hurricane season 2017

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The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
theapproaching Tropical Wave mentioned yesterday, is moving very slow.
it does not show any signs of a stormy development and surrounding conditions would not allow such for the next several days.
it's "Cnter" passed over the Leeward Islands and is now located NE of Puerto Rico.
that position is hard to spot on Satelite loops, as the wave carries most moisture now on it's South,
slowing down speed and showing behavior of a Vaguada styled piece that tries to concentrate all water on that southern portion, which will pass PR during topday and tomorrow slowly.

it is tracking on the exact Path of Hurricane Irma and should move along the PR Northshjores and then along the DR Northshores towards Florida, running between Cuba and the Bahamas.

as it's waters seem to concentrate on it's S it could become a danger due strong Rains over PR and then DR.
as a Vaguada such can last a couple days with strong waters specially where that concentration touches Mountains.

we have no stormy dangers anywhere in sight for this weekend,
but who lives around our mountainous areas and near Rivers of sucharaes should keep an eye up in the Skies and stay away from the anyways already saturated/high water level running flood prone areas.





The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
just a addy of info, as i mentioned Puerto Rico's situation in prior posts.
our boat is again on today's return Trip from Puerto Real with a load of unexpected passengers.
the Ferry between San Juan and Santo Domingo is operating again 3 rides this week.
on the way from Santo Domingo to San Juan they stuff the Ferry with supplies,
the return ride is for passengers.
if you are in PR and want to ride on the Ferry Out,
you have to show up at their San Juan Office in Person to purchase your Ticket,
as they have no system running for the usual online booking.



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
MikeFisher. Are the people coming to the DR Dominicans that previously entered PR illegally?

you think i would type about some Pirate rides, like in good old times?
they are Puerto Ricans, today one Spaniard is also aboard, and Dominicans with their papers.
we clear Customs and Immigrations when we leave Cap Cana
and we have to do the same when we dock in Puerto Real.
leaving there means again to clear Customs and Immigrations for all passengers and Crews
and the same game again when arriving back in Cap Cana.
Customs is very nice on both sides, they only take a quick look on goods to be of real alimentations/Help/nececities,
no quantity restrictions and no duty asked for anything, it is help.
of course all passengers and Crews pay their Immigrations Port Fees leaving here, entering there, leaving there and back entering here, like every toruist pays at the airports coming in and going out.



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
so here we are under a strong Vaguada formed off the Tropical Wave mentioned the last couple days.
The Thunder Rolls over Punta Cana.
as assumed, it is a full waterload, no wind but full open Gates up there pouring down.
most of that formed south of the Centered Position and is hanging over the Caribbean Sea,
moving very slowly onwards Hispañola.
for our already filled to the top vulnerable flooding areas this could become a deadly sunday and monday.
there are no steering winds present and none forecasted to blow it out,
it will stay almost stationary and pour down til it's empty.
on Sat Shots we only see clouds, so exact positioning and movement is not possible.
as we all know, the DR does not run a simple Radar Station to observe such dangerous Waterloads in Detail and direction and sadly since Maria the Puerto Rico Station in San Juan is gone. the greater Antilles are now a huge Radar Hole.

if you life vulnerable to more rainwaters than we already had of lately,
then this is the time to pack and visit some relatives on dryer grounds for a while.




The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Did I miss that comment with the "48" hours... Long time ago.. :D


nothing Cyclonic out there, but those winds are anyways not what we fear on the Island, it is the continuation of heavy waters for certain areas.
for myself today was simply a day with several strong showers, mid morning acompanied by an hour of loud thunder.
right now it is nice sunny, kids are playing downstairs already since a couple hours.

it is a wave that formed a Vaguada for today and we have already an other stronng and widespread one on mid Highway.

Stormwise, no dangers out there to spot nor expected for the next days.



