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Dec 11, 2003
Yes, I am sorry, I certainly understand that and if these girls were in school I would not have mentioned it. That would not have been anything to me except for working for lodging. But these are Haitian girls who are not enrolled in school. They are mostly in Pedernales. They are fed. They are housed. They are given clothes. The Dominican NGO worker that told me about it has arguements with them because there is a group of the women who are doing it.. quite a lot of them, and they are leaders of the women's community.. and he keeps saying that they must be sent to school. Which, of course, would cost the Dominicans money.. They say that room and board is enough. Raphael, we will call him.. says, no, it is slavery...

so .. yes, I understand sending a girl to work for room and board while going to school but Haitians cannot go to public school for free. If the family is paying for school.. then, the girl is being paid. She is being educated! That is great. That is something.

It is just a question of really seeing what is an advantage.

Like I really do not think that it is any advantage at all the help that is being given here to the Haitian mothers to give birth .. because really , they are too uneducated themselves to understand the consequences for their children here. In Haiti, MOST people do not have papers. Here MOST people DO. So the Dominicans think they are helping by giving medical care when in fact they are often depriving the child of statehood.. OK not always. The great majority of mothers just give birth and used to go back. But who knows. Things got much worse after the quake. Bad cases are transported from the border to the Capital.

This may be just a small thing. I have seen the hospitals and did a story on it and the Haitian mothers are not treated differently than Dominicans. And certainly the women on the border are poor enough themselves so maybe just givng room and board is enough.

But I do wonder really how it is that there are so many Haitian vendors about, no one checks., no license nothing. They just set up shop. Well ok. New construction. Completely Haitian crews.. no checks. And then there are complaints about the Haitians here. Well.. what do Dominicans expect? If you can come in and get set up with a business (I assume that a Dominican sets them up with the carts and stuff) or get a job or whatever? Why is it the Haitians fault? If the border barriers are let down and anyone and everyone can walk right in, why is it the HAitians fault if they walk in? Why are the Dominicans constantly crying out against the government of Haiti or the people of Haiti instead of against their OWN government?


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Talk about a one-way street of thinking!

Annie, if you really want to help make a change for the better for all the Haitians, go to the root of the problem: Haiti...

No matter how many Haitians are "uplifted" by people or NGOs in the DR, they will be an insignificant number and solution to what's back in Haiti.

You don't fix a leak by mopping up the spilled water with the best mop and buckets, but by addressing the leaking pipe.

For all eternity you can find all kinds of problems faced by Haitians not only in the DR, but elsewhere they could flee to. Want to fix it? Head to Haiti and get to work there, to fix the actual problem that's causing all this!

Make no mistake about it! Haiti can thank their lucky star that it has the DR for a next door country, if the island was split with said, the U.S.? The wall would reach to the sky and electrified with over 400 volts of continuous power!

Annie pack your bags and head west! That's where the root of evil lies and where something can be done to remedy it.

Soon after you'd arrived and tried to fix the problems, you'll find out why other "Haiti do-gooders" like you pack their bags and seek another place where people want to really change for the better.


Sep 2, 2008
Why are the Dominicans constantly crying out against the government of Haiti or the people of Haiti instead of against their OWN government?

People are starting to do just that. Thing is, when people do that (like the Santiagueros did last month), you have people like Edwin Paraison, Joseph Harold Pierre and the student Berthony Delalue (all writing at Acento), or the Jesuitards themselves saying "Dominicans are being rayciss'". Bad if we do, bad if we don't.
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New member
Jun 10, 2012
Talk about a one-way street of thinking!

Annie, if you really want to help make a change for the better for all the Haitians, go to the root of the problem: Haiti...

No matter how many Haitians are "uplifted" by people or NGOs in the DR, they will be an insignificant number and solution to what's back in Haiti.

You don't fix a leak by mopping up the spilled water with the best mop and buckets, but by addressing the leaking pipe.

For all eternity you can find all kinds of problems faced by Haitians not only in the DR, but elsewhere they could flee to. Want to fix it? Head to Haiti and get to work there, to fix the actual problem that's causing all this!

Make no mistake about it! Haiti can thank their lucky star that it has the DR for a next door country, if the island was split with said, the U.S.? The wall would reach to the sky and electrified with over 400 volts of continuous power!

Annie pack your bags and head west! That's where the root of evil lies and where something can be done to remedy it.

