All the Dominicans do this !!!!!!!!!


Apr 28, 2006
The official website of Santiago de los Caballeros use the Gentilicio "Santiagues" when referring to the people of Santiago.

Portal del ciudadano

This is from your link and there seem to be quiet a few placename.......I highlighted them towards the end.
Origen de Nuestro Nombre
Cuando en 1515 por orden de Ovando fue trasladado el asentamiento primitivo desde orillas del R?o Yaque al Solar de Jacagua, los espa?oles que hab?an venido llamando a la villa ?Santiago?, en recordaci?n de Santiago de Compostela, ciudad de Galicia en la Madre Patria, le agregaron ?de los Caballeros? seg?n se dice, porque sus primeros pobladores fueron 30 caballeros de la Orden de Santiago el Mayor.
Santiago...! era el grito con que los espa?oles durante la Reconquista, en su propio pa?s, invocaban a su patr?n al romper la batalla. Pero adem?s, Santiago de Compostela, fundada en el Siglo IX, fue el m?s importante centro de peregrinaci?n de la Edad Media y a ella acud?an fieles de todos los pa?ses europeos para visitar la tumba del Ap?stol Santiago localizada all?.
Las peregrinaciones al sepulcro del Ap?stol, llenan toda la Edad Media y buena parte de la Edad Moderna. El itinerario se hac?a por una famosa v?a conocida como ?El Camino de Santiago?, transitado por los viajeros de Occidente organizados en romer?as, a lo largo de los Montes Cant?bricos en su vertiente atl?ntica; estas peregrinaciones llegaron a ser usuales en la cristiandad europea y se hicieron particularmente intensas de las romer?as invariablemente recog?an conchas (veneras), para mostrarlas al regresar a sus lugares de origen como prueba de que hab?an visitado la tumba del Ap?stol Santiago y conservarlas como recuerdo de su peregrinaci?n. Con la tradici?n, las veneras (o conchas marinas) se convirtieron en s?mbolo del Ap?stol Santiago.
Al otorgarse en 1508 el Real Privilegio de Concesi?n de Armas a la Villa de Santiago en la isla Hispaniola (hoy Santiago de los Caballeros), la figura her?ldica que se incluy? en su escudo fue la venera. La C?dula Real, firmada por el rey Fernando el Cat?lico como administrador de los reinos de su hija do?a Juana I de Castilla, dice textualmente: ?En campo de gules cinco veneras dispuestas en sotuer, bordura de plata cargada de siete veneras de gules. Timbrado de Corona Real Abierta?.
El diccionario de la Real Academia nos dice que la palabra Santiago tiene su origen en la expresi?n latina: Sanctus Jacobus (v?ase Edici?n 19?, Madrid, 1970, P?g. 1179). Tambi?n se dec?a Sancte Jacobe.

De ah? surgi? el Yague, que tambi?n se escrib?a Iague, y el Santi Yague (Rodolfo M. Raggucci, "Literatura Medieval Castellano, Glosario Etimol?gico Medieval", Buenos Aires, 1949, P?g. 382). "Yague" tambi?n significaba Diego.
En el siglo XIII se usaba con frecuencia el Santi-Yague. En el siglo XVI, Santi-Ago. Modernamente Santiago. (Ram?n Men?ndez Pidal. "Manuel de Gram?tica Espa?ola", Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 1962, P?g. 83, 84 y 207).
Gramaticalmente el t?rmino Santiago como nombre propio muy usado en vocativo conserv? su forma en la segunda declinaci?n. Pero por otra parte la uni?n de las dos vocales latina y a en una sola s?laba result? un poco tard?a en la historia del idioma espa?ol por tratarse de dos vocales desiguales. Todav?a en la ?poca de la Conquista de nuestra isla se dec?a Santi-Ago. (Men?ndez Pidal, obra citada).
Seg?n nos ha escrito don Rafael Lapesa, quien fuera Secretario perpetuo de la Real Academia Espa?ola, el nombre "Santiago" con su actual contextura fon?tica y gr?fica aparece en Gonzalo de Berceo, "Vida de San Mill?n, estr. 420, hacia 1230". Trascrito "Santiago" en el Poema de Fern?n Gonz?lez, estrofa 419, hacia 1260. En la "Primera Cr?nica General", cap?tulo 978, hacia 1289 alternando con "Santyague". En el siglo siguiente, o sea en el siglo XIV, abundan tanto "Santiago" como "Santyague".

En la mencionada edici?n d?cimo novena (19) de Diccionario de la Real Academia Espa?ola, figuran como derivados de "Santiago" las expresiones: "Santiague?o", "Santiaguero", "Santiagu?s", "Santiaguino" y "Santiaguista".

