Why do you want to educate your children in a third world country?


Feb 3, 2002
CC have you ever heard of States like Mississippi Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas if you read some of my post I state I am African American and Puerto Rican. Go back and look where I wrote ROLL TIDE. I grew up in Chicago born in Humboldt park. Why do you think I write ROll TIDE because my mother is from the wonderful state of Alabama. My moms family defines the word family the entire town knows the second she is back. In my grandmothers house at the most I have seen 40 to 50 people in front and inside. Your world and my world are like night and day. I have a huge HUGE family I can go to three different place and call someone and have a place to stay, Colon Panama, Ponce PR ,SD in DR. Your family was not close do not LUMP all Americans into your history regarding families in the USA. ONE MORE THING: ROLL DAMN TIDE 2012 National CHAMPS!!!! Some of the nicest people are from the southern states of USA. Im sorry you had to go to the DR to find what family really is.

Apparently education in The US was not that good for you, because you have a HUUUUGE comprehension problem. Nobody's hating on The US or saying there's no family in The US, etc...the issue and again what the OP wants to know why would you educate your child in The DR and as we've already seen many people feel that just because The US education system is better with more resources does not necessarily make it better for THEIR child.

I will put a challenge to you...you say you have two kids one here in The US and the other in Alma Rosa. If they end up growing up in the two different countries give each one the opportunity to go to a good school. For the on in The DR pay for her to go to a good private school and of course the one in The US won't need to as there are very good schools here. When they grow up and hopefully go to college ask yourself which one turned out better educated, with better manners, and maybe even more successful? It's quite possible the one in The US is that one, but it's not a sure thing just because she's in a place full of resources.

nyc dad

Jul 28, 2011
I want them to see both

I agree with everything you've written I have kids too in both countries one in DR and one here in the states. I have a daughter here that I spoil ever chance I get, and I try to spoil my 3yrs old daughter in SD she also lives in Alma Rosa II. I understand the point you make I am African American and my father is Puerto Rican, and my daughter living here is half Mexican, also my mother's best friend who is my God mother is from Colon, Panama she is the reason I have grown to love Panama. I have learned at a very young age the value of a dollar. The DR has its a great upside, but the downsides are just too much for a father with a 8yr old and 3 yr old both girls. I have been on both sides of the track, and my mother always said the hardest thing she ever had to endure was some nights my sisters and I not having food, and we were living in the US not the DR people struggle across the board. I understand what you are saying, but I know I should not say this but I have to. I love LOVE taking my daughter here to her Catholic school with her cute uniform, that my mother pays the tution for THANKS MOM, and I love dropping her off in my 2010 Cadillac Escalade, and when she stays over in my beautiful apartment, and when I sit in her room or help her clean her room and look at all the pretty cloths and shoes her mother and I provided. I will never feel bad for the THINGS just THINGS I have, or that feel my daughter when turn out to be spoil or ungrateful. I have a lovely kid, and my daughter in Santo Domingo will not be more grateful because her area code is 809 and my other daughter is 773. I'm AA and Boricua and her mother is from a proud Mexican family believe me we SNATCH her back in line everytime she thinks she is getting over. Just because one family chooses to give their kids everything the parents did not have, does not make those parents out of touch with reality. I never never never want my daughters to open the nevera and see only butter and water inside like many times I had to growing up, but my mom was STRONG. Teach your kids to be STRONG!! and you and you kids will be fine.

They have to see both to understand.Of course you wanna give your kids everything as a parent.I like to see my boys well fed and dressed.I also see that they are spoiled because they don't see the other side of the coin.Call me an extremist,but I will give you an example.My three year old son gives me a hard time when it comes to eating,so I decided to bring the laptop over,put it on the table,and play a video of a malnourished child from one of those informationals.After that,he started eating better,but when I told him that he's fortunate in comparison,he tells me"we gon buy food for them"lol.It works for them to see reality,that life is not a fairy tale.They conducted a study,and asked kids what they wish most in life,and the majority said"more time with their parents".Enough said.I can guarantee you that a kid in Alma Rosa,having to use his imagination,playing baseball with a milk carton as a glove,is a lot more happy than the kid that has the daddy that's a lawyer that works 14 hours a day and after that has a"late office meeting"

nyc dad

Jul 28, 2011
Maybe it's just me, but I'm finding it slightly ironic that on this thread about education there are so many posts without paragraphs.

I find that my eyes just glaze over if I see a large block of text without any proper punctuation.

It's difficult and boring to read!

So get with the program and git ejumikated in the thurd wurld and learn summin!