Soon after you'd arrived and tried to fix the problems, you'll find out why other "Haiti do-gooders" like you pack their bags and seek another place where people want to really change for the better.

I disagree with this statement:
"Make no mistake about it! Haiti can thank their lucky star that it has the DR for a next door country, if the island was split with said, the U.S.? The wall would reach to the sky and electrified with over 400 volts of continuous power!"

Next to the USA is Mexico. That is our Haiti. We are like the DR since we have our version of Haiti next door and we have a lot more money than the people next door. The USA south and southwest have lots of racists who act just like the racist Dominicans against the Haitian but they are racist against the Mexicans. They act crazy and scared about job security and their safety and a culture of violence coming across the border. The Mexicans may be more dangerous than the Haitians. They come across for work like the Haitians and bring gangs and drugs sometimes. The cartels and Mexicans are on killing sprees and the threats are reaching across the border into parts of Texas and other places. There is no huge fence of 400 volts of power. There is no silver bullet whe you have such a messed up country next door. You need to fix the leaking pipe but then you have other pipes and huge issues. There is no silver bullet in a case like that. Mexico just like Haiti is full of corruption and as long as corruption is there, problems will occur for them and their wealthier neighbor.


Oct 17, 2006
I am by no means an expert because I have only been here ten years and am not married into a Dominican family. But from what I have heard a great deal of it depends on how educated you are and when .. also where you are from. The further from teh border you are, for instance, the more myths you are likely to belive about Haitians. The older, the more.. One friend, who is in her 90s and Very educated, tells about how she was told that they were cannibals. Ampther well educated friend, in her 40s, says that her mother, still warns her to be careful, if she was thinking, for instance of going to Barahona.. oh.. that is close to Haiti.

Domnicans are also under the belief that they are very generous to Haitians. Now this is a tricky subject and I want to put is so that Dominicans will not take offense because I know that both Dominicans and Haitians are very sensitive and take offensive easily. So let me give you this example. When there was the first egg boycott, I was up at the border and most of the Domnicans were shocked. Shocked really that Haiti had the power to enforce the boycott. And what I kept hearing was.. "we do so much for them" And I would ask "what do you do" And everyone would talk about the hospitals. And then, others even said, "we grow this extra food for them" As if this were a charitable event.. selling the food to the Haitians. Which, of course, it is not. As we are seeing now.

So I wanted to just ask.. now.. since most of what I have seen of Haitian Dominican relations is on the border and up in :as Terrenas .. where, for instance, Haitians work on the border for room and board, girls work basically as house servants for nothing, construction workers work for half of what Dominicans are paid and kept enclosed for 24 days before they are paid. *note I say these things knowing that most Dominicans never go to the places that I have gone to or interview Haitians as I have etc etc.. so please.. do not take offents..

It is true that Domincan hospitals help Haitian mothers give birth and educate these children through grammar school but these children have no papers!!! Usually their mothers have no papers. The children will FOREVER have no papers. No cedula. No way to get .. well perhaps you know all that.. perhaps not.. but maybe this is not the place for it.
but what is being bred is a sort of complete underclass. a sorta half person slave. Do you understand what I am saviing? A stateless person. Not a Dominican. Not a Haitian. A non Person.

Are the Dominicans really being so very very generous to these Haitian mothers?

Or are they simply breeding more construction workers and house servants who cannot go home because really they are not and never really will be Haitian .. nor Dominican... just .. well.. you tell me. What is going on there? Charity? Do you really think so?

I just wanted to add or ask a few questions in your post, even though it wasn't directed to anyone in particular.
Every country has the right to decline social services to illegals. The mere fact that one can cross a frontier and receive free education and healthcare speaks volumes.

Those construction workers you speak of, if they weren't employed, how would they earn a living to even possibly remit money to families in Haiti? Everyone without status is exploited! Happens all over the world. I recall early Europeans (nineteenth century)arriving in the United States were force to perform menial jobs until the following generation or two were able to move up the social stratus. Some, initially, remained in so called "dirty" jobs and monopolized the industry i.e. The Italians in sanitation. Construction work up to today is monopolized in New York by Italians and the Irish.

Many Hispanic illegals, as you are aware of, find employment picking fruits and vegetables, landscaping, meat packing, fast food restaurants, selling fruits on highways, nannies, housekeepers, messengers, working on construction sites earning a paltry wage, but still in most cases, able to remit money to their families. Some even manage to elevate themselves in managerial positions still being illegal.

