I guess we need to be reminded that living here is a privilege and not a right! If the gov't wants to make us renew our cedulas then all the power to them. I have no problem with this.
Imagine the reaction to "foreigners" complaining in the USA that they are made to pay the fees and stay legal!!! Why are we complaining here. Good grief, follow the rules.
absolutely correct.
Why the Fuss about the simple "need" to keep Documentations Up to Date and Renew on Time??
what would be a Reason Not to Do So???
I've been at the JCE office this Thursday, just 2 Days ago, asking about My Card to be printed, they still do not Print and will not do so before the "Deadline" in April passed.
I've been told If I want My New Card in Hands right now the only way to get it would be to drive to Santo Domingo, but no problem to wait til they Print it here i Bavaro, because My renewal from September 2010 is as Renewed in the System, My old Card showing the Expiration date 2010 stays Valid because I renewed.
Maybe They do also not Renew any more til the Deadline is Up, I don't know, I did not ask about that as it does not effect Myself at this moment.
But if the given Rule is that You have to Renew Now in St Domingo, go There and Do so.
as for Dominican Cedulas, which Foreigners anyways should not look on, because with What Right Foreigners would await the same Procedures for Themselfs than for Dominican Citizens???, here are still Cedulas out which show the Expiration Date of 2004, they are by Law/Ruling all Valid til the for Citizens given Deadlines of Renewal.
I do not understand in any Way the Fuss from some Foreigners about the Need to Renew Their Legal Papers required by DOMINICAN LAW for Foreign "Guests" on the Island.
and They are Simple and Easy.
Cedulas til now I needed to Renew only every 6 !!!!! Years, one Visit to Santo Domingo ever 6 !!! Years nobody can name a Overly "Hassle". Residencies are due for Renewal every 2 Years, and long Term Residents can Renew for even up to 10 !!! Years at Once Now, as I did this month, New Residency Card been issued the same Day and is now Valid til January 2021 !!!
til today I did never find any other Country where Foreigners could have come In sooo Easy and get legal Documentations sooo Easy as it is the Case in the Dominican Republic.
accept the Dominican Laws and Rules as they Are and Comply with the Requirements or simply Live elsewhere.