What's next for the PLD and will Abinader abuse his power now?

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Maybe Abinader will use the courts to fabricate cases against political opponents.

If so he can call a 202 area code for advice on how to do it.

Northern Coast Diver

Private Scuba Guide
Feb 23, 2020
Really... Are you that obtuse regarding the reality of "...the completely different place..." that is today's world?

It seems that the function of a lobbyist has gone right over your head, jd426.
You are sitting in Texas, thinking you understand, a country you are planning to retire to. Please, give it a break. You are clueless!
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Jul 10, 2004
Windy, if you are blaming Dominican Govt Policies and not an actual Person/ or People , can you at least give an example of such a " Policy" which encourages the Drug Trade ?
( just as an example, not going off topic, in NYC, they made a Law, that for under $1,000 of shoplifting , and there is no Jail time, so the DIRECT result was massive organized Shoplifting/ Looting)
.. can you site such an example with respect to the Drug Trade flowing through the DR and beyond ?
I have to send you a PM.


Jul 10, 2004
Posting a link to support your post about this administration/current policies and the drug trade "encouraged to flourish" is most definitely supported by DR1. So, stop your drama Windeguy.
Well, now, that was a very enlightening post.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Windeguy, the tribe has spoken. Multiple complaints by other DR1ers and mods, both here and in private messages and emails. The ones here only seem to spur you to step up your game.

#6 of the rules: “The community is the gatekeeper, if there are multiple valid complaints about a member, action may be taken by administrators.”

You’ve been voted off the island.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Windeguy, the tribe has spoken. Multiple complaints by other DR1ers and mods, both here and in private messages and emails. The ones here only seem to spur you to step up your game.

#6 of the rules: “The community is the gatekeeper, if there are multiple valid complaints about a member, action may be taken by administrators.”

You’ve been voted off the island.
Isn't the ignore button supposed to carry out that function. None of his posts have been insulting another member or personal attacks. I cant believe there would be that many people whining to moderators. Probably the same two or three.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Isn't the ignore button supposed to carry out that function. None of his posts have been insulting another member or personal attacks. I cant believe there would be that many people whining to moderators. Probably the same two or three.
Bob please do not speculate when you do not have any idea what goes on outside of the postings you can see.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
PM's are the only postings I can't see. Intolerance and cancel culture is alive everywhere.
Once again, I will ask you not to speculate as you do not know or see all information. DR1 is very tolerant, there is no cancel culture here. There is a lot of leeway given to all posters. But when it becomes an issue, actions are taken. So please let that be the end of the discussion.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
One comment I'll make: Miriam has been more successful in the fight against drug trafficking than anyone I have ever seen before.

There is hardly a day that goes by without news about another bust, and not just minimal quantities.

Very interesting. Especially with all the chaos in Haiti, I do wonder when the fast boats will make a left turn and start to use Haiti as their transhipment port. Surely those who control the drugs must be eyeing the situ in DR and the situ in Haiti and thinking along those lines.

I'd also like to thank everyone who is commenting on this thread, I know there has been some negativity as always, but it is refreshing to have a lively debate on DR1 about something interesting and important.


Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
Everyone is waking up to how corrupt a former great system can become when you allow your schools to indoctrinate students for decades
As the saying goes... The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

If by this "...former great system..." you are referring to the American system... It's never been "...great..." in the context of a lack of corruption within its mechanism, as it depends on humans, and humans are not inherently "...great...".


Active member
Jun 1, 2002
I have spent the majority of 30 years living in the DR. I remember driving around with
a suitcase on the hood of my camioneta when Hippo lost. My opinion is Luis is the
most honest and man of his word President I have ever witnessed In the DR. He will not
seek another term in office. His fight against corruption is sincere and includes his own
party. An independent attorney general he has supported 100%. He is a straight shooting
honest captain trying to navigate a ship of crooks ( DR political system.). He has made
much progress but is swimming upstream. A very difficult task. I believe history will
look very favorably upon him as the greatest President of the modern era. .


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Firstly, with such a huge majority, will the PRM start the old tricks again, abusing power and engaging in huge amounts of corruption just like Danilo did, or will Abinader stick to his stance on zero corruption?
Whether it “sticks to the plan” or not, it will not escape perception and usually people think a second term is more corrupt than the first whether it is or isn’t. The media will follow suit focusing on things that before they ignored, making a mole out of a hill and finding some real fishy stuff they will go on and on and on about. The public’s opinion tend to go with whatever the media is focusing, so that’s that.

And secondly is this the end of the PLD?
A lot of people are predicting it will disappear and there is a very small chance of that. A much bigger chance is what has occurred with other parties such as the PRSC and the PRD. They became a very small shadow of what they were but still exist. I don’t know why anyone doubt that it could happen when that is what has happened. No political party that once reigned has yet to completely disappear. Perhaps they will regain popularity and the cylce of getting ahead, falling behind and getting ahead again is a long one and they are still in the “falling behind” fase.

For example, I have always said the biggest problem of the PRSC is that it hasn’t found a leader that could match or exceed Balaguer. Once they do that, the PRSC will gain traction again. It will not be achieved with Quique Antún (who’s biggest merit appear to be a Spanish royal descendant.) Balaguer was not just a very popular politician, he was also a very popular historian, poet, was known to had a good education, even an intellectual. No one that has lead the PRSC since he died has ever filled Balaguer’s shoes.

This is ignoring a very obvious reality of being an active small political party in the DR. Even if they always lose and have a very small following judging by the votes they receive, it can still be a money maker. Look at the new scandal that erupt between Ramfis Domínguez Trujillo and El Cobrador. Part of the agreement between them was that if El Cobrador got more than 1% of the votes (which he did), supposedly he was to get US$4 million or something like that. Whichever way one wants to look at it, that is a very good business. Of course, you have to get paid first, but still a good promising business…

Some people want to use that as “evidence politics is a business,” but I think that is rather stupid since everyone knows there has always been money involve in politics. In fact, money mskes the world go round, without it comes to a screeching halt. Plus, very few Dominicans (if there are any) haven’t heard in their extended family someone saying politics is a business and they mean it. Say something nobody knows…