
Mounting crisis in PRI

Since the death last February of the founder and leader of the Partido Revolucionario Independiente (PRI), Jacobo Majluta, the party has been divided in two factions, one headed by Mr. Majluta’s widow Ana and the other by his brother Freddy. In an assembly recently held at PRI headquarters, both Freddy Majluta and Hector Guzman, the …

Government to construct 100,000 housing units for the poor

The director of the National Housing Institute (INVI), Joaquin Geronimo, announced a plan to construct approximately 100,000 housing units for poor families and those who have been dislodged from their homes for various reasons. Mr. Guerrero made his comments just days after President Leonel Fernandez visited poor neighborhoods in the capital, where housing is inadequate …