What's next for the PLD and will Abinader abuse his power now?


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
I've had a good look at the election results and it's clear that Abinader won by a true landslide, achieving just short of 60% of the votes. He also has 29 of the 32 senators in his party or allied to his party, so the PRM has a total majority in government. The PLD, Danilo's old party, seem to have been driven into extinction, they got just 10% of the votes, and not a single senator (they had 28 of the 32 seats in 2010 so this is a massive fall from grace).

So my questions are: Firstly, with such a huge majority, will the PRM start the old tricks again, abusing power and engaging in huge amounts of corruption just like Danilo did, or will Abinader stick to his stance on zero corruption? And secondly is this the end of the PLD? And will their extinction lead to even more freedom for the PRM to take legal action against them, including even Danilo (I believe that he can be prosecuted after 5 years out of office).

I'd just like others opinions on this.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Rinse and repeat?
Maybe not.
Many within his own party were furious when he finally got into office because after sticking with him for all these years he turned around and told them "no, you are not going to be given free reign to rape and pillage this country"

Talk about disappointment.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I think there is already lots of corruption going on, they are just being crafty about it. Remember they had several of their members arrested and extradited to the USA for drug crimes. That didn't happen in a vacuum. This governments fight against corruption was only against the opposition, not their own party. THE PREVIOUS Education minister was very corrupt but there has been no prosecution, only a sideways shuffle. Remember PRM is largely PRD, so I imagine PLD can reinvent themselves.


Jul 10, 2004
I think there is already lots of corruption going on, they are just being crafty about it. Remember they had several of their members arrested and extradited to the USA for drug crimes. That didn't happen in a vacuum. This governments fight against corruption was only against the opposition, not their own party. THE PREVIOUS Education minister was very corrupt but there has been no prosecution, only a sideways shuffle. Remember PRM is largely PRD, so I imagine PLD can reinvent themselves.
The drug business is so profitable that it can corrupt just about anyone. That would not change based upon who is President.

The best option presented to the people won. All too rare even in a democracy.


Jul 10, 2004
PLD were much more corrupt under Danilo than Leonel., and Hipolito is now PRM. There are many ways of being corrupt besides being an outright thief.
Yes, I have a hard time with Hippo being in the PRM, hopefully he just raises vegetables. He was god awful as POTDR.
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May 19, 2013
This will be a interesting journey, however if I ran office, these fools would be in jell cell before you know it. Corruption needs to end, period.
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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
Rinse and repeat?
Maybe not.
Many within his own party were furious when he finally got into office because after sticking with him for all these years he turned around and told them "no, you are not going to be given free reign to rape and pillage this country"

Talk about disappointment.

Yes, I heard that from a friend who is from a very rich family. His father said about Abinader "that man is so damn honest we are all completely f*cked now".

I have seen dramatic changes in corruption at lower levels, things like getting permissions from the Ayuntamiento seem to be far more process driven and less driven by who you know.


Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
Great question, MariaRubia... Very relevant... Especially given this is his final term in office.

Reading one of Delores' articles today, in which I saw the trend of a declining voter turnout (2000-2024), I asked what this indicates regarding DR's society as a whole?

A disinterested vote is a way corruption within any government may be encouraged.


Apr 11, 2004
Great question, MariaRubia... Very relevant... Especially given this is his final term in office.

Reading one of Delores' articles today, in which I saw the trend of a declining voter turnout (2000-2024), I asked what this indicates regarding DR's society as a whole?

A disinterested vote is one way to encourage corruption within any government.
Two things you need to know as a newcomer. One Don't bet on this being the Last Term for Luis.

Two .. The low turnout was because Dominicans knew the same thing we knew. The election was a walkover................When it is not the turnout is as high as any Country.............
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Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
Power corrupts, so expect it
But it was a REAL Election... This is what REAL Elections looks like imho.
The Most Popular Candidate won by a Landslide.
No Fake Mail in Ballots , no Electronic cheating at 2 AM .
Or are people saying he somehow cheated ?
The People have Spoken.. whats the point of Elections of the People can not elect who they Choose..
Even if that Person is called Vile Names by those who did not vote for him/ her .

And as for Low turnout... Mayne the people knew he would win, so those who had other things to do on that day just did not want to waste their time .
Again, this is what Real Elections look like.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
The drug business is so profitable that it can corrupt just about anyone. That would not change based upon who is President.

The best option presented to the people won. All too rare even in a democracy.
One comment I'll make: Miriam has been more successful in the fight against drug trafficking than anyone I have ever seen before.

There is hardly a day that goes by without news about another bust, and not just minimal quantities.


Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
Two things you need to know as a newcomer. One Don't bet on this being the Last Term for Luis.

Two .. The low turnout was because Dominicans knew the same thing we knew. The election was a walkover................When it is not the turnout is as high as any Country.............
I don't like to "...bet..." on anything... Especially politics and politicians.

And I also know better than to assume I know what the future may hold... I may think about it... But only in the context of the present.

According to the article... Voter turnout has been decreasing in the DR since 2000 election cycle... And whether or not it "...is as high as any Country..." is not relevant to my point... Which is that, according to the stats presented in the article... Voter turnout in the DR has been declining between 2000-2024.


Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
But it was a REAL Election... This is what REAL Elections looks like imho.
The Most Popular Candidate won by a Landslide.
No Fake Mail in Ballots , no Electronic cheating at 2 AM .
Or are people saying he somehow cheated ?
The People have Spoken.. whats the point of Elections of the People can not elect who they Choose..
Even if that Person is called Vile Names by those who did not vote for him/ her .

And as for Low turnout... Mayne the people knew he would win, so those who had other things to do on that day just did not want to waste their time .
Again, this is what Real Elections look like.

All of what you referenced has to do mainly with external matters... But the truly smart politician knows that an election is won between the ears of the voter... And that this is what has to be won, in one way or another, long before election day. And if a politician can convince the vote that their best interests are being looked after... Even if they are not... Then you will have a group of voters who are for you simply because it's what they've been led to believe will be good for them.

The psychology of how to win an election makes a very interesting read.