"Santiague?o" o "Santiague?a" comienza a aparecer como gentilicio en la edici?n del Diccionario acad?mico de 1925 (15a) para referirse a los naturales y a las cosas pertenecientes a la ciudad y provincia de Santiago del Estero, Rep?blica Argentina. Luego fue admitido como gentilicio de Santiago de la Espada provincia de Jaen, Espa?a. Tambi?n como gentilicio de Santiago de Panam?.

Portal del ciudadano
Look under Origen de Nuestro Nombre


Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
Has anybody asked this yet?

Do you own that car bachata? :cheeky:

a chopismo test

That is a good question, yes I know of many people that show up cars that someone else ouns.
I bough that litte 2003 Dodge Neon for cash $ 3,700. I can afford to buy a best car but this is ok. for me.



Apr 4, 2002
That is a good question, yes I know of many people that show up cars that someone else ouns.
I bough that litte 2003 Dodge Neon for cash $ 3,700. I can afford to buy a best car but this is ok. for me.

And a smart move it is.
If and when you attain a success level where you truly have all sorts of spare cash to buy a brand new super car, then it is wise to do as you did, buy an inexpensive decent brand car with a fair bit of reliable life left in it.

And for those who wondered, JJ ain't no Chopo.
I know, I know, that was a doubble negative.
JJ is not a chopo.


Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
Yes Marcos, you are right. I'm lucky to have some spare money. I have been here in the US. for two month trying to find a good job, it is no easy for new immigrants all the jobs that I find to do here is " hard work " and I'm not used to do that. for the past tree weeks I had been working part time for a parking company in down time. I think next week I'll be full time doing ballet parking for a new hotel.



Apr 4, 2002
Yes Marcos, you are right. I'm lucky to have some spare money. I have been here in the US. for two month trying to find a good job, it is no easy for new immigrants all the jobs that I find to do here is " hard work " and I'm not used to do that. for the past tree weeks I had been working part time for a parking company in down time. I think next week I'll be full time doing ballet parking for a new hotel.

That would be "valet" parking.
Those damn B's and V's always get confusing.
Best of luck to you.
PS: Rome wasn't built in one day.
Be patient.


Jun 4, 2008
Yes Marcos, you are right. I'm lucky to have some spare money. I have been here in the US. for two month trying to find a good job, it is no easy for new immigrants all the jobs that I find to do here is " hard work " and I'm not used to do that. for the past tree weeks I had been working part time for a parking company in down time. I think next week I'll be full time doing ballet parking for a new hotel.


Bachata have you tried to go to one of those agencies that help people find a job, you tell them what your experience are and they will place you in a job that fit you!!!;)


My thread snapped!
Jul 1, 2008
heres me with my car



Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
You moved to US at 47? Any particular reason why you left DR now?

My wife's doughter is an American citizen. Her Spanish is worth than my English, and now she finish the highschool in a bilingual school in Santiago, where all the students are Dominican Yorkers and never speak spanish. She is going to college here in NC " Wake Tech " . This is the big reason for us muving to the US.



My thread snapped!
Jul 1, 2008
no thats not my hair you will notice its just a tree in the background.....and yes my husband is on one end of the leashand a man in white trainers is on the other end


Jan 2, 2002
LET ME GET THE RECORD STRAIGHT. I am sick and tired of dominicans living outside of DR and giving us a lesson here (people who live 24/7 in DR).
Not a single dominican has ever referred people from santiago, DR as santiagues. The people from santiago are called "SANTIAGUEROS" y punto final. Now if you think they are called santiagues, you will be the only one here on this island who thinks this way.
Case closed.


Jan 1, 2002
I have been "informed" that our proper name is "Santiagues" but the people, as has been clearly stated, never use that term. they refer to themselves as be it.

RE: Chopo, just happy to be with his family... and he is right, "they all do it."

Somewhere there is a photo of my two aunts from Guatemala with their mouths open chasing snowflakes in West Virginia....So be it...

Chip only needs the propane tank to fit the bill to a "T"....Motor, beer, and basket!!! What more could a guy ask for??




Jun 4, 2008
LET ME GET THE RECORD STRAIGHT. I am sick and tired of dominicans living outside of DR and giving us a lesson here (people who live 24/7 in DR).
Not a single dominican has ever referred people from santiago, DR as santiagues. The people from santiago are called "SANTIAGUEROS" y punto final. Now if you think they are called santiagues, you will be the only one here on this island who thinks this way.
Case closed.

As you just said you live in the DR 24/7 and didn't know that the correct denomym is Santiagues, so you learned something new.

We Dominican living outside the DR, are well inform of everything that is happening in the DR, because we visit every year, and our families keep us up to date.

If you're sick and tired don't come to DR1, WE Dominican will keep coming here to correct the misconception, and defend the DR from BIGOTS, RACISTS here.

Whether you and the rest of the foreigner and ignorant Santiagueses in here like it or not the correct way is Santiagues, no matter if you live in Santiago 24/7 or not.

I was born and raised in Santiago, went to school from pre-K to College, and a foreigner is not going to tell me that i don't know nothing about MY own city/country.