When I read your last post I thought to myself "damn,she even took the time to double space"...lol...maybe I should've went to a Dominican school....lol


Nov 4, 2011
Apparently education in The US was not that good for you, because you have a HUUUUGE comprehension problem. Nobody's hating on The US or saying there's no family in The US, etc...the issue and again what the OP wants to know why would you educate your child in The DR and as we've already seen many people feel that just because The US education system is better with more resources does not necessarily make it better for THEIR child.

I will put a challenge to you...you say you have two kids one here in The US and the other in Alma Rosa. If they end up growing up in the two different countries give each one the opportunity to go to a good school. For the on in The DR pay for her to go to a good private school and of course the one in The US won't need to as there are very good schools here. When they grow up and hopefully go to college ask yourself which one turned out better educated, with better manners, and maybe even more successful? It's quite possible the one in The US is that one, but it's not a sure thing just because she's in a place full of resources.

No No No!!! Why wait I was never going to go here, but some of you need some knowledge. My wife in Santo Domigo went to some school on Maximo Gomez I can't recall the name. My daughters mother went to a city college, after that she worked as a CNA then she recived GRANTS and LOANS and then attended UIC to become a RN. My mother is also a nurse and helped her a ton. She finished school back in 2007 she started working 2009 as a fulltime RN in Chicago. If you combine ALL of my wifes family and friends salaries it does not come close to my daughters mother salary. When she worked on Xmas she made in one day what my wife sister makes in 5 months and I'm dead serious.

If my wife never comes to the US my daughters mother will make in three years what my wife will make in lifetime with the 250USD a month average. A RN makes that in a DAY or so. What does a diplmo get you in DR? YOUR QUESTION WAS!!!

As for manners Dominican people are the wrong people you should talk about having good manners. Go stand on the corner of Mexico and Duarte right across from China Town, then talk to me about manners.
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Jun 19, 2009
Who you calling a "She"?

I'm a HE!

I was convinced you were a she too until recently, lol. One of the first post I saw, you posted a pic of a woman, which I thought was yourself :)

Also, your name sounds like a female name to me :)


Nov 2, 2006
I was convinced you were a she too until recently, lol. One of the first post I saw, you posted a pic of a woman, which I thought was yourself :)

Also, your name sounds like a female name to me :)

That must have been the pic of my Missus, who could easily be a supermodel! I'm not brave enough to put my ugly mug on this board!

Beeza was my nickname in the RAF!

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
JMB,you are OBVIOUSLY obsessed with$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
You and your 2010 escalde,"WOW!
And how your mom and friends make more in a day than someone in the DR in a year!
Who Cares???
The thread is about the education in the DR,not how much you HAVE in the "Cabrini Green"!
Maybe that's what happens to some people who grow up poor,I can't say.
You talk about your extended family in Mississipi,but you don't live anywhere near them,That Don't Count!
The Dominican experience is about living day-to-day with,and or near(Blocks,not hundreds of miles) your "KinFolk"!
Why do you find it necessary to tell us over-and-over that you are an african American,so what.
I am a "DA",but I don't think it makes any difference,at least not to me.
Look,you don't live in the DR.
You can NEVER understand the DR "Life Experience".
You remind me of peolpe who post all there intimate knowledge about "DR Life",after spending a week at an "AI" in Puerto Plata!
You don't seem like a bad person,just a narrow minded,uninformed person.
Cris Colon
Say "Hey" to your "kin" next Christmas when you are in "Ol Miss"!

nyc dad

Jul 28, 2011
el que pueda que lo haga

No No No!!! Why wait I was never going to go here, but some of you need some knowledge. My wife in Santo Domigo went to some school on Maximo Gomez I can't recall the name. My daughters mother went to a city college, after that she worked as a CNA then she recived GRANTS and LOANS and then attended UIC to become a RN. My mother is also a nurse and helped her a ton. She finished school back in 2007 she started working 2009 as a fulltime RN in Chicago. If you combine ALL of my wifes family and friends salaries it does not come close to my daughters mother salary. When she worked on Xmas she made in one day what my wife sister makes in 5 months and I'm dead serious.

If my wife never comes to the US my daughters mother will make in three years what my wife will make in lifetime with the 250USD a month average. A RN makes that in a DAY or so. What does a diplmo get you in DR? YOUR QUESTION WAS!!!

As for manners Dominican people are the wrong people you should talk about having good manners. Go stand on the corner of Mexico and Duarte right across from China Town, then talk to me about manners.