Sep 27, 2017
I don't understand Post #1886. "Deadly sunday and monday"? Today was a perfect beach day.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
just to pop in so nobody thinks our weather watch is forgotten, lol.
it stayed quiet as promised and we have still no dangers to spot near Paradise Isle.
the only active Atlantic system is a small one between Bermuda and the Azores,
not an area we have to watch out for and anyways, IF it becomes a Storm number the next couple days, it would go down right away afterwards, no deveopment assisting conditions up there far away from our NE.
for the next couple days all still looks quiet and fine.

keep to enjoy the weekend
have a great one y'all.



Jan 12, 2010
I was in Bavaro today at the Punta Blanca golf course and residences , next door to Hard Rock Hotel and Resort and the damage there from Hurricane Maria was horrific . i estimate between about 2000 trees destroyed ,many totally up rooted and others with all their branches torn from their trunks . It was much worse than I was reading here.


Sep 3, 2013
I had some glass guys who came to repair a window the other day, and they said that all of their staff had been diverted to work on fixing storm damage in Bavaro since Maria passed. They said there were a lot of broken windows in hotels. Compared to other islands we got off very light, but there was still damage.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
of course there been broken windows and such stuff.
and keep in mind howcheap a lot of stuff is built, and anyways, receiving hurricane force winds means that stuff is flying around, like tree pieces, zinns, cocos etc etc etc, everyting that been left outside, of course you get some broken windows and alikes.
so what, you name that "damage"due a hurricane?
come on guys, whats that about?
we are here in Punta Cana not just in very good shape compared to other Islands, as those other Islands received real damage up to total construction, we are even in very good perfect shape compared to the rest of the own country, the rest of THIS ISLAND. many parts of the DR lost a lot or even all. agricultural wide portions are hit down to full destruction.
don't tell me due the comment of your Glass window fixing guy, who had to replace 5 dozen of windows, we had a major destructive outcome of the hurricane here in punta cana.
you just start to sound like a new episode on CNN, lol.
the DR suffers a lot due Irma and Maria, many people have their life work destroyed,
BUT no hotel/resort in Punta Cana has anything to complain about, at least not due physical damage.
what will be felt/and already is felt in Punta Cana, is that a significant number of planned to visit guests did not do so, they changed their bookings or just canceled them completely.
and for next Hurricane Season Sept/Oct 2018 we will receive much less visitors than usual for the same low season travel period. 1 storm is something that's taken as a rare once per decade thingy, but the 2 back to back events we just had is of course scary for the visiting clientel and will show it's financial damage during the years to come for that time frame of the year.
i live 100 yards from the Water, my windows not been taped nor otherwise prepared, and they are still all here/at their place. they resisted everything of the last2 decades and there is confidence they will keep up their good job in the future.
even my ouside Mosqueteros stayed all in place and unharmed, even that i was sure they will be gone and easily to be replaced afterwards, too much work for this lazy guy to take them out of their fixed positions.
some thousands of trees sure went down all around in the woods and around the lagoons, too, so what? that's mother nature's cycle to sort out the weak standing stuff every once in a while, thats Normal.
those repairs to be done at tehe resorts, are minor stuff compared to the every several Decades once happening event we had.
in case of Punta Cana really not worth to write home about.


william webster

Rest In Peace WW
Jan 16, 2009
I get it Mike.... 

You should be back monitoring the chat line ...

Too many scammers/spammers..... keep punching them back.

Thanks again for all your help....
Now about helping with those windows.....


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
windows are cheap replacement, nothing to worry about, lol.
the chat line should be clean, at least i did not get some new notification since this afternoon.
or maybe Rubio cleaned up something before i saw it, we spent most time of yesterday and today down on the beach.
imortant is to not get more strong rainfalls for the next many weeks to come,
the countryis on the edge of real danger from such.
all grounds are saturated, even here on the dry East around Punta Cana.
and we are close to the time of the year when traditionally we receive the waters from above needed to fill the aquaeducts all around, just that this year all is already filled up to the top, in reality we would not need any rain anywheern the Isle before christmas, but we sure will get some from now til then.

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