RD $ 2 million if they incur mechanical ventilation, laboratory analysis, medicines, among other supplies,” the text details.
Thats just one hospital.
In Haiti they pay 25,000 Gourdes for a birth, in the DR they get them free.


Jul 10, 2004
Still derogatory... Now you're comparing them to animals.

Why can you just say that Haitians have large families?
Because I didn't want to say it that way. My final answer on that.
You can't because saying it in that way wouldn't meet your desperate need to denigrate another human being.

It's often not that you don't have a point, windeguy... It's just the way you choose to present it that exposes a distasteful character trait... Which itself exposes a corrupted inward being.
And I assure you I could care less about that.
And it's not factual... I personally know Haitians who, by choice, have small families... But it suits your agenda to speak in wide generalities.

Everyone has, and is welcome to their opinions, windeguy... But this doesn't mean it's productive to express opinions in a manner that is deliberately meant to demean the humanity of others.
Once again. I just don't care. You should talk to my wife's family if you think what I post is bad.

I do care and hope Luis increases deportations of ALL illegals and business that hire them pay the consequences.


Jul 10, 2004
Bob... My wife is Haitian... And we've been married for just over twenty-five years... Along with her knowledge, knowing world history as I do, I'm well aware that Haiti, having been a French colony, has the Roman Catholic religion as a somewhat prevailing religious denomination.

But I also know that there have been American non-denomination missionaries in Haiti since the early twentieth century... And I've personally met Haitian ministers who were trained by some of these missionaries and have deep roots in Haitian society, especially in the more rural areas.

And no... I don't believe that windeguy's comment was related to Haitans being "...bon-catholic..." (good catholic) members... But one of the Catholic religion's promoting of large families as a practice related to their religious beliefs... Yet even this is not the norm among the Catholics I know.

So... In this context, windeguy, in typecasting Catholics, was being derogatory... And more to my point... Bringing religion into the thread... Which, I've been told, is against forum rules... Which was my point.

What else ya got?
I was "born" a Catholic. From the moment I could first say "No" I have been an atheist, but I still understand what a good Catholic should be. And that ends our discussion on religion and those who breed out of control.

Please let us get back to deporting illegals en masse.


Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
Well they estimate that the population is still 65 percent Catholic, but yes many of the Haitians where I live go to a Baptist church.
Scientifically speaking... Which is what an "...estimate..." of anything should be founded upon... There is no such thing as "...Catholic...", just as there is no such thing as Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal, or any other Christian denominational being claim, or even a claim of being a Muslim, or any other type related to any religion... In regards to the being of any human.

Just check the DNA of any human... You will find no scientific fact that supports a claim of being anything related to religion.

Therefore... Any "...estimate..." presented regarding human relationship to any religion is just, scientifically speaking, fallacious.

Now... What is accepted as scientific is metaphysics, which is a branch of philosophy that examines the basic structure of reality.

According to the mighty Wikipedia (I say that somewhat tongue-in-cheek)... "Metaphysics is traditionally seen as the study of mind-independent features of the world (my explanation... things that exist apart from any mind... facts that simply are and have always been), but some modern theorists understand it as an inquiry into the conceptual schemes that underlie human thought and experience (my explanation... these independent facts influence human thought and experience)."

So, if we really want to know the underlying cause of any population and its relationship to human-contrived religion... We need to delve into the science of philosophy, specifically, that of metaphysics.

Historically speaking... Those in the colony of Haiti, who carried out the rebellion against the French that later became the Haitian War of Independence, did so by utterly rejecting the Roman Catholic religion that was the religion of the French who were being rebelled against. The Pope at that time would have been in support of the French, not the rebellious slaves... And so the rebellion was a rejection of the Pope... And to have rejected the Pope was akin to rejecting the religion the Pope headed up.

But this is a historical, not religious, discussion for another time... One that is crucial to the proper understanding of the present situation in Haiti and the mindset of Haitians.
Illegal Haitians are a great cost to the Dominican Republic, and yes they outbreed Dominican women. 2.7 lives births to 2.2 . Approximately 30 percent of babies born in Dominican hospitals are born to Haitians 30,322 in 2020. That number fluctuates yearly. In fact the pregnant Haitian women distort Dominican Infant and maternal mortality rates."
Wonderful... All childbirth is a blessing to mankind... And perhaps the success of the DR economy is directly related to the grace and mercy being shown to the poor and the needy.
But if you're into eugenics you might think differently... Are you into eugenics Bob?
During the first nine months of 2021, the Estrella Ureña hospital in Santiago has invested RD $ 14,131,893 to cover cesarean sections and deliveries of Haitian nationals, performing a total of one 1,436 deliveries and 591 cesarean sections.

Each vaginal birth costs RD $ 5,348, and cesarean sections amount to RD $ 10,917. Without adding costs for complications, this could even lead to mobilizations to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

“The severity in Haitian patients is much higher in proportion to Dominican women, due to their lifestyle. They do not resort to vaccination against COVID-19 and other pathologies, they suffer anemias, they do not perform prenatal check-ups in a timely manner, which results in patients having to be admitted to the ICU, consuming more than RD $ 1 million to RD $ 2 million if they incur mechanical ventilation, laboratory analysis, medicines, among other supplies,” the text details.

Thats just one hospital.

In Haiti they pay 25,000 Gourdes for a birth, in the DR they get them free.
Again... It's wonderful that the DR can show such mercy and grace to the poor and needy.

May the DR continue to be blessed economically so that it can continue in such a benevolent way.

And, who knows... Should the DR take another course... Perhaps the economic success enjoyed by the DR may come crashing down.

There are no guarantees in life, Bob... Not even the further economic success of a country... Metaphysically speaking that is.
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