Yeah,I guess it's nice to have nice expensive things,and I would never critized anyone that does,but it's just not me.I would like to build a school in San Juan,my abuelas campo and provide kids with free utiles on a yearly basis.Don't know how tough that's gonna be,but even if it's a shack,it will be better than nothing.I rather live middle class and know that I was fortunate enough to be able to contribute to changing lives.Can I afford a luxury suv and a "nice"home in whitestone queens?I'm fortunate enough,y gracias a dios,to be able to answer yes to those questions.But why tight myself to debt in the U.S.,live paycheck to paycheck,when I can go to DR,live debt free and regala some shoes to the kids and some school supplies? The pros far outweight the cons TO ME.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Beeza writes: That must have been the pic of my Missus, who could easily be a supermodel! I'm not brave enough to put my ugly mug on this board!

Beeza was my nickname in the RAF!
Your missus looks gorgeous and all you flyboys have silly callsigns(nicknames)


Oct 21, 2008
Can I afford a luxury suv and a "nice"home in whitestone queens?I'm fortunate enough,y gracias a dios,to be able to answer yes to those questions.But why tight myself to debt in the U.S.,live paycheck to paycheck,when I can go to DR,live debt free and regala some shoes to the kids and some school supplies? The pros far outweight the cons TO ME.

I can assure you one can live perfectly fine in the US without going paycheck-to-paycheck and being in debt. I don't know why you think it's an either/or thing.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Doc1727 writes: I am not dominican!!! I am a us expat that moved down and lived in the Dr. with my american family in the 90s and decided to stay and make a life there. I was born and raised in the us and went to the Dr for the very first time as an adult and suffered and endured the culture shock and learned the language in the Dr. and payed my dues as a newbie the hardway I earned it and eventualy adapted to the country at the end with a few lucky breaks in business in the Dr. I decided to return to the us but with capital and re-invested my money in the us and started a new business in the us that I still own till this day and there on after a chain reactions of other profitables business in the us, but you missed my point!!! Which was that even if you live in the us and are successful as I was in both countrys that does not "STOP SOMEONE FROM HAVING AN OPINION" to which country you can live better for specific reasons and the bottom line is it's not all about the money and if you have good job in order for you to be happy you can make money in the Dr. also I know I have done it. There are other things that define happiness. "I AM AMERICAN" and that has given me the priviledge to live most anywhere I have wanted to live and I have met many other expat's that live in costa rica,panama and even colombia that think the sameway I do so there must be something valid in my opinion--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Not sure why you have shouted" I AM AMERICAN ". People from many countries....ie Canada, Australia, UK, Europe...etc actually have the freedom to move to more countries easlier than Americans because of our British Commonwealth membership; other than that I agree with your post.


Apr 11, 2010
C/C You beat me to the punch with post 69, some times you say things as if it was me.
Jmb;True you make more in the U.S. but....you spend a lot more. And I would not call education in the U.S. "first world". Other than teaching children an exaggerated sense of self worth (self esteem) and a few other things they should not learn. I am with pichard on this "education" in the U.S. is inferior to just about any other place on this planet except Cuba may be.

nyc dad

Jul 28, 2011
that is true

I can assure you one can live perfectly fine in the US without going paycheck-to-paycheck and being in debt. I don't know why you think it's an either/or thing.

But all that depends where you wanna live.In NY,a house averages 550000 $USD- well over 2.000.000 $usd in whitestone Queens,and this is a small house,the expensive one is gonna be 2500 sqf.I rather be in Santo Domingo Centro:disappoin


Nov 4, 2011
JMB,you are OBVIOUSLY obsessed with$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
You and your 2010 escalde,"WOW!
And how your mom and friends make more in a day than someone in the DR in a year!
Who Cares???
The thread is about the education in the DR,not how much you HAVE in the "Cabrini Green"!
Maybe that's what happens to some people who grow up poor,I can't say.
You talk about your extended family in Mississipi,but you don't live anywhere near them,That Don't Count!
The Dominican experience is about living day-to-day with,and or near(Blocks,not hundreds of miles) your "KinFolk"!
Why do you find it necessary to tell us over-and-over that you are an african American,so what.
I am a "DA",but I don't think it makes any difference,at least not to me.
Look,you don't live in the DR.
You can NEVER understand the DR "Life Experience".
You remind me of peolpe who post all there intimate knowledge about "DR Life",after spending a week at an "AI" in Puerto Plata!
You don't seem like a bad person,just a narrow minded,uninformed person.
Cris Colon
Say "Hey" to your "kin" next Christmas when you are in "Ol Miss"!
Let me make this as easy as I can

1. If you go back to the OP its NOT just about education, don't just read the bold face title read the WHOLE thing

2. I refer to my SUV one because its American made , and second I do not have to buy a Lexus, Infiniti or Acura to drive a luxury SUV, Third everybody from birth has an opportunity to drive , or not to drive which ever model their hearts desire. The USA gives that right to its citizens.

