I am comfortable with myself. I am at peace with myself and all others. Sarcasm does not bother me. More interested in the subjects we are discussing. Those who prefer to concentrate on me...that is on them.
I had a very colorful life. That was my youth/young adulthood.. I am sure we were ALL very different people in our youth. I know a lot about a few things. Most of which I no longer participate in. But oh the memories. I'm in just a keyboard warrior now. Can handle a gun because of my previous training. Would only pick one up now in order to defend me and my loved ones. I do not even own a car today.
That is why I said that I leave the actual fighting to the young. The young people on this mission will have stories to tell their grandchildren. They will be doing a great service and some will pay a great cost while doing it. Those who have never stood and faced danger will never know.