I don't remember who but some of those guys enslaved other Haitians after they booted out the French.
The biggest issue from a historical point of view is how important Dessalines image became during Duvalier's dictatorship and continues to be reveered today. That is something they have to change. Even the national anthem of Haiti is named after him. Regardless of the country, no place should rise someone to the level of a god that, despite his merits, was a rapist and an assassin. There is a legitimate reason why Dessalines was ambushed and killed outside Port-au-Prince in 1806 by his close friends, less than two years after declaring himself "emperor for life."
Since that time all the way to Duvalier, Dessalines was seen as a marginal character. They recognized that he was brave in leading the revolution, but stop short due to his excesses. The focus was on Toussaint who is the true creator of Haiti, not Dessalines who became the leader of the revolution when Toussaint was out of the picture once the French took him away in chains. He would had never risen above Toussaint precisely because Toussaint was his leader too. Toussaint is the true leader of the Haitians. A man that was also intelligent, educated, had a greater sense of humanity and never stoop as low as Dessalines when it came to doing excesses. He was basically the opposite of Dessalines.
Even the face of Dessalines was changed during Duvalier. All descriptions by close friends to enemies that met him in person say he had a very ugly face. Under Duvalier official references to his ugliness stop and many statues and busts of him present a man with a more handsome face.
Many Haitian historians to this day say that many things done by Dessalines should had never been done and they are right. An assassin, a rapist, and a corrupt man like he was should never be held in high regard. The fact that he was also illiterate with hardly any formal education is also true, but that is irrelevant.
I don't think no other country in the Caribbean and possibly in the Western Hemisphere have an assassin (not so much killing other people in battle, because that's what's done in battles; but, killing civilians while tying their hands on their back, striping them of their clothes, and subjecting them to all sorts of abuses that would result in death is murder) and a rapist, and yet held as the creator of a nation. To boot he wasn't the one who put in action what would become Haiti.
There shouldn't be so many streets, parks, busts, even the national anthem named after him. One statue in Port-au-Prince to commemorate his bravery and that's it. Toussaint should be the quasi-god of Haiti. Aside from Dessalines bravery, overall he was an evil man with an explosive personality, on one hand a womanizer with women he slept with in
every town. On the other hand, a rapist of the women and teenage girls that rejected his advances, plus there are accounts that he beat many of them too. He even killed people that were close to him for ridiculous things such as perceiving that so-and-so looked at him the wrong way. Despicable in every sense of the word. Even Christophe, who also had his issues, wasn't as cruel and evil as Dessalines.