I know its not fair really to compare Estados Unidos with La Republica Dominicana, but most illegals take menial jobs because of personal survival and to support their families usually overseas. In America, even though they are being exploited, is light years ahead from what they had escaped from.

I spoke to many Haitian construction workers and they told me that even with the exploitation, they preferred to be here (DR) instead of their homeland. They did, however, complain about the constant raids and the occasional discrimination, but again, were happy to be here. They longed for their homeland only if conditions would change drastically.

I stand by what I have said previously because the Dominican Republic is a poor country for the most part and a significant percentage of their public health budget goes towards treating Haitians. I also believe that the United States is hypocritical scolding the DR about human rights when we have a fence thousand of miles long along the Mexican border. We have according to statistics, 11 million undocumented people who are being stymied; paying taxes and social security without the ability of ever seeing their benefits.

I have mixed feelings regarding papers(cedula, birth certificate, etc.). If ten percent of the population are Haitians, what would the percentage be if every Haitian can just cross the border with the hope of eventual citizenship?

I read, according to the DR constitution, that if a child is born to illegals, he/she automatically is illegal. This would have to be discussed or reviewed constitutionally by Dominicans and not by outside forces. I say this because in the most part they are all HYPOCRITES!

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I am by no means an expert because I have only been here ten years and am not married into a Dominican family. But from what I have heard a great deal of it depends on how educated you are and when .. also where you are from. The further from teh border you are, for instance, the more myths you are likely to belive about Haitians. The older, the more.. One friend, who is in her 90s and Very educated, tells about how she was told that they were cannibals. Ampther well educated friend, in her 40s, says that her mother, still warns her to be careful, if she was thinking, for instance of going to Barahona.. oh.. that is close to Haiti.

Domnicans are also under the belief that they are very generous to Haitians. Now this is a tricky subject and I want to put is so that Dominicans will not take offense because I know that both Dominicans and Haitians are very sensitive and take offensive easily. So let me give you this example. When there was the first egg boycott, I was up at the border and most of the Domnicans were shocked. Shocked really that Haiti had the power to enforce the boycott. And what I kept hearing was.. "we do so much for them" And I would ask "what do you do" And everyone would talk about the hospitals. And then, others even said, "we grow this extra food for them" As if this were a charitable event.. selling the food to the Haitians. Which, of course, it is not. As we are seeing now.

So I wanted to just ask.. now.. since most of what I have seen of Haitian Dominican relations is on the border and up in :as Terrenas .. where, for instance, Haitians work on the border for room and board, girls work basically as house servants for nothing, construction workers work for half of what Dominicans are paid and kept enclosed for 24 days before they are paid. *note I say these things knowing that most Dominicans never go to the places that I have gone to or interview Haitians as I have etc etc.. so please.. do not take offents..

It is true that Domincan hospitals help Haitian mothers give birth and educate these children through grammar school but these children have no papers!!! Usually their mothers have no papers. The children will FOREVER have no papers. No cedula. No way to get .. well perhaps you know all that.. perhaps not.. but maybe this is not the place for it.
but what is being bred is a sort of complete underclass. a sorta half person slave. Do you understand what I am saviing? A stateless person. Not a Dominican. Not a Haitian. A non Person.

Are the Dominicans really being so very very generous to these Haitian mothers?

Or are they simply breeding more construction workers and house servants who cannot go home because really they are not and never really will be Haitian .. nor Dominican... just .. well.. you tell me. What is going on there? Charity? Do you really think so?

It seems you think illegal immigrants have rights they are not entitled to. You are the type of person that slaps the hand that feeds you or when given a dollars complain that it's not enough. It is only the Haitian government and the individual illegal Haitians fault that they don't have papers. The Dominican government gives them a BC, with that they can go get their Haitian citizenship.
Perhaps the Haitian government wants all these Haitians born or stranded in the DR to become Dominicans as part of their master plan to take back the east. You should be using your influence to work on the Haitian government, not the Dominican government.
Our contractor building the school has an equal number (approximately) of Dominicans and Haitians working for him. They get paid the same for doing the same job. I know he pays one Haitians that is an excellent tile layer more than he pays the two Dominican tile layers.
Do you believe everything the Haitians you interview tell you, Perhaps they are playing on your sympathy and naivety.


