(second half of article is in Spaniah so I used Google Translate)
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NORTH COAST June 25, 2022
Tourism begins renovation of Sosúa beach
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President Luis Abinader and the Minister of Tourism, David Collado, started rearranging Sosúa beach with an investment of 600 million pesos. The work carried out through the Executing Committee for Infrastructure in Tourist Zones (CEIZTUR) of MITUR will positively impact commercial activity, contribute to the excellent handling and management of the beach, and encourage investment in that destination.
This project will cover the recovery of the beach, fitting out restrooms, and organizing the vendors who make life in this area. It will also include the reordering of traffic, parking, and improvement of access to beaches, installation of security cameras, and regularization
of entertainment centers.
A Project Management and Sustainability Unit will also be created to guarantee its permanence over time. Minister Collado indicated that the government, through the Ministry of Tourism, will carry out training and education for vendors, as well as financing
for their businesses.
"Today we are here, accompanied by President Luis Rodolfo Abinader, fulfilling our promise to start a project that will rescue this beach and, more than anything, will have a direct impact on its people, because for us tourism has a human face," said Minister Collado.
The project will include protection programs for children and adolescents in vulnerable conditions to protect minors in this tourist area of the country. This plan has been socialized with the local authorities and all the actors that are part of the area.
It will improve the conditions of all, relocating them to places that will be built in a dignified way where they can carry out their commercial tasks safely, as well as for the tourists who visit the bride of the Atlantic.