3. My mom did live in the housing projects in Chicago back in the late 70's I won't deny that, because living in public housing had a lot to due with the person she is today.
4. As for saying I'm African American a lot I LOVE being AA and PRican: 2pac, Malcom X, Dr King, Jordan, Michelle Obama, Thurgood Marshall, Erykah Badu, Sonia Sotomayor, Tito Puente, Hector Lavoe, Ray Barreto, Luis Gutierrez, Roberto Clemente are all ME!! I do not have to kiss Dominican ass to be accepted. I never want to be accepted ANYWHERE. I am ME.
5. No I do not live in the DR, because I am not Dominican seeing and interacting with one group of people 99.9% is not my thing. I need Mexicans, AA, white Americans Pricans Filipino, Muslims from the middle east, Asians Jamacians. Dominicans all day everyday Hmmmm NO THANKS.
6. You say I do not know anything about DR. I know not to live there.
7. Yes I will tell my people in Bama you said hello.
8. No I do not love money it makes life EASIER NOT BETTER, BUT EASIER.

Since you are so cool next time you take you kids to Pizza Hut or Kentucky can you take my little girl I will pay you via WU LOL!!
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Nov 17, 2011
I don't think your question is offensive, perhaps you just have a different opinion of sorts. I am the mother of two young children who are and will continue to be educated in the DR. I grew up in the US, where I graduated from college. My husband was educated between Haiti-US-DR and holds an MBA as well. Education is not taken lightly in our home. I am a teacher here as well.

My children are educated here in the DR in a bilingual US accredited school, they are also taught two additional languages at home. Any holes in their education are filled in by my husband and I, just as they would be if we lived in the US. We also have our oldest in after-school activities that I suppose could be classified under "liberal arts". I do not think that the linguistic exposure would be possible, or at least as "fluid" if we were living in the US.

I think that it is perhaps a bit naive to assume that any school, in any country, could educate our children to their fullest potential. A child's academic education is only half of the job, it is also very much the parent's responsibility to fill in the gaps. Many of my stateside friends have children the same age as mine and they too are receiving a very similar education, however it is monolingual.

As for university, most ex-pat's children will have the option as to whether or not they would like to attend university in the US/Canada/Europe or the DR. Many of the graduating students from the my children's school attend university in the US as well as Europe.

I believe that many ex-pat student's here have access to "first world education". However, I like to believe that my children are already members of what my father often referred to as the University of Life. My children, as young as they are, are gaining unique experiences that could only be acquired by living outside of their "homeland". These experiences are what will make their first-world-education college app's shine, these are what will take them above and beyond any and all expectations that they are limited to by an often unaware society. As for the poverty that exists on the island, this too has become an educational lesson for my children. We are raising our children to be grateful for what has been given to them and to help those that are not as fortunate. It is a continuing lesson in humanity and solidarity, for our children and for us as well.

Everyone's situation is different, we all have different motivations for choosing to raise our children here. Just as it is in any other country, it is up to the parents to guide their children down the right path in order for them to become the best of the best. It just so happens that many of us here chose the Caribbean path, complete with a beautiful view of mountains, sand, and sea. It is not always the rating of the institution that makes the education, it is that of the parent.

Well said Fleur, thank you. No doubt your children are in very capable hands and will indeed experience sucesses of their choosing in their lives, very well guided by their parents. All the best!


Jun 19, 2009
C/C You beat me to the punch with post 69, some times you say things as if it was me.
Jmb;True you make more in the U.S. but....you spend a lot more. And I would not call education in the U.S. "first world". Other than teaching children an exaggerated sense of self worth (self esteem) and a few other things they should not learn. I am with pichard on this "education" in the U.S. is inferior to just about any other place on this planet except Cuba may be.

OMG so true !I am so amazed by parents here in the US when I take my children to the playground. I love my children and I am guilty of spoiling them. But I swear some of parents here are absolutely in love with their children, they nearly have a heart attack when they fall and so on....

I sometimes joke about how many parents am I going to find in the sandbox :) Yeah, I watch them but I let my kids play on their own, I don't feel have to be behind them every single second, playing with them (i take them out so that they could play with other kids duh!), praising them because they build a sand castle :) I am all for positive reinforcement, but they are taking it to an extreme.

And, don't get me started on the concept of playdate, LOL. MY view: the kids playing next to you is your play date! My friends children are your play dates ! Recess in school is your playdate, LOL !

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Alexander Grahm Bell,Einstein,Winston Churchill,Robert Fulton,"Ben" Franklin,Barak Obama,see,we have some good white people in history too!
We eat "Pizzareli",and "Pollo Victorina" here in the DR.
Much better than your AMERICAN CRAP!