Dec 11, 2003
To which I ask you the following: Are yo so naive to believe that the Haitians wouldn't JUMP at the opportunity and move here en masse if our state were to declare all of a sudden that every child born of an Haitian mother would be granted Dominican papers? You don't see it as an issue because you love anything and everything Haitian, but I'm really uncomfortable at the mere thought of having an Haitian majority-minority deciding things here in a future if our state would be suicidal enough to enact such a policy, or in other words, the possibility of being a minority in one's own country. Specially when the history of this island itself affords the example of what has happened to the people unfortunate enough to have become such.

Welll, NS, I feel your pain. The US is going to 30% Latino in a few years and I imagine by the next century it will be a majority.

I understand a bit of the issue. Not all of I am sure. But you have to do either LESS or MORE, You have either STOP giving such GREAT care.. OR give BETTER DOCUMENTATION to the HAITIAN Children born here to ASSURE THEM of their OWN Future Citizenship,.

As it is.. ok.. say six years ago the estimate was that 10,000 Haitian women crossed over the border to give birth. The majortity of them returned,. I do not know if they do so now. The DR border hospitals handled most of the births. But, if it was a difficult birth, which a lot of them were, the mother was transported to Santiago or the Capital.

Fine. Pressure was put on the DR vis a vis citizenship. You changed your constitution to make it jus sangre. Your right. Fine. You introduced the Libra Rosada to register foreign births, Good move. Now. You hand a pink paper to an illiterate Haitian woman and she leaves the hospital. She is supposed to somehow know how to turn that over into papapers for her child. Copies are not sent to Haitian Consul. I know. I checked.

You .. the DR give free primary education to this child. in Spanish. Great and generous. Child finishes grammar school. Cannot go to high school No papers.

Child reaches 18 tries to get cedula. Cannot.

Told he is Haitian. Goes to Haitian Embassy, Cannot negottiate Haitian embassy cannot read or write French or Kreyole .

Child, now 19. has a baby with another .. Dominican born descendant of Haitians also with no papers

THAT child. DOES NOT have the rights of CITIZENSHIP in HAITI.

Now what is happening here is that those Dominican Haitians.. who DO have Cedulas are having to come back, when their cedulas are up for renewal with the legal papers of their GRANDPARENTS

to show that there are no HaITIAN NAMES.

Now I can google that .. or you can but it is out there. I am not trying to throw sticks on a fire. I am just trying to explain the fire.

The DR is now currently NOT accepting for citizenship any child born of a HAITIAN MOTHER.. it does not matter if the father is Dominican or not.

So, really NS what are your going to do here ?

If the child is raised here, educated here, has a Dominican father? Isn't he at least going to turn out more Dominican than Haitian?

As for black va white.. hell. take a look.. Black really.. you have 10 million almost pure blacks, probably 9 million mullatos and maybe one million so called whites.. who are diligently looking for blond blue eyeds,

So what I am suggesting is that there needs to be some sort of more like a good solid plastic embossed card.. which gives the little baby a fighting chance of one day getting a bank account, a high school education, and a pasport.

none of this is the baby's fault, right?

The DR is by FAR the more advanced country here in terms of paper work.. so do what it takes to not create more stateless people... what is it going to take?

Your little pink paper is not enough,. You have to do better. It has to something LEGAL from HAITI, NOW either you STOP giving AID or you START giving Identinties.

or you continue in the Court in Costa Rica and you continue with a Stateless population and all this sh4352

You guys have to renew your cedulas all the time. You are masters at this.

instead of saying how much you are helping the HAITIANS. DO THIS .. THIS would help.

instead of going BACk and taking away the papers from the very very small percentage of Haitians who managed to GET CEDULAS..some of them, just as any other foreigner does,

BACK I might ADD when it WAS NOT



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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Talk about a one-way street of thinking!

Annie, if you really want to help make a change for the better for all the Haitians, go to the root of the problem: Haiti...

No matter how many Haitians are "uplifted" by people or NGOs in the DR, they will be an insignificant number and solution to what's back in Haiti.

You don't fix a leak by mopping up the spilled water with the best mop and buckets, but by addressing the leaking pipe.

For all eternity you can find all kinds of problems faced by Haitians not only in the DR, but elsewhere they could flee to. Want to fix it? Head to Haiti and get to work there, to fix the actual problem that's causing all this!

Make no mistake about it! Haiti can thank their lucky star that it has the DR for a next door country, if the island was split with said, the U.S.? The wall would reach to the sky and electrified with over 400 volts of continuous power!

Annie pack your bags and head west! That's where the root of evil lies and where something can be done to remedy it.

Soon after you'd arrived and tried to fix the problems, you'll find out why other "Haiti do-gooders" like you pack their bags and seek another place where people want to really change for the better.

She already knows, she moved out of Haiti and into the safe confines of Santo Domingo.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Welll, NS, I feel your pain. The US is going to 30% Latino in a few years and I imagine by the next century it will be a majority.

I understand a bit of the issue. Not all of I am sure. But you have to do either LESS or MORE, You have either STOP giving such GREAT care.. OR give BETTER DOCUMENTATION to the HAITIAN Children born here to ASSURE THEM of their OWN Future Citizenship,.

As it is.. ok.. say six years ago the estimate was that 10,000 Haitian women crossed over the border to give birth. The majortity of them returned,. I do not know if they do so now. The DR border hospitals handled most of the births. But, if it was a difficult birth, which a lot of them were, the mother was transported to Santiago or the Capiral.

Fine. Pressure was put on the DR vis a vis citizenship. You changed your constitution to make it jus sangre. Your right. Fine. You introduced the Libra Rosada to register foreign births, Good move. Now. You hand a pink paper to an illiterate Haitian woman and she leaves the hospital. She is supposed to somehow know how to turn that over into papapers for her child. Copies are not sent to Haitian Consul. I know. I checked.

You .. the DR give free primary education to this child. in Spanish. Great and generous. Child finishes grammar school. Cannot go to high school No papers.

Child reaches 18 tries to get cedula. Cannot.

Told he is Haitian. Goes to Haitian Embassy, Cannot negottiate Haitian embassy cannot read or write French or Kreyole .

Child, now 19. has a baby with another .. Dominican born descendant of Haitians also with no papers

THAT child. DOES NOT have the rights of CITIZENSHIP in HAITI.

Now what is happening here is that those Dominican Haitians.. who DO have Cedulas are having to come back, when their cedulas are up for renewal with the legal papers of their GRANDPARENTS

to show that there are no HaITIAN NAMES.

Now I can google that .. or you can but it is out there. I am not trying to throw sticks on a fire. I am just trying to explain the fire.

The DR is now currently NOT accepting for citizenship any child born of a HAITIAN MOTHER.. it does not matter if the father is Dominican or not.

So, really NS what are your going to do here ?

If the child is raised here, educated here, has a Dominican father? Isn't he at least going to turn out more Dominican than Haitian?

As for black va white.. hell. take a look.. Black really.. you have 10 million almost pure blacks, probably 9 million mullatos and maybe one million so called whites.. who are diligently looking for blond blue eyeds,

So what I am suggesting is that there needs to be some sort of more like a good solid plastic embossed card.. which gives the little baby a fighting chance of one day getting a bank account, a high school education, and a pasport.

none of this is the baby's fault, right?

The DR is by FAR the more advanced country here in terms of paper work.. so do what it takes to not create more stateless people... what is it going to take?

What's it going to take= Haitian parents that aren't too lazy to do the right thing, get their papers in order and make their children Haitians.


Sep 2, 2008
If the child is raised here, educated here, has a Dominican father? Isn't he at least going to turn out more Dominican than Haitian?

Not in this year and age, where it's harder for ethnic groups to "burn the ships" like they used to do a couple of centuries ago when communications weren't as advanced, specially with a group constantly reinforcing itself with recently arrivals like the Haitians here, and NGO's reminding them of their roots at every corner, like the Jesuits. Moreover, socialization of a child is done by the mother in this and all eras of humanity, except for those fathers who happen to be single due to widowhood or other reasons. But what are the chances to find those kind of fathers in a pathriachal reality such as this one, Annie?

As for black va white.. hell. take a look.. Black really.. you have 10 million almost pure blacks, probably 9 million mullatos and maybe one million so called whites.. who are diligently looking for blond blue eyeds,

For me it's not as much a matter of color as the fact that making kreyol a second official language here and adapting all books in our school system for such a population would be the same as reinventing the wheel, specially with a language that have very few if any technical books.

So what I am suggesting is that there needs to be some sort of more like a good solid plastic embossed card.. which gives the little baby a fighting chance of one day getting a bank account, a high school education, and a pasport.

none of this is the baby's fault, right?

No, but I suppport the above...and "preparar" the mothers to not have any more children. I know, I know, this is a draconian measure (and I'm sure Chip will come barging in with an anti-abortion diatribe), but it seems very few people here realize the fact that Hispaniola is the most overpopulated island in the Caribbean.

The DR is by FAR the more advanced country here in terms of paper work.. so do what it takes to not create more stateless people... what is it going to take?

We might as well take over and make Haiti a colony of ours, since it seems the "the DR is the more advanced country" will continue ad infinitum, or at least for the remainder of our lifetimes.

Your little pink paper is not enough,. You have to do better. It has to something LEGAL from HAITI, NOW either you STOP giving AID or you START giving Identinties.

I'm all for stopping all aid (since it seems to lead nowhere), but the thing is, the Empire from whence you come from and the alphabet soup of institutions serving it might take issue of it. Although in my estimation, we could certainly plead our case asking them for more financial intervention (as in, subsidizing our helping the Haitians), since it's all a chain of dependencies, as Onions and Carrots put sometime ago in the Debate thread, IMF > DR > Haiti. If this chain is broken, millions of Haitians will literally eat each other, and a large chunk of our own population could follow suit, too.

or you continue in the Court in Costa Rica and you continue with a Stateless population and all this sh4352

Already addressed above. Libtards in the US, Jesuits, NGO's, the unholy alliance. Or as Gunner from Haitixchange once put, the aid industry.


You are aware of the fact that the population here is reaching the point where even people that were sympathetic to the Haitian plight once (like Alvaro Arvelo hijo) are getting fed up from the BS coming from the parties above and PAP, right?
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Nov 1, 2009
People are starting to do just that. Thing is, when people do that (like the Santiagueros did last month), you have people like Edwin Paraison, Joseph Harold Pierre and the student Berthony Delalue (all writing at Acento), or the Jesuitards themselves saying "Dominicans are being rayciss'". Bad if we do, bad if we don't.
This may sound regionalistic, but it seems that Cibae?os, especially Santiagueros seem to be the only Dominicans with balls, and the only ones who actually seem to give a damn about the problem. In Santiago there has been quite a few protest against illegal Haitians in the last decade, and I'm not talking about going around burning huts like some have done when a Dominican gets killed by a Haitian. These have been real protest, the most recent ones, was back in 2010 when many Santiagueros protested that if authorities didn't do their job, or if Haitians wouldn't leave voluntarily, they would take matters into their own hands. They set a date for the Haitians to leave, and most voluntarily left the province at least. I remember seeing very few Haitians for a few months, but as everyone knows they came back, thus today there's just as many or more Haitians in Santiago than the rest of the country. Recently there was the protest you mentioned, but hey Santiagueros alone can't change things, and like you said a bunch of people started claiming "racism".


Sep 2, 2008
This may sound regionalistic, but it seems that Cibae?os, especially Santiagueros seem to be the only Dominicans with balls, and the only ones who actually seem to give a damn about the problem. In Santiago there has been quite a few protest against illegal Haitians in the last decade, and I'm not talking about going around burning huts like some have done when a Dominican gets killed by a Haitian. These have been real protest, the most recent ones, was back in 2010 when many Santiagueros protested that if authorities didn't do their job, or if Haitians wouldn't leave voluntarily, they would take matters into their own hands. They set a date for the Haitians to leave, and most voluntarily left the province at least. I remember seeing very few Haitians for a few months, but as everyone knows they came back, thus today there's just as many or more Haitians in Santiago than the rest of the country. Recently there was the protest you mentioned, but hey Santiagueros alone can't change things, and like you said a bunch of people started claiming "racism".

Don't be so discouraged, some southerners are starting to take the cue, specially those in Azua province (more specifically, the town of Padre Las Casas), which is noteworthy (and perhaps, worrisome) by itself, since southerners have always been characterized for their pro-Haitian leanings, which explains why the territorial losses that the DR experienced in the XXth century happened from that side and not in the north.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
The test of a giant is reaching down and helping others. Why don't you display first world intelligence?

Are you a giant? What do you do to help? I currently give a number of poor Dominican children free education.
What pray tell , Mr. Elite first world person, is first world intelligence?
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